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What is the basic Importance of art a society

Art, as it is a universal form of communication, it enables a society to express its cultural values and
communicate with others regardless of their socio-demographic background.

It is possible to develop a strong sense of community belonging with the help of art. It can bridge the
gap between different cultures. Art is a very important part of our culture and all kinds of artworks must
be highly encouraged.

It creates an inclusive experience across all platforms: on TV, online, on demand, and social media,
embracing how today’s digitally savvy, socially engaged audiences connect through content, using it as a
catalyst to drive conversation and build community.

How artists serve a society

How artists are idolized by the youth

Most Tv show portray artists as poor

The impact of portraying artists as a poor

Solution and the need for collaborative efforts


The Mainstream Media must lead and shape the Social Media. As social media platforms allow

The talk show reintroduces successful persons that are found in many different sectors, aiming to inspire
the young generation.

Learning the life story of others will give you an insight on how they were able to overcome the
challenges that stood in their way. You will also learn what kind of values guide their purpose for
wanting to succeed.

Telling stories is one of the most powerful means that leaders have to influence, teach, and inspire. And
stories are more engaging than a dry recitation of data points or a discussion of abstract ideas.
Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. Being young is, ultimately, facing challenges
and creating or recreating a space for future full development. It means turning problems into
opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society.

Young people not only represent the future of our country, we are one of society’s main agents of
change and progress. We have a great effect on economic development too. In this stage of our lives, we
build many social relationships and develop a personality that defines us as a new generation. What we
do when we become adults depends on how we think and act today.

Young people only have one role and are the same they have always had. It does not change, because
their role is actually changing everything, doing things better than before and injecting them with joy
and energy.

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