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Complete guide on “How to make money with Twitter”

This thread includes all the tools and strategies to start earning today

We spent 500$ on courses, so you don’t have to.

You should know this before you start: This is not a ‘get rich scheme’. Most of them are

Anyways, you can make money fast by using some strategies, only if you stick to it.

Table of Content:

1. Mindset
2. Setting up your profile
3. Choose a strategy
4. Market research
5. Affiliate marketing
5.1. Strategy for Affiliate Marketing / Own Course
6. Service / Skills
6.1. Video Tutorials
6.2. Strategy for Service / Skills
7. Building an audience
7.1. Scheduling your Tweets
7.2. Threads
8. How to grow fast
1) Mindset

Before you start using any strategies you mind should be unbroken.

What do I mean by this?

you should:

- Never give up
- Belief anything is possible
- Think of that success compounds
- Stick to one thing and adhere it
- Be yourself

you shouldn’t:

- Fall into the next “shiny object” (means: everytime a new business idea)

2) Setting up your profile

Nobody knows who you are, so why should they even follow you?

This is what you need:

- have a bio (write about who you are and what you do)
- have an extremely good pinned tweet

This will make them become interested

3) Choose a strategy


- Affiliate Marketing (for beginners) / selling your own course (advanced)

- Offering a service

Choose a strategy according to your skill:

- Writing
- Sales closing
- Knowledge about Training
4) Market research

To start you need to pick out a niche.

These are “The Big 3”:

- Wealth
- Health
- Relationship

Pick one and break it down: Wealth -> Make money online

Now break it down even further: Make money online -> Make money with Dropshipping

5. Affiliate Marketing


1. Choose a niche
2. Get your personal Affiliate link
3. Promote the Affiliate on social media

Where to get your Affiliate link:

- Warrior Plus
- Digistore 24
- Clickbank
- buy courses and ask them to be an affiliate for them


1. Create your own course

2. Sell it online

(Only do advanced if you have a strong community)

5.1. Strategy for Affiliate Marketing / Own Course

1. Use the steps from point 7 to build an audience ( target 1k+)

2. After 1k+ followers start to do sales Tweets.

Basically the first tweet is going to give your audience valuable information and the second
tweet contains your Affiliate link. So it’s actually a thread.

Make your Tweets and Threads sound interesting and attracting. Example heading for a
thread: ~ This is why you fail at dropshipping.

To generate a so-called FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) thread, use headings like these:

~ This dropshipping course will change your life forever. First 10 people will get a 50%

3. Start selling in the DM’s:

- Get in contact with your followers and people that are engaging in your comments.
- Then get to know each other and talk about goals, their needs etc.
- Next, sell them a course according to their needs

6. Service / Skills

There are many services you can offer. Here are couple examples:

- Video Editing
- Social Media Manager
- Copywriting/Ghostwriting

Of course you need to be good at the service you want to offer. YouTube is free, so go on
there and learn.

6.1. Video Tutorials

- Video Editing:

- Social Media Marketing Agency:

- Copywriting/Ghostwriting:
6.2. Strategy for Service / Skills

- Again, use the steps from point 7 to build an audience.

- When you have 100 Followers start to do cold-outreaching
-> cold outreach at least 10 people daily people and offer them your service

If you follow the steps in 7.1. you are going to have so much time and even cold outreach to
more than 50 people a day.

Some DM strategy’s:

1. Hey, I like your content about …

just wanted to say if you need any help at (your service), just reply back.

2. Get slow into the conversation:

- compliment
- ask them a yes/no question
- reply quick
- ask them about their goals and needs
- ask them if they need help in …

Remember: The first client is always the hardest

- you need to collect testimonials at the beginning

- give them a discount ( then they are more likely to buy)

After you get 3+ clients start hiring other people to have less work. This way you can accept
more clients and expand a lot.
7. Building an audience

This is really important for both strategies.

To build an audience you need to know your niche ( as explained before)

- Create a Table with following columns: Frustrations, Dreams, Wants, Fears
- Use that table to create the content

Example: Wants (niche: make money online with dropshipping)

Tweet example:

If you don’t make money with dropshipping, here are 5 points why you fail:



7.1. Scheduling your Tweets

- Prepare and write your Tweets for the whole week in 1 day.

How do you find Tweets and which has the most potential to go viral?

Use a website like Tweethunter (there you can see all Tweets which went viral in your

for the free guys:

- go to Twitter
- type anything in the search bar
- now you can see at the top right corner “advanced search”
- you type in your keyword ( example= dropshipping)
- at the bottom you go to minimum likes and type 1000

Boom! now you see all the Tweets and can get a rough idea
7.2. Threads

Now you have plenty of time to write 3 threads per week.

- Look back at 7.1 to find viral tweets or threads if you don’t have any idea what to post
- Your threads should be valuable and help other people according to your niche.

Also try to make your content “edutainment”.

This means:

- education in a funny way

- important thing is just to get creative

8. How to grow fast

You won’t get any likes or views on your tweets unless it goes viral, which is really rare.

So here’s what can help you:

- Join in an engagement group -> paid ones are better

- Ask bigger Twitter accounts for Retweets -> pay them or offer them a skill you have
- Comment on other Tweets or Threads in your niche -> either a valuable comment or a
funny comment (On Twitter, create a list of 100 people which are in the same niche as you
and have more than 2k+ followers)

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