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During our group meeting, we discussed the best educational system, face-to-face It's been said in brick

and mortar schools that the onset of online K-12 education will mean the death of face-to-face
interaction. However, that's not the case -- or, at least, it shouldn't be. In face-to-face learning, students
are taught course content and learning materials in person by an instructor. This allows for a live
interaction between a learner and an instructor. In our group Serevo present as a prime minister,
discuss face to face learning is the best way to learn knowlegde, Vergara present as a leader of
opposition, Vergara said he disagree that online learning is the best way, Lerios as a deputy prime
minister system defending the online learning , and Torres the deputy leader disagree about deputy
prime minister opinion because he said covid is still Rapfast its not safe to the student to go to school
there still a lot of factors consider things is needed to know before conducting face to face process,
Baltazar as a member is also disagree about all the non facts statements as what the deputy said and
prime minister said because on he’s opinion we the government should agree in terms face to face
educational system, Padilla, as a member who also like Baltazar is he also disagree, Government whip
said focuses several element including lectures, copstones , and projects. The final talk of our deputy
leader is “ Every student has a difference learning in a different learning style some student are visual

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