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ty FORCE ott Bel bg RSH =STAR. WARS. FORCE roy >) lh eta [oP ya Rel De es Ce neon CeCe Oe Ce om Oc cca cities. Where the shadows hold sway, lawlessness Pe Ree ee eC UA CR Ca tc Coe Dee ee ee Cm CT aa) ee CC) Cr eae Cm CCRC occ men Ramet 4 Cee Cle MR Cg there is evil, these crusading avengers are ready to ip aol oe CREDITS LEAD DEVELOPERS ‘Sam Stewart and Tim Huckelbery WRITING AND ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Max Brooke, Jordan Goldfar, Monte Lin, Jason Marker, and James M. Spahn EDITING AND PROOFREADING (Christine Crabb and David Johnson MANAGING RPG PRODUCER Sam Stewart GAME LINE GRAPHIC DESIGN Cris Beckwith Shaun Boyke, ‘Samuel Shimota, and Evan Simonet EXPANSION GRAPHIC DESIGN Bran Schomburg Evan Simone, and Scott Nicely GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGER Brian Schomburg COVER ART Darren Tan and Mark Molnar INTERIOR ART Crist Balanescu, Arden Beckwith, Matt Bradbury Rovina Cai Siharth Chaturvedi, lames Combriage, ‘Alexandre Dainche, Aurore Fony, Tory Ftl, David Grit, Samantha Hoge, Jeff Lee Johnson, Jason Juta Kate Laid, Adam Lane, Mark Mona Sim Rimm, Stephen Somers, Ryan Vale, ‘and the Lucastim ar archives, ART DIRECTION Zoe Robinson MANAGING ART DIRECTOR Andy Christensen PRODUCTION COORDINATION ohn Briton, Marcia Coby, Jason Glan, Liza Lundgren and Johanna Whiting PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Megan Duehn LICENSING ‘Simone Eliott and Amanda Greenhart CREATIVE DIRECTOR Andrew Navaro EXECUTIVE GAME DESIGNER Corey Konieceka EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Michael Hurley PUBLISHER (Christian Petersen PLAYTESTERS Paytest Coordinator Zach Tewalthomas.“Anozra Sector Rangers’ Vince Schelzo wth lan Alevizon, Mike Keever, CCocy McClellan, Max Stanfrd, Phi Keever, and dim Stone. “Con Save Brewery Gamers” Matt “Kaosoe" Pruett with Ben Barrow, Matthew Hoover, Lee Pruett, and Dylan Whitsett, "Nerd Herders" Anthony *LibrariaNPC™ DeMinico with HK. LebeCott, John “Og the Beautifur ‘Aakins, and Melissa “Oggina the Ternble" Adkins, LUCASFILM CREATIVE DIRECTOR SENIOR EDITOR LUCASFILM STORY GROUP Michael Siglain Frank Paris Leland Chee, Pablo dale, ‘and Mat Martin FANTASY Fantasy Flight Cames PLIGHT 1995 West County Road B2 GAMES Roseville, MN 55113 USA *™ Lucasfm Lr. No part ofthis product may be reproduced without specie writen permission. Fantasy Fig Games and the FFG Logo are reistered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games ‘App Stareis a service mark of Apple inc. Google Pay is trademark of Google inc ISBN: 978.1-63344-287-0 Product Code: SWF3O Printed in China For more information about the Star Wars: Fores awo Desnwy line, free downloads, ‘answers to rule queries, or just to pass on greetings, visit us online at wu FenasyighGames om wn Starscom a See eas eae ed ‘The Never-Ending Search. eee See eed Peete er) paren are ee ere ome et ea Crea see ans ee eee tel 7 CONTENTS Ee caer Cee aad ens eee ee ee one enc) oes es rae ee eee ue) ces eee ere Ti 40 ; _ Fe ee ray Ren eee ne es oe a eC here Cee a ee Conse ee nee ey crs ee coe eee Soe eee ‘of a belly laugh. “Wel, and collecting the bets. Seriously, ae ee eet ad ee rg oe ees that we have enough to finally leave Nar Shaddaa fr good. Sete ene ry ee ee eT Re ee ee aca ere eee tes eee ete ee See ea ee eee Ing leathers—simply held a long, sharp vibroblade in one Ce ae eee eT een et ere eaty Coe eee ees ee eee ee oe CO er en “Back off, Zeto,” Lisa snapped: “You're just angry that ea tee Zeto's eyes narrowed. “He dodges police patrols, avoids trafic, and takes shortcuts the rest of us don't even know exist. Nobodys that good. Not without help,” Re ea ye Ca ae ce ee ee eee ena eat eee ee es Pes en er “I have been Keeping you both under observation for the past six weeks. During that time, you participated in eee a eee ee i ete ee ee Oe ue eee on Sete ee ee eter ee he eee Rene ome ed eee eee nee eee slightly. Tiny lines of glowing script crawled over the glass en ees eer ey Ree ett en eau rete Eee ee ee ete ‘only thing | have not been able to discover is how yu, Pre een ree eae ed eo ae eee EN Cree “Yeah, yeah, that’s enough,” Zeto sneered at Lisa Cee ere tet Ts eee ee esd Cee eae tt Se ees eran Sn coer ae ee ee Coc oe ees Ce ee ee ey ‘across the floor of the garage. At the same time, Dooarix ee eee te ry ee el ee eee ee ‘snatched it out of the air without ever taking her eyes off Pe Ue ea eee ea Cue ra ee Cee ere ee ea Deena He raised his hand to the three humans ani made a vague gesture, “The police are coming. You should take eee aed Ce eo eae erent ee ee ‘crew picked up the semiconscious Zeto and left the garage: id eee) those who are big on brawn and short on: brains,” Tal Feplied, "What | did was not so diferent from how the to of you can sense each others’ thoughts and communicate Sone es eee Eee hand. “You see, we have something in common. Tell me, have you ever considered using your talents for something eee SENTINELS OF THE FORCE Dire means: ar of te Je Order many J of the Jeai Order They were as strong in the Force as any cloistered lives in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant or in of their comrades, but were not as blinded ty dogma or 2s unless monasteries spread throughout the galaxy, Sepa beholden to ancient adlton asther Je. They understood ated from the pulse ote galaxy, they primarly stud tainly eoverfl, the Force had its limitations tated on the ways ofthe Force, rarely leaving the ‘and was only ane foal in their fe toolbox, The Of ther austere lodgings. Some-—such asthe staina most important tool, certainly, bu stil @ tool to use or set ans the independent Seekers. and the wise Consulars—ieft aside as tne siluatlan demanded, Flloning the teachings thai temples on missions of peace, exploration o Chigaly, the Sentinels scattered to the galactic winds, study for months or years ata time, Dut they were hapoy to using thelr skis and fetur to the peaceful soltude of thelr ref ‘Jed, dedication wo effect however, prefered a more publi, seniceoriente al change In ‘quiet contemplation of tei temple-boundl fellows. 1d their energy trom ining. breathing cities and he press of crowds, notin the quit solitude ofa mountainside mona tary They relished working directly with and forthe ordinar people ofthe galaxy, 25 opposed to leading troops, debating on the Senate foe, or searching for some inner truth while mediating in a bare temple room, These gregarious were Jedi Sentinels, and they lived to serve. Even while they were stil readily availabe, the old Je records were unclear about the beginsings of the Sent nels. Some sources, though, suggest that an ancient Jedi ‘Master namee Moret Chigally founded that practical dsc pline. Chgally was @ member of the Army of Lght and a veteran of the crusades against the Brotherhood of Dark hess. He served as a recruiter in the Acqu sition Dhsion of the Jeai Order and, while stationed at the Jedi Temple on Corusca developed a new Jedi dscolin. A problem soher dedi ‘ated to justice and a cunning investigator, he believed that ta truly serve the people, one must ive and work among, them. Chgall fee tat combat traning nes 200d for war Dut ‘worthless in peace, and that pure contemplation of the Force made for good debate and peace of mind but was largely Immpractical nthe real worl. Focusing on selFrelance, the Cultivation of technical skis, and seliss service tothe peo ple ofthe galany, Ct galy laid dow his thoughts in sv fal chapters ofthe guidebook even to all Jedi Temple Inates and brougnt anew discipline into being AFACE IN THE CROWD The Sentinels, a they came to be known, quickly ‘became some ofthe most warily and pragmatic of all ‘heed, Stronely grounded in realty and with a deep understanding ofthe Farce they stood with one foot in the temporal word and one inthe lfty mysticism Over the tong millennia, Sentinels became some of the ‘most recognizable and accessible Jed inthe galaxy. Ainays ready with a helping hand ara bit of know-now, these wan- dering problem solvers focused on small-scale changes and bettering the lives of individuals over big picture poltical or military gains. It was during these formative years that the Sentinels developed thet taste for justi and began earning 2 reputation as fierce defenders of liberty and champions of the downtrodden, Their work inthe galany’s massive cities brought them into close contact with the powerlessness of the common citizen, and also the crue injustices that befell even the most ponerful among them AFORCE FOR JUSTICE Sentinels working througnout the galaxy saw thot the ‘agents of planetary and galactic law were often unable or Lnmiling to help the ctizens they professed to serve. Many times. victims Had no legal recourse and no one to answer their cties for help. Seeing an opportunity to serve the people, many Sentinels took on the roles of investigators or vwglantes. They stepped into the vacuum lft by ridebound ‘or corrupt law enforcement and, inthe service to the good. people of the galaxy, took matters into their own hands. ‘Wherever Sentines lied, people knew that they could appeal to the Jedi for help, and would often receive that help at no cost. Overtime, Sentinels gained a reputation as rack freelance law enforces, private investigators to whom desperate individuals could turn when all other avenues had been exhausted, This dedication to justice above lan, and their ability to confont problems effectively and with few repercussions thanks to their membership inthe Jedi Order, made the Sen- tinels as many enemies as friends. indeed, the very people who benefited from their assistance sometimes resented it most of all. Occasionally this resentment balled over, ‘and Sentinels would be called upon to defend themselves ‘against people they had once called friends and neighbors, ‘Thisivas, thankful, a rare occurrence, The majoty of those ‘whom Sentinels helped were forever eatefl it was only the furious promises of vengeance from criminals apprehended ‘andthe pety,brulsed eg0s of local officials superseded that ‘used the Sentinels any clscomfort In the long run. SENTINELS IN STAR WARS fentinals are the great problem solvers of te Jed. Every situation, every beine. even the Force itself can be seen 5 a problem or puzze: a puzzle with dozens of diferent constanty shiting solution, tut @ puzzle nonetheless, and ppuzles usually can be solved through application of kon edge and logic. Sentinels combine an extensive knowledge of the Force with more worldly skils such as lan, investigation, close combat, and a variety of technical and mectiaica skills Cooler headed than Guardians and Warriors, and perhaps ‘mare contemplate than Seekers, Sentinels prefer thought ful problem salving ta quick thinking action. Given a problem, such 35a lacked hatch, a Senin! can envision a dazen ways through, whereas a Warior might simply cut through it with a lightsaber and a Consular might knack r ask forthe key ‘This careful deliberation extends to Sentinels’ fgting style as well. They rarely fight if it can be avoided. They prefer otter, less lethal means of resolving confict, much the Consular does, Unlike their august and poiticaly savey brethren, tnough, Sentinels tend to use clever lateral thinking and trickery rather than rhetoric and doublespeak to deal wit foes, The saying, “Violence isthe last refuge of the incompetent” is @ common one among the Sentinels, Even in the warlke and degraded Imperial er, Sentinels ‘would rather ak o rick ther way out ofa conflict than fight their way out, The Sentinels are no timid pack of pacifist, though, While they aren't as martial as thelr Guardian and Wartior co: leagues, Sentinel are stil dangerous foes and cunning com: batants. The difference les In how they fight, rather than the scope of thelr struggles. Asin all other matters, Sentinels can ‘and dose every tool at their cisposal to dispatch an enemy. ‘They are quick to adopt new weapons and fighting styles it they suitastuation. Unlike many o thelr brethren, Sentinels. have no prejudice against blaster and projectile weapons Indeed, their understanding of mundane. modem weapons, coften gives them an edge that ather Jedi donot enjoy. Sentinels suered Jess from the rise of the Empire and the purge ofthe once-proud Jedi fom the galaxy than their Jedi kin gid. Their disdain for temple life and their broad presence throughout the galaxy ensured that many were far away from clone troopers during the fil force of Order 66. Sontinels nevertheless suffered numerous losses. As they were so well own in their communities, they were easy prey for opportunists and imperial lackey: Many were ‘turned int Imperial authorities bythe very people they had worked so hard for, oftentimes for only 3 handiul of ced: is oF the promise of Imperial favors. Those wha were able to escape cisappeared into the bawels oftheir great cities, where they continued to serve and to survive inthe nope of carrying onthe Jedi legacy. The teeming worlds ofthe Core are a paradise to the Se: tines Here, on hese densely packed and chaotic planets, Sentinels put their myriad skis to good use. They gravitate toward heavily populated places like Coruscant, Kuat. and Corelia, worlds where the needs are great and the chal: lenges greater. Where the whirl and rush of galactic chil tion washes aver an individual, and where the problems ana puzzles of ife are endemic and as varied asthe stars, there {you may stl find Sentinels Ini also here inthe galaxy’s crowded cities and spranting fecumenopoleis, where the Sentinels do their finest work Artisans seek outancient technologies and hep the citizenry with their workaday technical problems. Shadows and Investigators stalk the streets, each searching for thee prey andbringing ustice to the dark recesses othe galaxy. Races Speed through the cities n powerul, dangerous machines or using the d adders navigate the deep mazes of a metropalls on foo very Buldings and infrastructure as footpaths ar and bridges. The mysterious Sentries stay aloof from afar and swooping in or striking from a distance with cverwelming force to face a problem when the time Is fight—and the passionate Shien Experts bring al the force of their lightsabers and Force poners to bear in the cause of rignteousness Most modem Force adherents with strong moral ibe ‘analytical minds, and a erce decication to justice walk the path of the Sentine!—hetner they know it or not. These individuals tend to gravitate toward the Core, where they fee they can do tne most good. Of course, the Core is aso incredibly dangeraus for these individuals, as its the seat Imperial power and cranis with people who would sel a Jedi aut ta an Imperial agent fo tle more than a pat on the head, Despite this very real danger, most surviving Ser: tinels and young Force users vith Sentine-ike leanings can be found working among the worlds ofthe Core Sentinels are rare sights in the Outer Rim Teritores: While the Rim includes many large and densely packed popula ion centers, even the mast crowded af them is litle more than a bread and open vilage tothe fundamentally urban Sentinel Despite this, many Sentinels, and many more wha follow their teachings, Mave spread out into the Rim ‘over the roughly two decades since the rise of the Empire ‘Out among the wid and open spaces of the Rim, the orag matic Sentinels find new challenges and new ways to use thelr progigous natural gis There are always problems that need solving inthe Outer Rim, problems that a motivated Sentinel is well suited to eal with. Starships, industrial machinery, and agricultural equipment always need maintenance and repairs People reed assistance with all manner of personal and legal prob- Jems: nustice is rampant, and many places are teeming with ‘scum, scavengers, and criminals of evry stripe. n these cha: and often needy locations, even a single Sentinel can elect great ch eee ene ny eee ae es Seed See ee en ene eae ke cetaes vetly, sometimes embracing tacties as darkas those ofthe vilains they oppose, these Force users often stand alone as Eerste) This chapter provides a variety of options for Sentine! characters, offering new backgrounds, emotional strengths and weaknesses, and Motivations. These options detail ee ere ery ee ee a Dest players: the Gand, the Muun, and the Pantorans. ‘The Gand, Mun, and Pantorans each have unique perspec tives as Force users, but they can also be selected using creating a character with any of the other Star Wars Role ee ae ees ue teen ee one eee ete] ee te Se ee ee) Cee eta ye aay as ee ge eee Jedi Saying homeworld culture created the InterGalactic Banking Clan, ‘nd their history includes backroom dealings in which they Poe eee \ar. The Pantorans are citizen politicians clinging tothe ide Soe ees forge aliances and make deals, balancing their ethics and eee ae ies eee ene en eee re io ee ea CE ace eae ers ee ee ee ere eee en the Force. entries take crime personally. though, meeting Ree ey ee ees ‘add versatility to the Sentinels arsenal. My City reflects nee nt een re te ee ey See ee new Force power Manipulate allons a Force user to change Ie ede ae a) err ees THE NEVER-ENDING SEARCH ike Guardians, Sentinels protect people. Unlike Guardians SSentines deal with the personal, the fece-ioace, and the ‘door-to-door, During the Republic, the two dicilines worked: intandem. Guardians handled the immediate treat by break Ing the blockade, negotiating the treaty betneen two oppos- ing forces. or capturing the assassin of a politica leader—and then the Guardians left When the Guardians departed. Sentinels picked up the pieces. A blockade leaves shortages and economic fluc tuations that reverberate for months, even years. A veaty is only the frst sten toward lasting peace. which requires Follow-up negotiations and the recognition of the oot causes ofthe war. An assassin's identity or backing may lead to fur ther bloodshed between factions. Inthe Galactic Civil War, Sentine's no longer nave a Jed (Order ta suppor: them or give them guidance. Instead, the Force subely encourages future Sentinels to find ther nay toa city orto remain there I they have been raised in one. Inevtably, they find themseves inthe middle of 3 problem in thelr community, one they can ignore. Something intemal pulls at them to address the problem, They cart leave ito Someone else to solve—they must take action ‘Te do this work, Sentinels cannot be apathetic. They face long-term and endemic problems that require equally long-term and steady solutions. Characters might become Sentinels because they themselves suffered oporession. An ‘onlooker mignt sympathize, and deciding to do something ‘pout the problem makes them a potential Sentinel. 0 some, the call of the Force isan awakening, For Sentinels, it iso different than a cal to fight injustice. But to be so personally involved in the fight for justice induces feelings of helplessness, terrr, and rage, Sentinels ‘ow passions can become ther prisons. Too many Force us fers fall 0 the darkside thinking that Violence and destruc tion can defeat an enemy, only to ignite more violence and destruction, As sun, Sentinels must be sees by putting thers before themselves, yet they must remember that they remain forever vulnerable to their awn needs, fears, and fats. In the current tate ofthe golaxy, where good people nave ta make the best of bad choices, Sentinels can help make those choices better. The tools of Sentinels are not just their lightsaber, but their words, thelr actions, their knomedee, ‘and their passions and desires. SENTINEL BACKGROUNDS ry character with any background can become a Sent rel, but the career has a particular focus on technology, stealth, and personal interaction: all perfect skis for the fast-paced and chaotic Ife of ciy-dele: A Sentinel back ‘ground also focuses on social, economic and legal injustices. ‘These inequiles do accur on underdeveloped worlds, but they abound in places of high population density (in other ‘wor, cies) In this way, @ Sentinel career ranks among the ‘mast modem ofthe Force user careers. Tis section lists some Urban focused ite paths for Feshing out a Sentinel charactec ACTIVIST Many Sentinels star off a activists in some form or another. Even unawakened to the Force, acthists find themselves Fighting inustice through social and legal pressure. They Sptead awareness, organize bodies of expets, anc push for new lans, On planets that have far cain to have) progres sive rights and equalties,actvsts work out inthe open—or at least not in hiding. On more oppressive pianets,acthists ‘work quietly inthe shadows but are no less effective. Those tha fall o the darkside ge into thelr rage and despera- tion, their activism turing destructive for destruction’ sake, Cor even becoming murderous inthe name of justice AAs an activist, an Artisan can create anything fom ho: lographic images for spreading messages to technology in tence to help groups organize. Ths typeof activist focuses ‘on communication: exposing injustice, informing the public ROLES Vick, and cistriouting vital data to protesters. An Artisan might Fealize a connection to the Force by foreseeing a violent {government crackdown and warning the protestors ahead of time, of by fashioning art that reflects visions ofa forgotten ‘and idle pastor a hopeful future. Unke technology fetish ss, an Arian truly knows that art and technology serve the people, not the other way around, [An activist Investigator may stat work seeking informa tion to incriminate an oppressor, whether Ic isan Individual foup, government, or corporation, Unable or unwiling tO attack the perpetrator direct, ths character aims to expose secrets and to warn the publi, A proper Investigation—one ‘out finding the truth rather than digging up ditto sian ‘er someone—requires intuition, 2 questioning mind, and ‘keen eye. An Investigator finds vital clues forthe cause through mystical lashes of insight, feeling the Force in these brian leaps ‘The Racer serves as an essential ine of communication for actist groups, geting messages fo the right people at the right time, Wrether by foot or by vehicle, the Racer also speeds supplies or even people to where they are needed the most, nto and out of danger zones. With governments ‘monitoring comink traffic and sicer agents scouring the HoloNet, sometimes the Racer proves more reliable and ‘quicker The Force is @ powerful certainty in the Racer's tur bulent if, driving the characte rom hotspot to hot spot as the Racer anticipates the next moment of confit. ~ Activists tend to be targeted by the forces of the satus quo. A Sentry interceots those forces to allow fellow activ Iss precious time to continue vital work undisturbed. Often the strength behind the padium, the Sentry protects the ices of the people, leting others inspire while tamping ‘down unchecked violence both inside and outside the move ‘ment. Many start off as a bodyguard for major poltical fg tures, but some serve as faceless muscle. In either case, the Sentry remains out of the spotight, allowing the Fore Indicate when danger surfaces. ‘The activist Shadow senses corruption and is craw to agents of the dark side. For every push toward justice, a countermoverient farms to bolster the status quo, a mix of reactionaries and political conservative, A Shadow discov ers agents of the dark side manipulating the countermove ‘ment into increasing corruption, abuse of power, and vio lence. This character walks the Jedi path by frst detecting then defeating these insidious agents, allowing the move ‘ment to fight on more even ground, ‘A Shien Expert activist improves a community lateral thinking and unusual methods. For example, a city might loner the tx on goods sold in much larger quantities, rewarding larger. possibly more govemment‘riendly mer chant groups and effectively punishing smaller sellers. The activist instead arranges collective bulk purchasing for mary smalkscale merchants, thereby allowing them to continue to Compete fairy with the larger organizations. Alternatively hen a city shuts down the flow of public water to drive out the poorer citizens, the budding Shien Expert might set up trade with neighooring districts. By tackling dysfunctional and oppressive systems lengthwise, undercutting their efec tveness, and then breaking them with raw force, the activist, unwittingly mimics the Jedi Order's Shien training by using cunning to dea with 3 conflict in an unortnodox fashion. ARISTOCRAT Aristocrats have (or had) money and perhaps a title They may belong to an actual aristocracy, come from moneyed families, or bear historic names that erant them privileges, even if only token privileges. Sometimes these orivieges op press another group. Like elected or appointed oficial ars- tocrats are bolstered by thelr positon and hampered by the conservatism ofthe system itis part of, In his case, cultural pressures rather than bureaucratic ones maintain the status ‘quo. Sentinels with this background may stil have fay and friends who search for them, providing a resource, a source of conflict, and an emotional tie that enemies might exploit, In some cultures, aristocrats are the only ones who have the money, lesure time, and Interest toe the Ife of an ‘Artisan, The tradtional Artsan in the cultural elite has a ‘nique postion, creating art that conveys a subversive mes sage wile being apreciated by the very caste the art cri cdaes. The Artisan with “nee money” may instead be more ‘of technological arisiocrat—the corporate head wo pro duces cutting-edge science and technology, Ths kind of Ar tisan realizes that pror work didn't bring about the change envisioned. as greed or apathy warped innovations fr the purposes of profit margins or watered-down entertainment Unimately, the aristocratic Artisan lives withthe knowledge that lving as a tractional arstocrat was never teuly possible, reflection and inspiration from the Force broadens personal scope and causes the character ta completely reject the ear ler elitist ite Driven by a sense of injustice from thelr arileged vantage point, some aristocrats see indifference or even corruption in their elt peers throughout the galaxy. What starts as a sudden insight inevitably branches into probing questions avout the systems that gave them thelr thes in the first place. Just a5 they first examined thelr families, fiends elite organizations, or inherited corparations. Investigators ry up the veneer of aristocratic perfection to uncover the that the power of the aristocracy was taken, not “Thee inaolty to keep Slent about these truths and Injustices means these characters can never retumn to a comfortable life Racers with this background embraces the thil and danger of the race to complement herr carefully-measured Ifesivie. Popular mecia dariings, these aristocrats either race expensive vehicles in underground matches or takes on Ssporsots in sanctioned public races. However, Racers take this hobiy seriously. To be the best and fastest takes men- tal fortitude, physical talent, and unexpected ciscipline. Ths ‘desir tobe mare than a child of money-—a person accepted ‘on his own merits opened such Racers to the Force. per- haps even mic-race, and guides their action stl ‘An aristocrat-tumed Sentry rejects peers and high-class society, much asan Investigator does. This Sentry uses mon- ey and privlege to protect vulnerable people. Dissatisfied with chaniy fundraisers and public relations campaig, ths character craves a more drect way of making the galaxy a better place. Never having fet want, though, 2 Sentry of ths type struggles to understand what the oppressed need: sil, the Force comes ta those wha strive tobe better. Bored with wealth, the Shadow aristocrat harbors a darker past, one spent collecting Sith artifacts and support ing agents of evl. Now, the Stadow instead funnels Ferce energy into destroying such artfacts and agents. A desire for justice burns where te lust for navety once thrived. No longer under the sway ofthe dark side but stil seeking to remain hidden, this aristocrat uses rank and influence spar ingly but seliessy. The Shadow is now dedicted to undoing ‘damage done internally and on the galaxy as @ whole while uprooting the influence ofthe Sith, ‘oa Shen Expert aristocrat, money and rank are sys tems to be understood and utilized: they are a means to an end, This aristocrat nas no qualms against using either to advance personal goals; why not bribe a person or use a tite to avoid needless conflict? In many ways, manipulating social status and economics might be considered the fist front in warfare. The arstocrat realizes that this cu ring has no meaning without a higher purpose; therefore, imbued with righteousness, the Shien Expert crafts plans {and schemes that become dangerous and powerul CUT Gang leaders don't always organize their groups purely for violence. Some toughs gather together to protect themselves and support eachother. Other gangs mobilize eee at ee ene) etre een ee een persecution, They are only as violent and corrupt as their Jeaders, though, and those led by Sentinels might be the Creeley en a eee) Cee eeu ee ers es Ce nas political ar. Even though Artisans have Se these former gang leaders never really reer ua ea es fill ¥ Ce eee eer tol, even now they dodge law enforcement and brow with eae een eee Ce een ee Cee eee cee eee eo ee ae Se oe on ee those two dozen can quickly sift and analyze that infor: eee ee ce ee Se ee eee es Prete ee ees Pe keene ace Se eee Stee eee the Force. Cee eee ee erie ee ‘some cases, these serve as badges of honor and respect, ee eed ‘expensive or intricate vehicles. Gang leaders who once raided enemy gangs or even legal organizations—robbing from the rch or violent to feed the poor (or themselves)— have moved on to a higher cause, but their vehicles are Pee oe ee ee Re et econ en ie ere ene eee oe eke eed Se er the power ofthe Force. Sentry gang leaders adopt a higher cade of ethics, some. times acting as police of working with the police [atleast vith trustworthy members). Gangs often end up sharing in aries with their leaders, Most Sentrytee gangs operate on the principle of might for right, but some gangs take oncom munity service work. Ifthe Sentry is particulary spiritual, the gang may end up sharing some simian wth the Jedi ‘Order: welcoming young members, training them in combat, ‘and instructing them to follow a path of morality. Many Sen- try gang leaders have given up their leadership position, though, as they are unwiling to lead ther friends into danger for thei own maral crusade, ang leaders who become Shadows delve deep into the criminal underbelly, seeking out the most corrupted inci viduals to neutralize. They tend to be either extremely nigh teous, to the pont of fanaticism, or steeped in moral ambi ‘uly. Their gangs may share their morales, but most dont, following these Shadons only because such leaders are strong and effective, These leaders might break away from thelr gang when some of ts members become addicted to bloodlust and the hunt. In such cases, the Shadows emerge from the darkness tempered, while their gang membershave become the new agents of ev Shion Expert gang leaders understand that soft power provides many more opportunities to ovensheim an oppo: rent, These leaders run their gangs va intimidation; verbal Confrontations are common, and their gangs often revel in mystery, symbolism, and reputation. For exemple, instead. cof eating up a rival, a gang might leave something personal ‘on the targets doorstep: a holoprojetor of 2 laved one or Images of te ra’ day-tocday activites The Force nelps these gang leaders have a change of heat by revealing the terror and misery they have inflicted on others, yet they ever manage to abandon ther tendency to see weaknesses and expo them, LABORERS Laborers start off in menial occupations that require es sential but les-valued skis and often invole repetitive, physical work. They often suffer economic injustices on the Tower rung ofthe socioeconomic ladder. Labor leaders fi the ‘Activist background better, so ths backgroune often reflects, those who giew up in humbler crcumstances. A laborer’ struggles canbe about moral corruption but can also include fighting against despair and crudery. ‘Artisan laborers have maved beyond handcrating de. Vices during off hours, allowing the Force the help guide thei choices. Whereas once they were seling an odd piece here and thee for prof, they now design machines to sole specific issues for inaviduals or entire communities. These ‘Artisans realize that they can bring help to more people ‘and mare actively seek problems 10 solve. Instead of sim ply patching up a felow laborers cybernetic arm that was ‘damaged on te job, for example. they ook or more perma: ‘ent solutions, such as ueter working conditions or afferent ‘les for tei lion etizans. Of course, they stil ix the arm. Investigators who began 3s laborers often feel that Ite doesnt make sense After seeing thelr community sufer the ath of peers, the colapse ofthe local economy, oF the destruction of a beloved communal bulding, these lor. es start asking questions and don't stop. The questions, of course, lead to more questions, but they also lead to ene: mmies~enemies of the workers, or worse. These Investigators form personal connections while sutching together broken communities, perhaps even establishing dilogue between cifferent factions When they ind the culprit, they often find thatthe crime is a symptom of a larger societal disease, leading them to laok into bieger questions, bigger mysteries. ‘and bigger enemies. Many laborer Racers fave experience as commerial rivers wi race during their off time for sport or for profit (Others have been mechanics in offical racing events and hope fora chance to prove themseves ina race. Racers who refer foot power consider themselves urban spelunkers, seeing abandoned warehouses and factories less a a blight ‘and more as an avenue for adventure Fora of these Racers, the Force cals them not to race away from the drudgery of their lives but toward a greater purpose Sentry aborers' backgrounds as bouncers, hired muscle, fr even stikebreakers fas exposed them to the inequities ofthe galaxy, Tei desire to make a diflrence—and ta do, so physically wnat frst brought them into confct with a local bos ora petty governmental oficial. Its what brought ‘them in contact withthe Force. That same drive moves Sen: try laborers into every new clash they nave with the galxy’s Comuption and injustice. For some Sentres, this sense of ‘ongoing purpose ges them peace of mind. For others, the turmoil between right and violence remains struggle, but at least they have a goal and the guidance of the Force ‘Shadows witha laborer background have seen thei com: ‘munities resentment, bttemess. and frusvation tum to rage ‘and hatred, Due toa variety of inequalities those communi ties have had good reason to fel these negative emotions Protests, srkes, and walkouts don't occur uecause laborers ‘are happy. The hatred means agents of the dark side can ‘came from within the community, not just from its oppres S018, pushing 90d people to do bad things. How can Shad ‘ons concern someone for giving nto anger when they fee it themselves? The moment when these laborers judge their ‘communities! hatred in order to save them, they embrace thelr Shadow nature andthe Force Laborers wo become Shien Experts often started off Identiving @ dystunetional system. Being a laborer working 25.8 cog in a machine offers a special kind of perspective on systems, Shien Experts know that sometimes ali takes is 2 try bit of sand in gear to cause tings io come a rind ing halt, Immediately percelving a problem person or even a broken pica system, such asa factory's manufacturing ln, Shien Experts Seek out nays to fx or patch the fats Once they hae fixed that system, the Shien Experts move ‘on to new fans and weaknesses elsennere: people, systems, ‘machines, las, societies, and cultures, OFFICIALS COcials once worked in the system, either in the focal Doureaucracy, law enforcement, a religious organization, or the Empire itsel, From their chaits and desks, they had access to those in power, but ironically, they had ite power themselves, Being cogs in a machine bul of procedures, fea tape, and a caleed culture, In an organization hostile to Force users, the official's tle became a cola, and the position a leash, forcing the affiial to abandon tis rig if the pursuit of something more meaningful is esi. ‘Artisans with this background might use public works ta Improve citizen morale. This includes public at but ca aso encompass architecture, city planing, or technological improvernents. Such Artisans might find themselves stfted ina bureaucracy, as lage grouns of apathetic people move Slowly. On one hand, working in a bureaucracy offersin ile insight on why a society can’t accomplish its goals. On te other hand, Artisans often abandan the systems they work fo, as they can perceive and implement solutions nel before an organization has had their fst me ad the ing Officials who become Investigators start off with some Sore of investigative authority anything from local law en forcement to a corporate oversight committee. Ther time Spent Investigating upward, grinding against the leadership Structure, ghes them an excellent command of bureau despite al ks hurdles. Whereas other ofcals may burn ou unable to bring about the change they want, or gve up and join the oppressors Investigators accept tat truth and justice faroutweigna tile o badge of office, and they keep pushing Racers with this background learned their rat as cou: ‘ers or drivers, tasked with getting important people and valuable tems to their destnatons quickly and safely, Even (ona planet with an active HoloNet, document couriers are stil needed to provide secure transmission of sensive infor mation. Racers who are attuned tothe Force, havever, find themselves refusing specific jobs or using strange routes on can influence seemingly unrelated events. Rac ais use their skls to protect communities and coord aie fesisiance, employing their experience vith veticies ]nd Insitutions in crossing boundaries and batte lines Sentries who once worked in 2 corporate or governmen: tal structure may have serve as bodyguards protecting gov ernment ministers and foreign cignitaries, corporate leaders, and other important people. They le agaist a vod that assigns importance via a diflerent metric, a met hat brute power and violence. Sentres from ths level of ‘ety have eared powerful enemies by abandoring their BES 10 Save someane more vulnerable. oF thei Freer smployers may vant them apprenendedt ar dead since they h about thelr shady dealings, cals who become Shadows ar porate oversight experts frustrated by bureaucratic restn tions or hostile peers. Their greatest concemis that agents of the dark sie ae pulling the strings, corrupting sous, las, and public confidence, These Shadows can literally and figu ratively lose themselves in the shadows, breaking the gov ermmental procedures, civic 5, or corporate bylaws they protect, Perhaps when they defeat the real demons an retun to deal withthe mundane ones Shien Experts who worked a5 ofclals understand the patterns of bureaucracies and economic systems. In many Nays, a Corporate takeover mirrors the language and tactics of warfare Diplomacy becomes contract negotiations; cutting off supply lines is similar to buying outa bankrupting tendors: and taining and squad tactics canbe compared to skills education and team-building exercises. Where befor they destroyed careers, ruined lives, caused damage. and inflicted suffering, Shien Expers heir skis to repairing the broken game. dovore REFUGEES Relugees have escaped violence, starvation, and persecution only to face similar problems in their new home. In some cases, cles are unprepared to handle an influx of refugees ‘ana have no social services set up to accommodate them. In extreme instances, governments separate refugees from he rest ofthe population and cut them aft from economic ‘opportunities. On other rences in culture create ‘esos amang the populations, and refugees face violence rom the eilzeny rater than the government ord, dif ’An Artisan with this backgrouncimakes practical teeinal- ‘ey to help felow retugees subsist orhas a anaris tie sil to boster morale, Que to the unstable nature ofthis ie, an Artisan bulls technology to fix or serve as a stopgap. Solution for immediate problems. This character could cr ‘ate HoloNet taps ta access informatio torsto give refugees energy. or eve repurnose city and into farms. Since people can become relugees regardless of socioeconomic status, many sil branches of knomiedge, and talents from al walks of fe are hair co Atison present but unused in Into ths diversity to help the community sur his Sentinel may mave on fram a refugee background, but the personal lessons ‘The Investigator serves an important role inthe refuge community, Lefton thelr own, refugee communis id them selves creating ther awn rules and structures. When a host planet fais to delver on promises of secuty and enforce ‘ment, an Investigator may fill the vod. The Investigator ha ‘an acitional burden, Catching a criminal doesnt simply bing ‘ne person to justice; asa ells unfair udgment an te re tugees ability to police their own In many ways ths characte has neve left he retugee cam, believing thatthe oly justice people can receive is the ustice they make fr themselies A Racer might have begun by taking parts from aban doned starshins, repurposing repulsors and engines, har mering durasteel hulls to make bleachers and tracks, and creating a racing circuit, albet a dangerous one. In this case, what began when authorties tried to shut the circu down—cting anything from safety to. immoral bbehavior—tecomes life spent bringing justice and econom self-sufficiency to communities in need al over the gala ‘A Racer refugee never sees racing as a frivolous sport, but asa promise of nope and a necessary part of a commun camps need their own police force and a Sentry can help fil this role. AS ane of the downtrodden, a Sen Fy ears the tustof local communities. However, the hast planet's police may have a cifferent agenda: to prevent the refugees’ c 5m ‘infecting’ the host sacely Were this isthe case, enforcement stops atthe border 0 the camp. Inthe worst case Stuatons, authorities may Use he refugees as easy scapegoats for the host planet's own iy, sometimes working withthe host planets authority, but alvays trying to bring justice to those who have no poner or rights. Refugee camps are 2 hotbed of frustrated, dis: ranchised people, and agents ofthe dark side are ready to exploit them. Tnese agents can also prey onthe hast com fugees, influencing both sides an fos tering conflict and pain as they clash rmunity’s fear ofthe A Shadow has to pick the battles to fight and carefully decide who to save and who to strike down amid the over: whelming negative emation on both sides, This character must also personal emotions carefully times a Shao 2 unable ta both real eliminate those who olla darker path, ma ce and As a refugee, a Shen Expert has a fsthand experience of struggling in a position of weakness. Tisis a classic case of asymmetrical warfare, with no rest demoralized people, no weapans, a poor strateec postion foecause refugees are even the worst land to occupy), and a lack of ammunicaton (or outright antreugee propaganda). The ‘opponents being faced are the unfair lans, prejudices, and lack of support ofthe host planet. When the Shien Exper leaves the refugee camp, whether triumphant or defeated, the characte lessons not only of res ‘management, but of empathy, insight, and moral fortitude SENTINEL MORALITIES Gprives eran pesoaly mest te seve shy att ten Kapped. Do hey chang her ans undrake 2 0 save. They fel each succes and falure viscerally, wheth- rescue? In the players’ eyes, which isthe ascipined choice iesrameieamanacea ofevcintrencsadioe’ cnotoal tenes ceting on sc ne Set mations mand ne people they protec They must cre "EUS characte’. They et an enotial care when er Teme aon, bat eae emo angth, the work becomes literally who they nether pesonaliatonsips prety ve the cating." Sre. Convery, tha jus based emainal weaknesses veer. ad despa cn stn wen fergie Sard purhment ate then avalon, const of requires constant, unening effort. Sentinels develop mental vals and emotional blocks to keep themseles clear and Patil, but not so much so that he callous and fsa resi, Sentinel Moraes ten tobe personal and imme: construction, CMs should constantly reinforce the theme nat injustice never ends. presenting frequent choices for he players and always following up withthe conseq ‘ite, constantly requiring te mtand at Lastly, and more dangerously, relationships requte the PN acc ain rn te nost nuance for Sentinels, since these emotional strengths PE sei Cinna = ds: rely on atner people. Sentinels put thelr trust in others so and relationships. Emotional strengtns tha ipline require Sentinels to put heir erotons pine, juste deal with dis hey can fee grounded. Since people rely on the Sentinel for u e protection and guidance, tis symbiotic and mutual relation: in check. These Sentinels find energy and inner peace when hi henefts al parties to it. Honever this makes Sentinels they practice rituals and methods to keep themselves cen SP Benefits a partes tok. However, this makes Sentinels tered, Emotional weaknesse Sentines 5 En eae E° Capacity to feel, Worse thelr weaknesses can also do the too ar etshng the nual and methods © Gamerrc oppose, intensi¥ing ter feelings io a searing Guth, tisting them into SOE ageike spotight that almost impossible for the Sent rng selish and demanding ye to withstand, These characters should have alist of NPC ee rien and alles who can provide excel support but also ent the opportunity 2 require help and protection. When te ends’ needs inter lepay ‘hese tOUBY Fupe the Sentinels mission, does acceting or denying te are ‘ply tothe Serine’ strengths or weaknesses? whic players nave to Se Players may replace Table 2-1: Morality on page 50 o he Foace ano Desrnt Core Ruleoook with Table 1~1: Sen ge 17, Players may choose to rol fandan impulsive nel Moralities on one. For example, fandomly on the table or select a Morality based on their wie on an mis- background, cor pilosophy, or desied character arc. Each on, Sentinels os character starts play with alMoralty value, 2s described on sorneone nas page 49 ofthe Foace AND Desnvr Core Rulebook SENTINEL MORALITIES Eire Bravery: The character ether defies ear respects [inp ses guise esr means opportnty or Sten sa atery comes fom tang e184 a es ~ | rugaty: Theres strength in ivinga sme tte, not | jostin eschewing possesians tut aso in keeping | fottonships simple, so as nat tobe cstractea rom | the bigger pitre ‘Caution: The character understands that hose caught Ira conflet ae he most vulnerable Bengrecess ‘only serves those n power nha have hte and resturees to develop counter pans | Wonder: na ci, very doy provides a nen venture ‘Teskeepa the character conectea nay leamine and ave. The city tesces the charster to remain | open onen experiences, sit surprises cai ‘Compassion: This character takes the time wo engage sth the troubles of stranger (ana thee are so man). {Ths can range rom aoferng willing ea o providing ting and ner suppor Merey:Tansaressions happen al the tine. This arate has akon a higher pat, eng peope “nother chance to be bate, Punimert reer) ‘Manseession ony means everyene ends up ctains 41-48 Righteousness: The charac takes anger ana Sislad of suppressing uses ro fuel work Pushing harcer allows him fo savocae or hase who canto Soforthemsehes, ride This character might tae pri in personal atcompsments, bit gently takes pie nthe woxk ‘others an a he commun. When» communty Modesty: The craracieeschens rei and thanks. ‘Moral anyone cn do ths mer. This attde ensures ‘scpine and focus the aah at hang and us hepa oters ana reaueingsutlerng ‘Trust: This character beliyesn ging everyone the benef of the doubt. The goad that comes rom Insti others bulls conmunities and provides ‘emotonal sper. aaa Sein eaten ees Seeieee come ome ney =e Malleabitity: Tis characters morally an ethically fextole and judges stuatons and others bases on relate ceumstance forthe good of the commu, | tether than on rt aga ce 97-00 [ etairorat un Tere mp neo ni eaoeE Eines ‘Defiance: The character misakesdefancefor | ‘bravery This merely senes to cause tension and | trouble for outers wnie generatnga fase sense of | perso satsation. | ‘Condemnation: Fh character insists on 8 Sandara rat noone can bear Ths includes the | Condemnation ofthe se, punishing once for ttansgessions imagined of acta. | Fear: Wie fear often forces person into naction, ite also propel a character into an llaevsed action. Letting ear guide ones ations means never preparing never ging fretougt. ‘Alienation: Win toe many people and too many problems, the character get overwhelmed and titarave The ety continues on. enon anyone person. Why no time take care ofthe protien? Hatred: Seeing so much ufering causes the Character to difretits between th good people taro deserve help are bod wh deserve hate Having cletyientied the nad the characte can row bia them or the suring Weariness: Even a sant can bum out I's ot tat people dont deserve elp ora sacond cranes, FRethet theres alnays another And anotter. And Snother Seon this tide becomes lass, and even ‘ulerng becomes abstract. T Spite: The character deliberately reso upset or hrethose beneath tim. Indulgence inthis pertness Comes easly a5 these ndhcuaisdesenecontemt. ‘Arrogance: 8y aking ones te pinnate of Sehievement, al otra shore, Soon, noone is Worthy af the characters time orconiceation, ‘Vanity The character urs se deference into fae rradesty, denigrating imself and expecting oars {Ebister his ego. A sta passhe-agpessbeness fan emerge, inhien the cnavacter demands | Fecognison fr tismogesy Guardedness: The characterhas been betrayed fne oo many tines and eises wo allow ta Fappen agar. Why expect better ofa person when there ene reward for dang so? “Cruelty: This character not only serves as asa ‘sppoted ge and executioner but also starts t0 Blewett inicting pains ating punishment How else are the nicked supposed to lean? Dogmatic: Wien oresed or ematonaly bud ‘ts tharactr al back on rgd ects tend of ante tkes emotional enery to wasp alos ‘tule ana sometimes thee rt time NEW SPECIES Tree ts tou a ngs ar nolo culture prevents a peoale from being abe to understand oF uilze it. Even the Empire's active oppression of Force Users andi its propaganda campaign have simply pushed hese desperate souls underground, In the shadows, int hidden crac within saciety, these beings lear to depend on he Force even more, Those ho aren't under the hee! of th pire ray invent ther oun terminology to explain the strange phenomenon, cling it uck,reljon o at The sheer se ofthe galaxy guarantees that on any even clay someone becomes anare of the Force and explores mysteries. Emboldened by their new awareness, such ind viduals seek aut others who have ad similar experiences, slowly uniting inte a loose coalition. Meanutil, the Galactic re uses sot and hard logue, Most beings know of the Empire's hard methods of arrest and extermination, but most underestimate the pow lerof soft methods. Propaganda pushes individuals to doub neir experiences to not question their ne ess, and 0 believe in the supremacy ofthe Empire. This propaganda sometimes reinforces cultural elements that bolster a spe ies’ bias against the Force such as the Muun species’ sense ‘of superiority and rationality Uniformity threatens the Force especialy the Empire's version of uniformity ch species brings a new perspective on the Force based sown cultural experiences. Each individual yetanotner perspective sometimes one paral lens, sometimes perpendicular to them or completely outside the cultural norm, always layered with inteligence and nuance, With millons or even bilions of people on a single planet, 9 assume that all of those individuals think the same way about the Force is myopic and foolish, The hundreds upon hundreds of species throughout the galaxy con't fragment the Force; they instead provide nen ‘meanings nev ideas and new constructs to understand this, powerful, everoresent energy. The Force, lke Ife sel, is enriched by diversity GAND With a cultural outlook that some consider simple or tran scondent, the Cand, an insectld species, enjay a deep and complicated culture. Their emotional steadiness and (appar ent) hurlity should make the members ofthis species natu ral disciples ofthe Force. Homever, it takes a specific kind of ambition to walk the Jed path Physlology: The Gand compromise numerous subspecies, “wo ofthe most commoniy known subsp lungs who tus requte ammonia respirators) and Gand with sar the necessary compounds through consumed food and liquids. There are many other subspe ‘les, and rumors of genetic manipulation abound, tut no 2s verified these claims, The Gand find questions ‘about their physiology perplexing and a ile embarrassing outsider On average, Gand stand a litle meters tal, have thee fingers on each hand, and have large -ompound eyes capable of sensive night vision. Their skin olor range from brown to green to purple. Due etc diversity, many Gand possesses characteristics that rom the norm, Including heads of unusual shapes and sies, additional fingers, and multiple versions of internal ‘organs All Gand tend to have 3 tough yet ton, and ther regenerative bites are remarkable hem a hardy species aking Sodlety: Gand society, to outsiders. appears ta contain 3 multtude of iors! impeetect knowledge, For example, early academic records supgest the Gand had a monarchy. H nur rently lineage ex! c o have a contradictions, mostly due to the ‘and the Gand dar word for queen or kine Whether the records detailed an ‘offshoot colony, the Gand evolved away fro cal government, or the orginal academic mistakenly ats uted hive insect cnaractersties to the species, ony the Gand might krov. and they have no interest nthe topic Other academics call Gand society mentocratc the Gand value individual achievement, they don’ i superior to communal achievement. simply diferent. For example, Individual Gand have na fst name unth achieving something table. However, tee is no shame in anly a ing a surname, After all, a Society cequies the hard work ‘and dedication of the unnamed. Some academics belie that becoming notable, and thus more individual, separates 4 Gand from the community, resuiting in a philosophical Criss for that individual. Again, only non-Gand project any negative connotation onto ths change in status. To Gand, individuality snecessary and natural, both a loss and again ‘and a process that i simultaneously complex and simple. 4p until they At that point, they ach Cand refer to themselves a5 “this Gand! become fuledged members of sace refer to themselves by their surname thing panculary Impressive, such as becoming fndsmen they may introduce themselves with their frst name, Only the mast accomplished of Gand cal themselves I” Ifa Gand performs a shameful ac, that idiviual may revert aS fle name or no name at all as temporary penance. The Gand undergo tis process of naming due less to rigid tule than to the structure oftheir society, culture, and la (guage. They view self-promotion th faking @ name or reputation is as odd and strange as a human introducing herslfusingthe name a a faaus Duros factor. While there are instances of Gand falsitying a name they are rare oulers. same way. For a Cand (Outsiders tend to cal Gand xenophobic, but ‘widespread hatred of fear of non Ga Gand are, nonever, particularly concemed about the dist tio of their culture by outsiders. Even the casual adoption ofa loan word may cause confusion and that ripples unpredictably throughout Cand society. The fact that thelr ammonia-based low them t segregate outsiders makes avoiding culture cistuption an ‘easy matier, however It so helps that traveling Gand often return to their homeworid or a nearby Gand sacety to get back t ther rots, ne insectoid species bears atmospheres PV | Scare er Rt ee cores Pe eer ga ete ig ty eee heey This mysticism, Perc bance to the Force. Some believe that the religious et ee Gand who seek out notoriety and excellence inthe er The act of eran crete A Gand weap coer Poet Serta ee eee eee eee area nsmith, for example, would prepare er eT Academic eee Some believe th wories about contradictory society Is under: going rapid changes and cultural shifts. Others believe the Gand explain themsehses in vague and contradictory terms fo prevent cultural disruption. A few academics suggest the misinformation § a deliberate cultural prank—an example ‘of Gand humor Homeworld: The racky Outer Rim planet Gand, located in the Slice hasan atmosphere of thick ‘ammonia mists that is toxic to most oxygen-breathing if forms. Gand isnt near any major hyperspace lanes, and I close to the Centrality, 3 region so devoid of stars that star ave been known to fun out of fuel When crossing Is these reasons, as well as forthe species barren expanse. F nsular nature, Cand remains isolated from the rest of the However, outsiders can vis at the various orbital talons surrounding the homeworl, built to facitate trade. The Gand designed the station fr the comfort of offworiders, so hey can wander about freely while the Gand wear breathing apparatuses. A few privileged oftyorders have been given permission to set foot on Gand soil, but only in the alien ‘quarters at spaceports. As the ammonia mists are usually hick and dangerous, the majority ofofwerlders donot pro st his arrangement Language: The language of Gand s spoken wit drones and clicks that nor-Gand find dificult to emulate Likewise, most Gand strugoe to produce the sounds for Basic, and so they ‘depend on translator madules or droids. The particulars of he Gand language means trensations often sound simplistic 3 “childike" adding tothe perception that Gand are uncom. plicated and humble Gand who travel oftworid make dedicated efforts to learn ‘other languages (mostly to avoid embarrassing misun Cerstandings). These Individuals manage to master Basic. ‘attougn the Gand language's drones and clicks color their pronunciation. Whether these Gand have the physiology to ‘peak Basic, simply the motivation to learn, ora mix of bath ‘the Gand won’ $2) Perception of the Force: Due fo linguistic aiferences, tis dificult to understand the Gand’ relationship to the Force. ‘Gand would simply say they have no relationship, and thatit ia meaningless question, Perhaps the Force isa separate perception as any other Gand sense, or perhaps they don't have an equivalent ward forthe Force (Other soecies with knowledge of the Force think that only Gand findsmen ate Force-ensitve, and findsmen's prey swear those Gand do have something more than simple ta: fnt.Inaddition, findsmen exhibit a specific Kind of mysticism in hunting ther prey, seeing signs and portens in everyday things: sis in smoke, scratches on durasteel, or reflections ‘on transpaistel, The findsmen ae in decine, however, and accounts of ther abilties have been fading into myth and. legend, ust ike ales of the Je SPECIES ABILITIES © Wound Threshold: 19 + Bravn © Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower © Starting Experience: 100° Special Abilities: Gand begin the game with one rank in Discpine. They sill may not tren Discipine above rank 2 during character creation ‘© Ammonia Breathers: One notable ference between the tno main subspecies of Gand is that one has lungs and one doesnot. Those who have lungs breathe an a ‘mania gas mixture, Tose without lungs do not respite and. gain all necessary metabolic substances through food, When playing a Gand, each player chooses whether he wishes his character to have lungs or not It he selects to play a lungless Gand, his character Is immune to suffocation (but not the nounds suffered from being exposed to vacuum). IF he chooses to play a Gand with lungs, he starts the game with an ammo: nia respirator, and treats oxygen as 2 dangerous atmo. sphere with Rating However, he galns +10 stating XP MUUN Despite being an Outer Rim soclety, the Muun remain an important center in galactic politics they started and main tain the InterGalactic Banking Clan (otherwise known as tne Banking Clan or the IGBC) and stablized the credit used from the deepest Core World all the way to the edge of the ‘Outer Rim. While Muun culture as a whole is conservative ‘and ii the personal bells of ncvidual Mun vary lly, especially among those who travel the galaxy and mingle vith other species. The Muun fel the same passions 8s any ther species wnen facing moral and ethical decision, gt- Ing for survival, or being fluenced by te Force. Physiology: The humanoid Muun stand nearly two meters tall on average. Compared to humans, they have elongated heads and asim bul giving them a gauntiagk. Their skin tone falls on the paler end ofthe spectrum, usually appearing white, pink, or gray. Their features—a small nose, mouth, and ears—are subtle. Due to their three heart circulatory system, the Mun have a robust constitution and can often live about a century Whether gained through natural abilty or cultural inl ence, the Muun pre themselves on their advanced math ‘ematical sis, Their children boast mathematical capabilities ‘that rival those of university students on other words. Pos sessinga strong grounding in mathematics, logic, and science the Muun nave a requtation for inteligence and rationality However, thelr history shows that they have some thelr own harmful and dangerous biases, ootedin their pride and eg. Society: The traditionalist and conservative Mun belive their society a mentocracy in which the intelligent rise up through the ranks, Muun culture praises business and eco- homies as the most intelectual and practical of pursuits ‘Those who don't jin the IGBC usvally star: their awn cor poration, Nevertheless, since the Barking Clan is such a massive and pervasive entity, I dificult to know where it begins and where Muun society ends ‘The interGalactc Banking Clan, and thus the Muun people, remained neutral in galactic politics throughout the Republic ato keep the economy stable. Muun internal politics tend to be similarly neutral and supportive ofthe status quo. This attitude has trickled down to individual Muun, who consider neutrality the highest form of politcal practice. n fac, most ‘Muun believe they shouldrit concern themselves with the Galactic Civil War, an apathy that the Empire encourages. However, ths cant ders fram other in that the Empire now controls the IGBC. Cn te other hand, Imperial control over the Banking Clan ‘and the soft occupation of Muun worlds have caused an increase in radicalized Mun, who reject the ideal of neu tralty asa societal default. This new miltancy is tempered by their consenatie background. Rather than partic pate in outright violence or public protests, these budding ‘activists engage in economic and corporate crimes, such as fembezziement and speculation, to siphon funds from impe- rial accounts and disrupt Imperial businesses on Scipio. A few take these funds to fll Rebel treasures, knowing that if the Rebellion succeeds, the Muun can become truly independent again, These brave few face myriad challenges: their peers’ conservatism, their ov doubts over ther int ition and emotions about their homeworid, and the Empire's consistent message that a strong Muun is compliant Muun, Oe | Pe ctaetar nla eee eee eet cay ear oe ee hee pire kept th Briard ere tay marr ing. For the rest of the known galaxy, the credit ees feet ee aes Pe aera ey ee Ce Pe os ce eee et Pn ee on ee ee ee ey Only afew Muun in high administratv oN eet ees a ers. But some suspect them of performing soci Ce eee eae ees eee ee ee ao Sree eet aot ee eee ee ee eee ter et rete a eee ma nt ee eer ould the Empire be testing how quickly it can a aes Perron ae eet Se ne fered without realizing? How has ther culture been Homeworld: The Muun originated from the ley planet o Scipio in the Albario sector. Though it had pomertl g ermal energy, the planet offered litle inthe way of natural resources, Another planet the Muun colonize, which the named Muuniinst, was more temperate with rich mineral deposits, Drawing on Muunline’s abundant resources, the ‘Muun were able to spread outwards into the galax hat rocketed them s, however. Instead, credit—scon to become and the InterGalat was tei estabis the commar sanded Boning Cn The sof te CBC on Sel, ana espe Song tenate wan, a endexy pong ingto better ther economic interests The Empire's powerful presence here watches over the flow of credits, working ensure none are directed towards disloyal factions. nsformed Scipo from a desolate ball o Jar structures to house all of ang towering columns mix with stone ifs and ice pillars to rn ndrous Wstas. The main vault ofthe IGBC itself is ‘one of the most impressive architectural edifices inthe re Language: The Muun rarely use their om language with utsiders, despite ther insistence thatthe vocabulary and grammar possesses perfect mathematical clarity. One of fen inteligenty constructed languages in the galany (as pposed to organically formed), Muu uses tones that mak ame species csparagingly call it an offshoot of Binary. The nguage’s creators designed itto evolve by establishing new Comet wort instead of adopting lan Worcs om ote ianguages, Ths feature might be due prefer ence rathe im to log, a8 some never words end up dozens of syllables long, Muun traditional education teaches Basic less a a cour sy to other races and more as a practicality, since Muu eal with species from across the galaxy. Rather than lear additional s, most Muun simply uilae protaca aroids, Mu ravel widely may leam more due to ci cumstance, asa protocol droid might not always be nearby Perception of the Forces It ma appear ta outsiders that ould be unikely to have a n Plagues, a Mun, i iretu ne contrary. In adition, one Muun contin othe Force tas being ess about the accumulation of money and more eles, just as living beings do, The Empire rose like any ot fer government and is doomed to fal eventually, ike ating or these Muun, the galaxy i alive, and money ts sinen. But wnat i the lifeblood ofthe galany? What's the purpose of commerce? Can it be used to improve all Hives in the galaxy, not just Muun Ives? In seeking the answers s, Muun ecanamic philosophers find them nding the Force SPECIES ABILITIES 0} 0/0) 0'0'o: © Wound Threshold: 9 + Sawn © Strain Threshold: 9 + Willponer © Starting Experience: ‘Maun begin the ga ‘ucation) and one rank in Knowledge (Core Worlds. They stil may not train Knowledge (Edu ledge (Core Worlds} above rank 2 outing 903° Deep Pockets: Muun characters start the game with an adaltional 1,000 credits hey may not spend these S PANTORAN These blue-skinned near-humans come from a colé climate and were vibrant paripants in galactic society durng the time of the Republic. In te time of the Galactic Civil the democratic and politically active Pantorans have Found themselves in a precarious posto rife with isaster tut aso promise, Physiology: Pantorans are a near-human species with skin of various shades of Die and yellow eyes (with some rare Instances of black. Their ha ranges in color from bla and blue to light purple and white, They have an average height similar to that of humans, abit ess than two meters, Their physiology allows ther temperatures, requiring only clothing in icy climate. In all othe nearly dential to humans to be comfortable in loner Society: Fiercely independent believers in freedom and democracy, the Pantorans stil have small cultural hole ‘overs from a mare feudal era, Pantorans wear yellow mark ‘on ther forehead, under their eyes, and on their cheeks ‘denote their family names and lineages. Most Pantorans have a general interes in genealogy an history, and enjoy spending time searching for long-lost relatives and cone tions to ancient heroes and historical figures. A few Pan: torans stil hold noble tiles. Some also lewely proudly denoting bithpla ‘geographic regions where ancient Pantorar artistic works, and the like occured, However, i this cure ‘age, Pantorans have turned global poltics and debate in an at form in the sprit of dem ear headgear and and associated famous Bitter and heated arguments rage across Pantoransocet regarding the fate of thelr norteworig, When the Republic fall and the Galactic Empire ascended, Pantorans became ‘deeply uncertain about ther relationship with the gale, In bot thelr democratic Assembly and public squares, the afferent camps have formed regarding Pantora’s politica future, One camp—the appeasers—considers integratio with the Empire a pragmatic goal. With the Empire recognition, Patora would gains oth. milan and economically. Another camp insists on maintaining the ideals ofthe Republic, These traditionalists, or republicans, Consider the Empire a betrayer of those ideals, althoug many also believe that the Rebels cannot try resto ne Republic. A growing few believe that Pantora needs t strike out on its own to found new colonies and expioit ne resources. These expansionists belie ry need 1c forge treaties with the nearby slavers and spice traders, but Homeworld: The far Outer Rim world of Pantora, @ moo Of the ie world Orto Putonia, is lacated halfway rs and spice traders, Pantorans consider themselves last holdover of the Republic, compete with a de Assembly, The Assembly’s highest ex aston Is that ‘ofthe Chairman. Second in leadership and head ofthe legs lative branch is the Speaker of the Assembly, ho kee Chairman's poner in check THE ONE-DAY WAR re Se enerations, The Chairman ene ene Pee ees ees both the dangers of political power and the Pee cea eee ae be recognized as a global power and participant ealactic politics, No word or people fet Pee eer eee eee ete eee eee at Since the colap ear Eee eet etree ee a Sen StS eae eee) ant to educate the Tale and New tension eaten eT Peas: eat eke Carne, eee eens Pantora has b nse somethin ae) ized starships landing on Orto Putonia Sree a mt rey! Somewhat isolated from the rest of the galaxy, Pantora doesn't suer direct oppression fram the E: i the 088 of the Republic has sand am the Senate, Pantara has been aloe fr the past wo decades, struggling against the avlessness of is neigh poring systems. AS a result, is has slowly Dull up @ small avy of patriots and volunteers. The Assembly fears that king the navy a hough, might attract the atte ers ofthe Assembly have madi with ather planes for resources, tech rcenaries, The Asser 190d af an incident forcing Pantora to exercise i increases, Most Pantorans hope fortis to occur han sooner, especially as the Galactic Cvl War Language: Another vestige of Pantoran feudal culture is fauind in the various dialects ofits language. Each dialect Se eee mer see eee mn Ce a joined the Galactic Senate, they adopted Basic as their Cer era era pees eee ee et ne ee cn eee Ree so Pantoran and its various dialects are slowly becoming. ee ee ee ee cy encourage private language education. Most end up learn ing a practical trade language, such as Huttese Ce ee ee) en eee Le eee) ee eed ee ee eee thought: some foreign, others native, but all changing to ee a ee! den ideas about the Force. In addition, their devotion to eee ee a ei Ing Republicera knowledge and technologies. They seck Ce er een vices and bases, although their knowledge of the Jedi ay SPECIALIZATIONS Rare R Soe nner manent tes eer eet ar nology. These endeavors supports the Sentinels goal of Pere eer crac eee ere ran mes at era eerie een ete ren ne ee ee nae een! fee ens Cee er eee ed CS a ee eT ee ere ee eee) bring perpetrators to justice. The Racer can be a Podracer eee een ert ed eee eee cn nti danger strikes Se eee enone Teun Words), Perception, Skulduggery, and Stealth. These sills represent the core areas of competency that all Sentinels are likely to possess or develop. Sentinel characters auto- eee ees Ce er they receive a discount when they spend experience to pur Cee Eger s Se ee oe Ce ea) ee ee er) ee eens a eee ee ‘age Pantoran open to the Force it also makes them sus Peer es Eee ae ad Snr ee an © Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower Bae See ed Pe eee en es train Cool or Negotiation above rank 2 during charac: ter creation ee ee eee etal ree al conditions ie Co ea Ce eg CaS Co ee eee Creation, thus beginning with two ranks in that Skil. No character may start the game with more than two ranks in eee cy ee ee ey See eer] ene eee) ee INMESTIGATOR WAYVNW AR W OT mvestigators exarine unsolved crimes, using ther Investigators have mary tools in nonieoge and sklls to figure out the who, their kits besides the Force, Un via, when, where, and. hy, They don't ‘derstanding the local customs seek his information merely to satisty some ‘and language, being familiar ‘obsession over vie uly sie of society bu with the unspoken rues of rather to honor the victims by bringing the munity, and knowing how perpetrators to justice to bluff their way into a back room requires knowledge and so ALIVING CHRONICLE : cial skis Slicing a security camera, picking lock to search an apartment, Jovestgatorsrecelve Knowledge (Education) oF staking ut person of intrest Knowledge (Underworld), Perception inan investigation means breaking and Streetwise as additional career 1 nese dali skill, Characters who select this a ther metimes-oftentimes—success. starting specialization may choose two ofthese skis and gain one free rank fully sneaking into and out of a ‘uliding can bring te Investigator in each without spending starting fone step closer tothe truth The greatest tools of investiga tors, though. can often become hel greatest weaknesses Thi ‘emotions can help them under stand a person's motives, giving context toa fact. Ifa perpetrator kiled @ dangerous drug lord, is tat person a murderer or a savio However, emotions can cloud an invest Investigators piece together what en lost of stlen By uncove ing the pas, Weaving the stories of what happened into a living chron le, they clscover secrets and untan eles. Only by understanding the no and why of a crime can Investigators by the one who dit to justice. gators judgment, If the good friend who saved aif turns out to be asiaver, i betrayal to tur that fiend in? Finally the constant exposure to sufering ca watt of Since crimes are inflicted upon (and inflicted by) people, these acts leave an impression in the Force, Particularly violent crimes strong disturbance. Extremely evil eimes leave ' wound—a cold, dark space that rghtens the unwary and consumes he foohardy, invest ors an tease out details from those impres sions, unwinding them $0 they can heal. In nany ways, Investigators are physicians forthe souls of communities, salving festering myster- ies airing outtxic secrets, and cauterzing hia den cies, bury out even the most Investigator, In the final analysis, Invest see crime and victimization as a corruption of the Force, They fee the Force as something that flows through people, affecting thelr health, psychology, and well-being, AA corruption of the Force makes people angrier, more feartl, and mare likely to lash aut and ha others, These constant cuts caused by crime chip away at a society ‘wounding the Force unt the whole society falls to the darkside. Ang fut the source of the wound allows he society to finaly heal, These violent impressions can also affect individuals, Even if they haver't witnessed the crime in question, investigators have heard rumors, have felt their community sufer, and can read thele peers with the insight of an insider. n many ways, a community functions ‘as. singe ving organism, and damage to that ‘organism reverberates in Goth predictable and surprising ways. By tacing those symptoms, Investigators get to the source SENTINEL: Investigator Carer Slils: Computers, Deception, Knowle (Care Word) Percept, Shudugpey, teat ‘ditional Career Sil: Koouledge (fducation,Ksomledge (Underwerld Percepting, Streetwise Amnon Remo Ml per rok 0 Saat Ss om Ses neon Ronee Ce fo atestte Keowee Underworld) rt era ig Petcare ieaigeginenin |) oT NPCS sche, arenas, Stel und fet cad ‘DEDICATION (WM vawuaste Facts form vue Facts acon fran Average ( @) Ci aes as paca wy Ee Improved Set Sats fn ae Forme $090.4) stecoise oF Koomegge (Under worl) check ss Permission granted to print and photacopy this page for personal use only. ©) LFL. FFG YAGI BR cee eect reenter aspen sare, Poach fst obvious praia aplcaton hs on foot, the Racer speeds forward to be the Fist and specialization, The Racer specialization also can be usetu EVESHOTHETUURE . \aiasiieinnstst din porns as laces receive Coal, Coordination, Pileting (Planetary) An Plloting (Space) 2s aditional caroer skis. Character ho select this as their starting specialization may choo mo ofthese skils and gain one free rank in each witho spending starting experience For these characters racing sess about speed and more about knowing thelr postion in time and space. Racers do 432k how to get somewhere; they intuit their arial att destination, In mary ways, they push to understand the future in relation tothe positioning of sl. The Force, racing forward in time in is onvn way, has carved a path that Racers ust alo With tne Force, physical obstacles arent obstacles per se ‘They represent perceptual sh 4 time. Racers use the Force to peer ino these shadows, see ing not only what exists in the snadav, but aso ven such interactions exist in the shadow. If they don't exist in the shadow at al, Racers avold them, They were elther neve supposed to be there, or their Ife possibly ended before then. I Racers know they don't exist at some point in a potential future, then they canpick a future in which they a As thelr skits develop, this 3m extends rom their cn relative position to those of other Iving beings. Racers became predictive not only about their own place in space time, but also about other beings’ places relative to thom This allows Racers an eere ality tobe atthe rignt place at the rg ime to inzercept an individual. Catching a bounty Just before the target escapes or rescuing a person in need at ust the right time is an Incredible benef to the commu: rity Inthe wong hands, this talent ean be terniying, as dark side Force users employ i total their target, stalking and harassing with a looming presence at every turn (Obviously, Racers must have a calm demeanor and steady hands. even if the adrenaline rush and ex Would shake the steeiest nerves. Anger can push them sive aggression, and fear can lead to hestat the wrong moment. Mistakes cost lives. not just fo ment ofa race fs’ Ives but also thase of other plats, audience pit cren, and innocent ders. Many Racers claim to & stain a paradoxical stillness inthe midcle ofa race, » inga transcendental oneness with vehicle, speed, and set this point, the Force fons naturally thraugh them. However or speeder is a ordinary, practiced sil in plot espe the grand legends battles in the Jedi and their sneeping n.Padawans may have dreamt of striking armies, but when they became Sentr streets, iy blocks, and aleynays Common people, These foot sla ST a peart aie th on Jed my es throuehout the years HUNTING THE HUNTERS 0 Coor: Sentries gain access to the additional career skis dination, Lightsaber, Stealth, anc Vigllance. © ino select this a5 their starting specialization m spending stating experience Although both have a lightsaber focused special Sentries and Shien Experts differ considerably. Wherea: Shien Experts approach ie and 5, entries concentrate They reach ther targets throug ial threats, and st leat and the personal tedis 2 violation too far and siopped to0 late, While ot Sentine's concern themselves on the ure, Senties pick up the pieces in the moment, They catch those through the cracks and are forgotten, and stop those wno ries, the detalls are the real picture, and allowing one per ‘on fo suffer n order ta promote justce is no justice ata Perhaps the most personally engaged ies defend individuals, whe street. Duting the days specialist, Ser person they are charg Son walking down th (Order, Sentres were accused of being too ata singular, becoming too emotionally involved losing sight of larger tasks. However, the Sen ined steadfast, channeling gret. anger, and love into pushin strength in their personal attachments Despite their eforts—or perhaps t e Senries don't nave a gh ‘opponents among thelr adversa el. The 1 Force gues Senties to be int place att e.Th er perspet es in the Their senses meto prevent vol times c 35 to get a hi shadows to get an up-close po ‘expands Sentries seach fora an opening to get the jump on ST ae eae ee aad ee ee) atk enough that simply understanding it parte ee erotica ea eres symbol in thelr header Tiers’ ‘eng ombat, thei pi ties change, Aft Sentres want to be the most intmisating and st coking so that th hem rather than their charges, The n ending a fight quickly oF attacking direct when surprising opponents, nd giving the dan SENTINEL: Sentry Career Sis: Computers, Dception, Knowledge (ore Words), ‘Adtonal Career Sls Coordination, Lightsaber, Seat, Vigance (ain +2 ound rea Aaa pera Dag redo rumter ef sino than ranks of Doce, \egade reat oft Gain +1 Ferceratne ee re er re a” re Sons ‘ws scion. ake a Hard @¢e)oecpton ce tin, Saldggery, Stent [Peters VIGILANCE May ava use ilar seed fom bine OY 1 Hi Conomrionen prey REACTION: ed Pemison woe ep npn hs ae pes ey OLDE is pe ere err of Cor dope ark of Unenny Reattons toa Vaan Once pe seson pert over eee and send Soest fal by ce sae AdcEoal steathchess NEW TALENTS Tee zens pases desc ech now ler vodiced CONSTANT VIGILANCE in Esouss Vet Every etry ices the ino Activation: Passive ied for gameplay. See page 135 ofthe Fomee ano Desta Ranked: Ne Core Rulebook for more information on talen Trees: Sen Pe nae hacer may as cose se he Valance tl Activation: Active (Act ie Ranked: No FEAR THE SHADOWS Trees: Racer Activation: Active (Acton) Once per session during a race or we character may Ranked: No perform the Better Luck Next Time action, He makes ard Trees: Se (© 4) cool check. ithe succeeds, something ernie hap- Force talent. The character may perform the Fear the Shadows pens fo one of hs competitors This co ih-speed auton. He makes a Hard ( @ @) Deception check ire=" Colision, having tod avoid an obsta- ing ron group oF ral within long ong. fhe su tle or even ana stor, 25 4s, that miion group or rival flees the encounter. At the as the GM approves it, At minimum, the competitor should GM's discretion, these NPCS may not fle due to extenuating suffer a major colision with an obst stances fsuch aif ere sno realistic path or means 10 CLEVER SOLUTION 2 fe ops tan ati eee race Activation: Active nel fA character who has purchased ths talent automat Ranked: N ally gains | Conic the Begnming oa game sss Trees: nvesiea Once per game session, the character can choose to make FREERUNNING ne skil check using Cuning, rather than the characteristic Activation; Active (Incidental linked to tats does this, he must explain Now, Ranked: No in this particular instance, his cunning ighim over- Trees: come this challenge. nce per round, belore performing a Move maneuver, the cer may slfer | tain. Ihe does 5, he may use his Jove manewver to move to any loca tion within short range feven straight up} a5 long as there Is some soto object to move across or a path to FREERUNNING (IMPROVED) Activation: Active (incident Ranked: No Trees: acer re performing he does so, he may use his Mave maneuver ‘owe to any location within medium range (even Strait up) as long as there is some sot of a: Useb to move across or a path to move along FULL THROTTLE (IMPROVED) ‘Activation: Active (Maneuver) haracter' may voluntary sufer one stain to at iipEFul Throttle as a manewer. In addion, the a culls oF Full Throttle reduced to Average (@ 4. FULL THROTTLE (SUPREME) ‘Activation: Passive Ranked: No “Trees: Race ‘When the character successfully performs Full Throttle, he ships top speed increases by tno for a number of rounds equal to his Cunting instead of one IMPOSSIBLE FALL ‘Activation: Active [Ineidental, ut of Turn) Ranked: No “Trees: Sentry Force talent. Once per session, when the characters fling, he may perform the Impossible Fal incidental. He makes a Force power check and may spend @ to land somewhere safe such as on a pile of empty boxes ina street or a muddy spot inthe middle of a lava field, The character may then spend addtional @to reduce the effects ofthe fall by one ‘ange band (see Table 6~8: Falling Damage on page 221 of the Force ano ester Core Rulebook), and may do 50 mltiple times. RECONSTRUCT THE Aetvation: ete (ton Ranked: No Tees: nvestestor nce per seston, the character may perorm the Recon Struct the Scene action, He males a Hard (@ @) Pe taption check who present sta cine sare or ara lccaton Ihe succeeds ne domes al prominent physical Characteristics of ane person wo was a the crime scene tine the crime nas commited [f haere cure within the lat 24 hours). Ths coud include the persons weit hele, an specs for ample. He may ident al he physi! characteris of one adatonal peso smay fret the crme scene per addond 3 ‘SABER THROW (IMPROVED) Activation: Passive Ranked: No ‘Trees: Sentry Force talent, When performing the Saber Throw action, the character can choose a target within long range the char acter does so,he must pendch @to have the weapon return to his hand, SENSE THE SCENE Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No Trees: Investigator Force talent. Once per session, the character may perform the Sense the Scene action. He makes 2 Hard (@ @ @) Perception check wile present ata single crime scene [or similar location, adcing no greater than his Force rating to the check Ihe succeeds and generates, ne may identity the emotional state of one person involved in the crime [such asthe perpetrator or tim]. He may soend additional to identity the emotional state of one addtional person Involved inthe crime, and may do so multiple times. shoRTCUT ‘Activation: Passive Ranked: Yo Trees: Racer Duringa chase, the character adds per rank of Shortcut to his checks made to catch or escape an opponent. SHORTCUT (IMPROVED) ‘Activation: Active (nciental) Ranked: No Trees: Racer ‘When engaging in a chase ar race, the character may suffer two strain to add ¥ equal to ranks in Shortcut tothe check. ‘STREET SMARTS (IMPROVED) ‘Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No ‘Trees: Ivestisator (Once per session, the character may perform the Improved Street Smarts action. He makes a Formidable (© @ 44 @) Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworid) check, reducing the aificuty once per rank of Street Smarts f successful, the GM reveals one vital clue pertaining to a current mystery the character i attempting to solve ‘The clue should be something that the character could ot normally find out, butt does not have to be the full answer to the mystery. For instance, it could be evidence that cancels a false lead or otherwise helps move the story along. The GM should tailor the information depending on the skill used: Streetwise might mean the character learns about the information from a network of street urchins, wile ‘knowledge (Underworl) could mean the character draws on his own vast knowedge about criminal entesprise to discover 2 previously unseen clue. SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES. ‘Activation: Active incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Racer Force talent, Once per sesslon, when the character gener ates @ on a Piloting (Planetary or Piloting (Space) check, he may cancel the ® result and add # equal to his ranks in Cool ta the results. ‘TALICTHE TALK. ‘Activation: Active incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Investigator When making 8 Knowledge ski check, the character may spend one Destiny Point to substitute Knowledge (Under worl) or Streetwise for the required skl. The CM may suit ably embelish any information gathered due to a success fn the check to reflect is criminal and underwerid rigs, UNRELENTING SKEPTIC ‘Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Investigator \When targeted by a Deception check, the character auto matically adds Y to the check equal to his ranks in Vigilance SENTINEL MOTIVATIONS Mision pris 2 40y met of undersancing 0 character for both players and the Game Master. Pay. fers excited about ther Motivations frequenty offer cues that help the GM provide story hooks and adventures that link to those Motivations In tur, when players choose a Motivation, they signal to everyone at the table what thelr characteris all about. Sentinels are motivated to right the vrongs committed by agents of the darkside, selfish people in postions of power, and unfair systems powered by apa thy, Tis section introduces a new category of Motivation, Injustices, which ft the talents and sls of Sentinels as they by and mana SENTINELS AND INJUSTICES Similar tothe Cause category of Mativation of as presented in the Fores ano Desny Core Rulebook, the new Injustice «category represents socials that motivate Sentinels. Unlike ‘Causes, which can span words, Inusices (atleast in the Context of Sentine’s Motivation ae less broad and affect 2 specific and known population. Injustices ae abs a concept, but specific instances 5, ‘alvays.a group of people suffering from the Injustice. Players can choose the Motivations that fit their charac ters during character creation, or they can ell randomly, To TABLE 1-3: SPECIFIC INJUSTICES TABLE 1-2: RANDOM SENTINEL MOTIVATIONS d10 cat 1-2 ‘Ambition 4 Cause na 8 Fath ee 10 Roilonceon each fay bo categories ‘choose randomly from the expanded Ist, a player frst ros fon Table 1-2: Random Sentinel Motivations instead of using the corresponding Table 23: Random Motivation from page 105 of the Forex ano Desrwy Core Rulebook A player who rolls Injustice then rolls again on Table 1~3: Specific Injustices to determine which Injustice to use as the characters Motivation, Otherwise, the player should consult te appropriate tab inthe Fonee ano Desniy Core Rulebook fr the category role. GMs can also use Table 1~3: Specific Injustices 35 3 plat generator, to randomly create an oppressed group and its problems. Note that this Ist doesn't encompass every kindof injustice; GMs snould encourage playersto find Ijus tices appropriate to ther Sentinels Unfortunately, there Is no lack of wrongs belng inflicted in the galaxy to draw from. 100 | Result 1-10 Displacement: Who Imprisonment & ust society isolates a troubled inaiiaual or rehabitaton and community protection, whe an utst © oF a homeward, a spe those who nave an econome blr mig nd tems unger: Considered the most bas justice, the dana f fod nas made czatonscolapsa Sentinels fan ed a "Ne Fane of complex obstacles in soln his proslem-—spathy, pov logistics, ana isetutional suBbornness Disenfranchisement: yore just theloss of voting rights his can ako moan the es of ther sso ight Sentinels fing tis nist sek to estate suc loses throug diploma. legal or even it and vole means ony loses resources, but alo the os fdenty. Even ima bureaucratic imo wth legal status. ness: nes can deastate communities and finding cur equies uncovering and understanding the rot causes. rel spi heme hesing the sick, investgting causes, a venting ater rom simpy reming te tins he Emple using culture, law or olence to abuse others retlevel dipiomats, confronting indviduls about ther acts Sl and ingane Sentinels right Red themseves arguing ‘41-50. ane mprsons base on preluice o stor power Serinel batting Unit mprsonrent offen fra thersaies Matting ears comupt police forces and egal sistem personnes, especialy wih planet a ge ‘51-60 | OPpression: Similar o Dsenranchsement, hs inustice sees one 51-60 aly a minors Sentinels spena 2s much time Nina ine oppressors as they do protecting the opDresed, Poverty Money makes modern cviizaton work Alek of money results in not only an nab to paripate in 651-70. modem society but ako a dearth access to rescues that help a person ear an income thes place Money may rot buy happiness, but he lack of money guarantes misery and can lead to cre, Prejudice: Sertinels feting prejudice alten operate as 71-80 | andsopping violence as occurs Prejudice usally ‘thts competelyunavre orin dena ofthe got ‘31-90. Slavery: The responsibility for slavery rests not only onthe shoulders ofthe savers but on the sects and Industries that benefit om tei labor Ths Motaton can ao Include manumison aed eld nhs. ‘91-100 | Wlelence: Warare but one typeof vient iustice Gang warfare. armed conic betneen authors and criminal ‘ements ar resistance ge rani community ita a place of despa and hrm, SIGNATURE ABILITIES SIGNATURE ABILITY BREAKDOWN A Signature abiity ABILITY BASIC FORM UPGRADES islisted ints box ACQUIRING IGNATURE ABILITIES nse anaes > Sentinel Signature Ability Tree: My City ‘Once per gare session nen nan tan setng te craracar may en (ce (Outer Rin) check Fsicess forthe eran the are sesso, the carat ays 2 Stal eal reat He can (Boup,orexashnet itn tate and any oars omaten, CEsea When aking a sl check vey chy ace the Charade sais Ee Stee weed Sra hecks ro aay Senne rca meee I CHANGE SKILL When actiatng My asa raj make 8 Sreenves heceneas of Kronieage (core Wore ° (der im check CEs Toachate My Cty the cha. fice ony nae pena Des Pot ead ofthe vith SENTINEL SIGNATURE ABILITY: MY CITY ‘The habitat of many Sentinels is more than ust where tt lve. Its their primary focus, and defending it dominates heir thoughts, They study its streets and bullcings, lear ing the best ways and times to travel through it. They also learn the hidden secrets af those who lve there, whether law-abiding citizens or crime lords using veneers of respec ablity to avoid the righiful punishment. Far tase Sentinels, such knowiedge and experse is more than just useful infor mation—it can become the decider between life and death. BASE ABILITY Once per game session when in a chasen urban setting, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points and make a Hard (© @) Knowledge (Core Worlds) or Knowiedge (Outer Rim) check (dependingon te location) Ifsuccessul, forthe remainder ofthe game session, the character may suffer 2 strain to recal or lear the lacaion of any individual, rou, tr establisnment within that city, along with any relevant information such as reputation, rumored or open ties to the Empire or Rebellion, oF criminal nature (if any) ny pons a make Mar (4 @) Knowledge (Core Wer) or Know Cite ‘When ain a si chock ie My hy gar the tharader ads Et Shut fhgpry an Seat necks Cis Wie My Gy ac and ‘iy he may ste 2 train ledge (Underwor ‘lunge the acu of heck etaa of ro fy Seah check nce fe (Cow Worlds Outer Bim) etek ‘When acthating My Ci, " . UPGRADES Boost Skill Upgrade: While My City is active and the char acter isin the chosen city, the character adds E] to Street Wise and Survival checks Boost Skill Upgrase: Whie My City is active and the char acters in the chosen city, the character adcs Eto any Skul Gduggery and Stealth checks he makes in that setting ‘Change Skil (Underworld) Upgrade: Wien activating My iy, the character may make a Knowedge (Underworic) cheek instead ofa Knowledge (Core Worids'Outer Rim check. Change Skill (Streetwise) Upgrade: When activating My City, the character may make a Streetwise check instead of 4 Knowledge (Care Worlds!Outer Rim) check ‘Cover Upgrade: While My Cty is active and the character isin the ehosen city, whenever the character isn cover, he Increases his ranged defense by one Destiny Upgrade: To activate My City the character needs to spend only 1 Destiny Pint instead ofthe normal 2. Reduce Difficulty Upgrade: Activating the base abiity requires an Average (@ @) skill check instead of « Hard OO) skit check Downgrade (Stealth) Upgrade: While My Citys active an the characteris inthe chosen city, the character may sufer 2 strain to downgrade the dificult of any Stealth check once Sentinel Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Vigilance E ABILITY ‘Once er game seceon at te bepming tr theft aung ofthe encounter aac il Cine Ter actating Unmatecs Veionca, he character | ad 1 Pos aa Eto thar con LE The ate oer the Base ity exe sieeve ade puesta Tey Eu ‘nen the character at 2 oe or adil con the se fhe nad spent 3 SENTINEL SIGNATURE ABILITY: UNMATCHED VIGILANCE A classic mark of many Sentinels is their foresigt and alert ness. From carefully scouting out the terain and possiole aver in likely combat locations to always watching for signs of ambush, they are rarely if ever caught unawares. To thelr ‘enemies, Sentinels appear to possess complete situational awareness, and always seem ta be a step ahead of them. Part of this is the intense preparation that Sentinels un ergo before they conduct ther crusades agaist injustice They often carry a wide variety of useful items on thelr per Sons, and alvays seem to have ust the right device or piece of gear in thelr pockets or packs for te curent situation ‘ith plans for any contingency readied and an unending vigilance, they can be the masters of almost any encounter BASE ABILITY Once per game session at the begining of a structures encounter, the character may spend 2 Destiny Ponts. fhe {does $0, he deteemines the nitive order of the fist rauna of the encounter Characters stil make cheeks to determine Intatve, but these results will only apply after Unmatched Viglance’s effects e ay Spend 2 Destiny Ps ron zou ALNPCS adele com Det hc rng any Fe yap alter UratcnesVglancaselets era CE ‘ioral round per Ourason Tegade pureed Ee Waglance ase atilty, the Crater ‘eniy need iD Spent Sey ait LT READINESS ‘Aer actatng Unrated UPGRADES ‘Always Alert Upgrade: Aiter activating Unmatched Vig lance, the character may choase to use either Cool or Vig lance for his Inative check untl the end ofthe encounter Combat Preparation Upgrade: Wen the character activates Unmatched Viglance, he may choose to introduce 2 “fact” or adcitional context crectly into the narrative asi he had spent a Destiny Point. ‘Combat Readiness Upgrade: A‘ter activating Unmatched Yiglance, the character may immediately perform one fee manewer Duration Upgrade: The initiative order that Unmatched Yiglance establishes lasts one additional round per Duration upgrade purchased, Destiny Upgrade: To activate the Unmatched Viglance base ability, the character needs to spend only 1. Destiny Paint instead ofthe normal 2, Group Preparation Upgrade: Al) NPCS ad Ito their combat checks targeting any Payer Character who has not Yet taken 2 turnin the current round, Group Vigilance Upgrade: A ito their combat checks targeting ary NPC who has already taken a tutn dur Ing the current round, FORCE POWER: MANIPULATE eee eo act with other living beings or enhance their own bil: eee ee el ee eee ees affect components and circuitry on a molecular lve, alow i ce eg ee A mee intricate alterations in a computer's logic circuitry, the Force power Manipulate can greatly increase the efficacy ‘of any repair work, crafting efforts, or Item creation. Such Force users can perform astonishing feats to keep Se eee ed eee net eee es ead eee re eer et ‘cal components to allow Force users greater combat effec tiveness against mechanical adversaries or enemy vehicles. eC See eee ee lar level, allowing better crafting and repairing of items. The Force user may spend @ to couse one vehicle or star ship he is engaged with to recover one system strain. The ee a eee eee a ery rea ries: those that increase the potency ofthe core ability to ee eee a eed Pets ee ce Pa Sy we i Control Upgrade: The power gains the ongoing effec: Commit @. Upgrade the ability of Computers and Mechan- les checks once. This cannot be activated multiple times. See ae ea aa eee se eee area struct within engaged range, the user may spend @ to in oer ene as Pe a eee te eee roe ers Ce ee ee eee the pool. The user may spend @ to gain ¥ or GF (users Pere eee ee ene times, adding additional ¥ or &) to the check each time. Control Upgrade: The user may spend @)}to heal @ number nen ee ee eer eet eer ei aed Semen aes a ee eee et Commit @. One damaged weapon or item counts a5 oR eee nen a Force Power Tree: Manipulate rereustes: Force Rating 1+ R Me The For usarmay sperd (Bia cause oe vehi or sa els engsasd wth yercne stem stan, Th weer may atte smtp tines CE . ‘Oreningetert ConmitO. One damaged weapon or When sig tis power 22a easing Stennungacepuchaset. CE ) ‘Oring eft: Commit ©. ness the stom Sean resold of 1 of Sars at orga age by 3 par com Le ‘hence ser ayo 5 Matpuite power check 3 pat the pol and ay Sens bin gan Bor Iers coke e the creck. Spend (D to incense the Bowers ang oy» arbor Sr range bands equ to ange tograces pursed, LE N | hen ering 3 combat Grek sist 308 sp. | ramet Wie” reaped ‘arg thus may Spans tDetict adciiond san oe ‘stem sranon tea The ser ray spend fo reso ak CONTROL (rsig eect: Corie Ineasa thal aura resold 1 ve |. cor sup at erage ory Sper commit. Camo ) | When sing this poner. Dioceses ‘seo adorn ‘Sjsem stan, or Teal ‘xtona wound or etry Srenanuseacepurcsses. Spend Oo rrease pe Grange bands equal" ange egrades purchase, —) Spend Q to crease the overs ange by 2 number BP ange bands equal fo Cont, ‘abity of Computers na Mechanics ‘checks once. Range uprades purchase, Control Upgrade: The poner gains the ongoing effect Commit one ormoreO. increase the system strain threshold of one vehicle or starship at engaged range by 3 per Q committed Control Upgrade: The power gains the ongoing effect: Com mitone or more Q.Increase the nul trauma threshold of one vehicle or starship at engaged range by 3 per Q committed Mastery Upgrade: Wien performing a Manioulate powes check 2s partof a Mechanics skill check, the user may spend © when using the power to gain onthe check. The user may nt activate this multiple times. foo "nha erring Nanoulte zoner chock spat ot Mechanics kil heck teser may spend @Q togang on tec Range Upgrade: The user may spend (to increase the power’ range by a number of personal range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased, The user may activate this ml: tiple times, increasing the range by this number each time Strength Upgrade: When using this paver to cause a target to recover strain or system strain or heal wounds, the user may spend @ to cause the target to recover one adcitional strain, system stain orheal one additional wound ‘Strength upgrade. This may be activated mulioe times

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