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The Iberians were prehistoric inhabitants who lived in the Bronze Age.

later there were the Celts, the Celts

lived in 700 B.C. and they were organized in tribes also called Clans. sometimes the Celts built hill forts.
Subsequently Julius Caesar invaded Great Britain, the Romans had a Latin alphabet, in addition they built
Hadrian's wall in the same century. Later there were the Anglo Saxons, they were warriors, illiterate and
pagans, they were organized in Germanic tribes and they used the runic alphabet, they were good
fishermen, and among them they spoke the dialect and between the clans it was necessary to have
confidence. Pope Gregory 1 sent a monk with the aim of returning Christianity to England. Later there were
the Vikings who very often raided and were frequently attacked by the Anglo Saxons and finally the
Normans who came from France and defeated the Anglo Saxons.

Form the Heptarchy to the Norman Conquest


After the Anglo-Saxon invasion, Great Britain was divided into several kingdoms, and in each kingdom there
was a king and they were: East Anglia (frome East Angles), Essex (east Saxons), kent, mercia, Northumbria,
mercia and Wessex.

The Vikings

the Vikings were from norway, sweden and denmark, and attacked the Lindisfarne monastery in 793.

From Alfred the great to Athelstan

the king Alfred the Great of Wessex had joined the Anglo Saxons to defeat the Vikings, and reconquered
the occupied territories and established the currency

The Norman conquest

the normans were Vikings who had settled in the north of france, and were led by William a duke. In 1066,
William invaded Great Britain

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