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Detailed Reading/Detailed Information

Detailed reading is a technique used for extracting information accurately from the whole

text. Under this technique, we read every word for understanding the meaning of the text. In

this careful reading, we can skim the text first for getting a general idea and then go back to

read in detail. We can use dictionary to find the meaning of every unfamiliar or difficult


Detailed reading means a detailed understanding and a detailed understanding of a text

means understanding the author’s message, therefore, not only the individual words,

sentences and paragraphs but their structure and communicative function; distinguishing the

main ideas from the supporting details and understanding the cohesion of the text.

Interestingly, scanning is about specific information (person, date, place…….etc) but

detailed reading (detailed information) is about pieces of information like: recipes. That’s

to say: how to prepare something (instructions). Of course you need to read all the

ingredients: here it is a detailed reading or you look for detailed information.

Definition of detailed information:

Detailed information are facts or pieces of information about someone or something. If you

detail things you list (mention) them, or give information about them. Example: recipes,

descriptive documents, biographies, notices, CVs ………etc.

N.B : imagine there is a document describing some aspects of a pharmaceutical substance,

some basic composition information is provided, and the paragraph ends with:

The detailed information on the substance is presented in section 3. Question: should there be

“the”, or could it be omitted? (We cannot omit “the” because “the” here is referring to

detailed information and we already mentioned it).

Answer: No, we cannot omit the article because it’s referring to a specific set of information,

which is detailed information. On the other hand, if the mentioned is now new to the reader,

so it might be okay to omit the article “the”.

*There are plenty of situations when you would use “the” with “information”.
Example 1: I need the information tomorrow.

Example 2: The information that I about to give you is confidential. (The speaker is showing

that it is an important information).

Example 3: Thanks for the information on work permits.

-if the writer can assume that the reader knows what kind and/or scope of information there is

in section 3, it is necessary to use a definite article; this might be the case if:

*It is stated earlier in the document what information is available.

*It is understood from the context what information is available.

*The information is a standard set, for example those required by health and safety


Communication strategies:
Sometimes we do not know, or cannot remember, the precise word we need. This can happen

in our first language too, but we are more probably aware of it when speaking another

language. Here are five common strategies for dealing with this sort of problem.

Communication strategies in 2nd language:

1. Approximation: use a more general or related word like animal instead of rabbit,

building instead of house.

2. Paraphrasing: describe the appearance or the function of the word. Example: he

cleaned the house with a.………. the thing that sucks in air. (Aspirator)

3. Invention: you invent a word made from a second language. Example: a picture place

instead of art gallery.

4. Mime and gestures: demonstrate the meaning with your hands or body. Example:

clapping your hands to show the verb applause.

5. Appeal for help: ask another person or a technological device for help. That’s to say:

ask for help if your body doesn’t work. As fast as possible you find the help.
Task: think of something special or unique about the culture of your region. It could be a

sport, a dish, a piece of clothing, ceremony, it is important that your partner is not familiar

with the thing you have chosen it , because that means he or she will not make efforts to

understand you . Describe it to your partner in English. When you find it difficult, use one of

the strategies or more without the last one.

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