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EFS : Windows Encrypting File

-Windows' EFS feature allows you to easily encrypt and decrypt files on
your Windows NTFS (new technologie) file system drives. Once you’ve
encrypted files with this tool, other people won’t be able to access them
unless they have your password.

DIAGSVC : diagnostic execution

-Service can be started only manually or by an app an app if it failes to start
the failure details gets recorded in the events logs

SDRSVC : system device recovery

-this service provides windows backup and restore system files

PCASVC : program compatibility assistant

-provides support and monitors installed programs it detects compatibility

IFSVC : Geolocation service

Monitors the current location of the system and manages geofences
(geographical locations with events)

CAMSVC : capability access manager service

Provides facilities for managing UWP( universal windows platform) that
develop universal apps that runs on windows 10, 10 mobile, 11 and Xbox
one without the need of rewriting for each app) so this service checks on
apps compatibility as well as checking if apps got access to a specific
app capabilities .

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