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20 Prompts to Cure Writer's Block

Prompts To Try Mid Story.

by Handi

1. Make Andy Ramsbottom wake up somewhere different than

usual. How did he get there?

2. Switch the perspective to Andy Ramsbottom.

3. Writing exercise: Write the text of an online dating profile for

Andy Ramsbottom.

4. A dream allows Dan Blacksmith to look events from a new


5. What if Sonya Torrance discovers a secret about Andy


6. Give Dan Blacksmith something to laugh about.

7. Describe the most traumatic memory from Dan Blacksmith's

childhood. How does that influence current events?

8. Make Andy Ramsbottom accidentally send a text to the wrong


9. Could the entire plot have been a ruse designed to teach Dan
Blacksmith a lesson?

10. What would Dan Blacksmith's mother think if she could see
him now?

11. Give Andy Ramsbottom a pet.

12. Introduce a prophecy.

13. Dan Blacksmith says, "I'm ready to tell you who I really am."
14. Writing exercise: Write a newspaper article as if you're
reporting the events in the story so far.

15. Andy Ramsbottom screams. Why?

16. Sonya Torrance shouts, "Let's have tea first."

17. Could Andy Ramsbottom have been dead all along?

18. Writing exercise: Write about the characters on holiday. Use

what you learn about them to steer your story.

19. What if Dan Blacksmith is carrying a weapon?

20. Change formats: write a letter to the local newspaper from

Dan Blacksmith.

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