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There are many laws and regulations related to children published, but its implementation in the
field is still shows the existence of various types of violence against children including bullying.
Bullying is any form of oppression or violence intentionally by one person or group of people
who are stronger or power over another person, with purpose to hurt and carried out
There are many definitions of bullying, especially those that occur in other contexts such as at
home, work, community, community virtual. But in this case is limited in the context of school
bullying or bullying in school. Riauskina, Djuwita, and Soesetio (2005) defining school bullying
as aggressive behavior that is done repeated by a person or group of students who have the
powers, against the students other is weak, with the aim of to hurt the person.
Cases of bullying that often occur in the world of education in Indonesia increasingly worrying.
The results of the study of the National Development Consortium The 2014 Character School
stated that almost every school in Indonesia. Indonesia has cases of bullying, although only
verbal and physical bullying psychological / mental. The case of seniors bullying juniors
continues explode.
Bullying can be grouped into 6 categories:
 There is direct physical contact.
 Verbal contact directly.
 Non-verbal behavior directly
 Non-verbal behavior indirectly.
 Cyber Bullying.
 Sexual harassment.
a. Impact on victims.
 Depression and anger
 low attendance and low academic achievement students,
 Decreased intelligence test scores (IQ) and analytical skills student.
b. The impact for the participants.
Participants have high self-confidence with self-esteem also, tends to be aggressive with the
behavior of the pro against violence, the typical hard, irritability and impulsivity, low tolerance
to frustration. Have a need strong to dominate other people and less empathy towards the target.
By doing the bullying, the perpetrator will assume that they have power against the state. If left
continuously without intervention.
Efforts that must be made to overcome bullying include : prevention and treatment using
recovery interventions social (rehabilitation).

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