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Regional Kingdoms.

1. Who was the greatest ruler of Mewar? What did he do to make

Mewar strong?
The greatest ruler of Mewar was Rana Sanga. He defeated
the ruler of Malwa and annexed parts of his territories.

2. Into how many sultanates was the Bahmani kingdom split up?
The Bahamani kingdom was split up into five independent
sultanates because the later kings were weak and the
governors of each province became independent. The five
sultanates were
 Ahmadnagar-ruled by Nizam Shahis
 Bijapur-ruled by Adil Shahi
 Golconda-ruled by Qutb Shahis
 Berar-ruled by Imad Shahis
 Bidar-ruled by Barid Shahis
3. Who was called the Akbar of Kashmir? Why
Zain-ul-Abidin also known as Badshah was the greatest
ruler of Kashmir. He is popularly known as Akbar of
Kashmir. He practiced religious tolerance and patronized
education and learning. He also encouraged agriculture
and new arts and crafts.

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