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Level of Moral Description of Favorable Unfavorable

Development Milestones Outcome Outcome
(specific (specific
situation) situation)

Preconventional Moral reasoning is Ana is motivated by Ana becomes more

based on the fear of punishment. hesitant and
consequence/result She acts to avoid anxious instead of
of the act, not on the punishment of her confident and
whether the act itself mother. cheerful.
is good or bad.
Buboy is motivated You punch my face;
to act by the benefit I will punch yours
that he will receive
candy later.

Conventional Moral Reasoning is Fatima constantly tries Because Fatima's

based on the her hardest in class parents have great
conventions or because she doesn't want expectations for her,
“norms” of society. to disappoint her parents. she became anxious
This may include and worried that she
approval of others, would fail to meet their
law and order. expectations.

Daniel does not want to

be mocked by her
coworkers, therefore he
performs his duties
properly and correctly.

Post- Moral reasoning is When John noticed his Because of John's

based on enduring friend struggling to study demeaning way of
Conventional or consistent for the approaching test, helping his classmate,
principles. It is not instead of assisting him in both of them may
just recognizing the reviewing the lectures, he suffer consequences if
law, but the allowed his classmate to the teacher discovers
principles behind the copy his answers despite what they did.
law. knowing the

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