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Ana Lyn A.

Abad October 28, 2022

BSAIS 101 Prof. John Paul Catubig

Top Three (3) Entrepreneurial habits I practiced this week.

1. Using fears and anxieties as fuel. This week has been very exhausting for me because we did a lot of
school-works. We also knew our grades on some of our subjects, even our examination scores. Thinking
about these, it scares me more about the future. My mind asks questions like, “What if I’ll fail on the
next term?”. But the good thing is, I make those fear and anxieties as a motivation for me to better and
improve myself. If I am not satisfied about my grades, I planned to study more and my very best.

2. Put first things first. Because of the never-ending activities in the school, I am training myself in time
management. Managing my time is one of the hardest things to do. I am very playful and can easily
distract, especially when I am using my phone. That is why now, I started to set my priorities. I am
writing the activities that I should finish urgently and slowly doing those that are not really urgent but is
important. This is significant for me because usually, us students, do a lot of seat works, reporting, and
laboratories. So, for me not to have a full-loaded schedule, I am finishing my activities whenever I have
spare time.

3. Sharpen the saw. I have been motivating myself lately that I should have a balance life. So, to do this,
I am working out again after being stuck for some time. I also surrounded myself with positive people
who encourages me to pursue what I have started. Right now, I am trying to eat healthier food to
maintain my good health. And most especially, I always read the Bible and pray to God.

One (1) major challenge I encountered while practicing the habit

 Inconsistency I find it hard to be consistent on what I am doing. Usually, whenever I started to practice
a new habit, I give up so easily. I am a “go with the flow” person most of the time. So, if I feel that my
plans do not happen the way it should be, I just let it happen and move forward. And then I stop.
Sometimes it is also negative because it promotes inconsistency.

One (1) thing I’ve learned from my challenge

 Do not give up and always think of your goal. I should erase ‘inconsistency” in my vocabulary.
Whenever I feel giving up, I will always think “Why did I start anyway?”, “What is the reason why I’m
here?”. With that, it will motivate me to practice good habits that I can used in my future endeavors.

Two (2) habits I plan to practice next week.

1. Be proactive
2. Turn obstacles into assets.

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