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1. Imagen from a Turkish excavation.

2. Image of a part of a chilean museum in the

exhibition Husares Trágicos.
this is very important for
the history

be tween us the words

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The story of these two images begins us the wo r d


an exhibition I did in Santiago. At the time

of the instalation I encountered this piece
of frieze from the museum that was dis-
lodged by the 2010 earthquake in Chile.
The exhibition had to do with the following
assertion: the history is mostly constructed
by insignificant matters and official histo-
ry is a distractor. In everyday matters, the
colonial and also the patriarchal violence
and its derivations are much more clearly Al friso del museo le hace falta un peluche
visualized. The beginning of the project para que se vea más tierno.
sought to find the re-actualization of histor-
ical dramas, or the colonial experience of
slavery in the present, through the recogni-
tion of history as a cycle, denying the fiction
of modern progress. There is a tenderness in the ruin, as if it were
It seemed pertinent to me to instalate in the asking for our help to repair.
exhibition the fallen frieze in the museum,
to exemplify through architecture, that The enunciation of the problem solidifies the
despite the collapse of materials, discourses, material and its symbolism.
matter remains as a threat of reconstruc-
tion. When my grandmother saw the full moon she
would stretch out her hands to make a wish.
Even if the pain is recognized. There are Some action to relate with others.
no words to represent pain. This is what
Nelly Richard, the cultural critic, aid when The encounter of the ruin with the teddy bear
describing the literature that reacted to the becomes a plinth and detracts from the story of
tragedy of Pinochet’s dictatorship. abuse.
Reformulating the linguistic code implies
reformulating the hierarchy with the things There are many stories framed in the frieze.
that surround us. We must look for sub- Unknown stories that need new words to make
tle clues that reason automatically makes themselves present.

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