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Week 7 – Task 2b Competitive Analysis (based on Design Principles):

Assignment 2 (10 marks): Conduct a Competitive Analysis study

1. Overview of the assignment
- Identify and study TWO (2) similar systems and make critical evaluation from HCI
Design Principles perspectives.
- Prepare Competitive Analysis Report of the 3 systems (2 other similar systems +
1 the proposed system)
2. Based on lecture, there are 6 elements in HCI Design Principles:
i. VISIBILITY – what the user see (buttons, text boxes, messages, output, etc.)
ii. FEEDBACK – output from input; Does it correctly deliver the information?
Does the feedback sufficient? Does it make sense?
iii. CONSTRAINTS – restriction/limitation that are used to prevent/reduce error
iv. MAPPING – mapping between action and control
v. CONSISTENCY – internal and external
vi. AFFORDANCES – how to use the controls/UI elements
3. The main task – to Critically Analyse the systems based on the 6 HCI Design
 Collect detail information about the current systems (via register as user,
read documentations, interview the owner, etc.)
 Evaluate the strength (S), weakness (W) and opportunities (O)
4. Template of the Competitive Analysis Report:
 Chapter 1: Describe in general the term Competitive Analysis
 Chapter 2: Background of Similar System (what? Features/modules? Who?)
 System A
 System B
 Chapter 3: Competitive Analysis for System A
 Visibility
 Feedback
 Constraints
 Mapping
 Consistency
 Affordances
 Chapter 4: Competitive Analysis for System B
 Visibility
 Feedback
 Constraints
 Mapping
 Consistency
 Affordances
 Chapter 5: Summary of the Competitive Analysis
 Table/Matrix
 Chapter 6: References

5. Submission Date:
 Part A: Chapter 1 and 2 (Today, Tuesday, 29th Nov 2022, 4:00 pm)
 Part B: Other chapters (Monday, 12th Dec 2022)

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