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1. Benefits of planning :

1. Able to participate work environment on time

2. Focus more on future plans
3. Reduces stress
4. Guidelines for decision making
5. Makes the person more organise in his/her daily life
6. Helps to complete tasks

2. Differentiate between strategic planning and operational planning.

Strategic planning is a long-term project that affects the entire organization. Its’ purpose is to move
organization from where it is now to where it’s suppose to be. Strategic planning has the mission to
broaden its’ services, help the customer and improve product quality and quantity. Other than that,
successful planning process involves creating value for the customers.

Operational planning is a day-to-day activities that are needed to achieve the long-term goals of
strategic planning. It can be categorise as standing or single-use plans.

3. Define standing plan and single-use plan.

Standing plan exist to help organizational problems that occur frequently. For instance, rules,
procedures and policies. After that, single-use plans are used to managed specific organizational affairs.
For example, programs, projects and budgets.

4. How can barriers to effective planning be overcome. Explain.

It can be overcome by improving social skills. Most people have problems with communicating with
another person and it made them stutter when they speak. The only way to overcome this is by practice
yourself in front of a mirror. Next, asks for help from others who are more experience. This would allow
the individual to know the certain tasks that they need to do in without mistakes. Other than that, join
any program that focuses on improving yourself on becoming a better person in effective planning. This
will allow the individual to have more better coordination than before.

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