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Job Analysis

A job analysis is the most comprehensive way to understand specific “can

do” and “will do” components of your service, sales, and support job. With
the help of a job analysis, you can accurately identify job candidates with the
highest potential to become high performers. By using a job analysis to build
a solid talent selection foundation, your organization can reap benefits that
include higher customer satisfaction, higher revenue per call, lower early-
stage attrition, and an improved company culture.

Job analysis is a systematic process used to identify the tasks, duties,

responsibilities and working conditions associated with a job and the
knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics required to
perform that job."

In simple language, it refers to the process of collecting information about a

job. It involves collection of information that should include knowledge,
skills and abilities (KSA) the incumbent should possess to discharge a job

Job Analysis results in 2 sets of data-

 Job Description
 Job Specification

Job description indicates what all a job involves- tasks and responsibilities
tagged on to a job, job titles, duties, machines, tools and equipment, working
conditions and hazards form a part of job description

The capabilities that the job-holder should possess form a part of job
specification. Education, experience, training, judgement, skills,
communication skills and the like are part of job specification.
The most important thing is that there should be a fit between the job
demands (job description) and abilities to perform the job (job
specification). Any mismatch is likely to result in job dissatisfaction which
results in consequences like low productivity, absenteeism and turnover.

Benefits/Importance of Job Analysis-

 Laying the foundation for Human Resource Planning

 Laying the foundation for employee hiring
 Laying the foundation for training and development
 Laying the foundation for performance appraisal
 Laying the foundation for salary and wage fixation
 Laying the foundation for safety

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