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The Reconstruction of the Social Order

uadragesimo Anno is an encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI on 15 May
1931, 40 years after Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum novarum, further
developing Catholic social teaching. Pius XI discusses the ethical
implications of the social and economic order. He describes the
major dangers for human freedom and dignity arising from
unrestrained capitalism, socialism, and totalitarian communism. He
also calls for the reconstruction of the social order based on the
principles of solidarity and subsidiarity. It reflects an effort
by Pius XI to restore Aquinas's understanding of general
justice to a central place in Catholic political reflection.
Pope Pius XI wanted to...
restore harmony in society. He was critical of
both socialism and capitalism. His vision
centered on functional or vocational groups
which he believed could bind people together
“not according to the position they occupy in
the labor market, but according to the diverse
functions they exercise in society”. In this way,
he asserted the importance of society above the
economy. According to Pius XI’s vision, the
common interest should prevail within each
group and their activities should be directed to
the common good.
Teachings of Quadragesimo Anno

The view that everyone deserves equal

economic, political and social rights
and opportunities.
Su y

c i a l J u s ti c
A principle of social doctrine that all
social bodies exist for the sake of the

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