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LISTENING b) He can’t help c) She’ll give it

her tonight back by 4:00
1. What does the man c) He’s sorry he d) She’ll try to
mean? can’t ever help return fast
a) He is leaving her
now d) He’ll help her 8. What does the
b) He has to go with her woman say about
out of his way physics Tim?
c) He will not be a) She hasn’t seen
leaving now 5. What does the Tim
d) He will do his woman mean? b) Tim was there
own way a) Her eyes hurt only for a
b) She tought her moment
2. What does the lecturer was c) Tim was around
woman assyme great a short time ago
Steve did? c) The class was d) Tim will return
a) He locked the boring in a minute
door d) She didn’t want
b) He tried to watch 9. What does the
unsuccessfully Professor woman mean?
to get into the Martin a) She doesn’t like
house the place he
c) He was able to 6. What does the man choose
open the door mean? b) She doesn’t
d) He left the door a) Not all the bills want to get into
without locking have been paid the car
b) They don’t c) She’s glad the
3. What does the have enough spot is reserved
woman mean? credit to pay the d) They can’t park
a) She doesn’t like bills the car there
to listen to c) What she said
turkeys on the phone 10. What does the man
b) She thinks the was not mean?
dinner sounds credible a) There’s planty
special d) He used a credit to eat
c) She especially card to pay b) The
likes the roast some of bills refrigerator’s
turkey broken
d) She’d prefer a 7. What does the c) The food isn’t
different dinner woman say that in the
she’ll do? refrigerator
4. What does the man a) She’ll call back d) The refrigerator
imply? quickly is about to burst
a) He will be busy b) She’ll definitely
with her be back by 4.00
PART 2. READING recipe on the Internet every time. We did
The text below is for questions 1 to 3. everything in silence because we did not want
In the middle of a bright day, I had an mother or father to wake up.
appointment with my friend for lunch. I drove We mixed the ingredients into a batter
along the main road at reasonable speed. and then put the batter in the oven. After baking
About fifty meters before the for several minutes, we took the cake from the
crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the oven. It was not very shapely, but it looked
pavement suddenly ran across the road in front delicious. We put it on an oval plate and put it
of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as on a small table near mother’s bedroom door,
hard as I could. I really panicked and I had to hoping that mother saw it right after she opened
swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a the door. Then, we went to our bedroom.
car which was parked by the side of the road. Suddenly, we heard a sound
Fortunately, the pedestrian was not “Prank!!!!!”. We ran out of our bedroom and
injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because were very surprised. Our cat had stood on the
my head hit the wind screen. I did not wear my table and the cake spread on the floor. We were
seat belt. speechless, thinking that our hard effort was
Then, an ambulance arrived and took me to the useless. Then, mother opened the door and asked
hospital where I had to have five stitches and us what happened. We told her what happened
rested for a few hours. There was a lot of and she smiled. She hugged us and said thanks
damage to my car; the wind screen was broken for the spoiled gift.
and the bodywork was badly damaged. Later, I
was interviewed by the police at the hospital. 4. “We were a speechless, thinking that our
hard effort was useless.” (Paragraph 4)
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? Which of the following sentences have
a) Where the accident happened the word with similar meaning to the
b) When the accident occured underlined word?
c) How the accident happened a) The most important thing in my life
d) Why the accident happened is my family’s happiness
e) Who were involved in the accident b) Trying to contact Donna right now
2. While the writer was driving, suddenly will be in vain since she is very busy
a) A pedestrian hit his car with her work
b) A pedestrian ran into his car c) We can create beneficial products
c) A pedestrian greeted him from recycled materials
d) A pedestrian ran across the road d) I appreciate all precious moments
e) A pedestrian crossed the road with you
3. From the text we can conclude that … e) We never thought this item to be
a) The pedestrian was careless priceless
b) The writer broke traffic rules 5. Why did the writer and her sister make
c) The writer drove his/her car fast the cake in silence?
d) The witness helped the victims a) They were speechless
e) The writer helped the injured b) They were still sleepy
pedestrian c) They did it unwillingly
d) They wanted to give their mother a
The text below is for questions 4 to 6. surprised
It was early Sunday morning. The alarm e) They did not know what to do
in my cell phone rang. My sister and I planned 6. What is the best title for the text above?
to wake up very early that day to make a a) A surprise on my birthday
surprise cake for mother’s birthday. b) My sister’s birthday party
We walked to the kitchen and prepared c) A surprise for Mother’s birthday
all the ingredients. It was our first time at d) A surprise for mother’s birthday
making a birthday cake so we had to read the e) A Memorable Time in My Life
The text below is for questions 7 to 16. 11. What is the meaning of “block out” in
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon line 5
moves in front of the sun and hides at least some a. Square / persegi
part of the Sun from the Earth. In a partial b. cover
eclipse, the Moon covers part of the Sun; in an c. Evaporate /menguap
annual eclipse, the Moon covers the center of the d. Shrink / menyusut
Sun, leaving a bright ring of light around the
Moon; in a total eclipse, the Sun is completely 12. According to the passage, how can the
covered by the Moon. Moon hide the Sun during a total
It seems rather improbable that a eclipse?
celestial body the size of the Moon could a. the fact that the Moon is closer to
completely block out the tremendously immense the Earth than the Sun makes up for
Sun, as happens during a total eclipse, but this is the Moon’s smaller size
exactly what happens. Although the Moon is b. The Moon can only obscure the Sun
considerably smaller in size than the Sun, the because of the Moon’s great
Moon is able to cover the Sun because of their distance from the Earth.
relative distances from the Earth. A total eclipse c. Because the Sun is relatively close
can last up to 7 minutes, during which time the to the Earth, the Sun can be eclipsed
Moon’s shadow moves across the Earth at a rate by the Moon.
of about 6 kilometers per second. d. the Moon hides the Sun because of
7. This passage mainly the Moon’s considerable size.
a. describes how long an eclipse will
last 13. The word “relative” in line 8 could best
b. gives facts about the Moon be replaced by
c. explains how the Sun is able to lose a. familial
the Moon b. infinite
d. Explains the reader about solar c. comparative
eclipse d. paternal

8. In which type of eclipse is the Sun 14. The passage states that which of the
obscured in its entirety? following happens during an eclipse?
a. a partial eclipse a. the Moon hides from the Sun
b. an annual eclipse b. The Moon is obscured by the Sun
c. a total eclipse c. the Moon begins moving at a speed
d. a celestial eclipse / gerhana langit of 6 kilometers per second
d. the Moon’s shadow crosses the
9. The word “ring” in line 3 could best be Earth.
replaced by
a. piece of gold 15. The word “rate” in line 9 is closest in
b. circle meaning to
c. jewel a. form
d. bell b. speed
c. distance
10. A “celestial body (benda angkasa)” in d. rotation
line 5 is most probably one that is found
a. within the Moon’s shadow 16. Where in the passage does the author
b. somehow in the sky mention the rate of a total eclipse?
c. on the surface of the Sun a. line 1-2
d. inside the Earth’s atmosphere b. line 2-4
c. line 5-6
d. line 8-9

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