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A rich river with waves rushing by, a long bridge that looks like a giraffe's long neck, and

trees that have

leaves that sway to each other when it meets the wind. as the sunshine through the river, light bounces
back as it meets his/her hazel eyes. the sun shines brightly, the wind is mesmerizing and the river
sounds making someone nostalgic makes me insanely wanna go

Imagery can be defined as a writer or speaker's use of words or figures of speech to create
a vivid mental picture or physical sensation. Many good examples of imagery and figurative
language can be found in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” a sermon delivered by the
Puritan minister Jonathan Edwards
Diction is a literary device that's the choice of words or style used by the writer to convey
their message. That’s a fancy way of saying that diction is how the author wants to write to a
specific audience.

 A weird 14-year-old lost in his world, always wondering about random topics
 A bit mature and with a pinch of sarcasm and always trying to help others.
 Knows about life and living and loves living in solitude.
 Is not too-too good at writing and tries improving ever every day pulling people
out of depression and boosting their morale even when he feels low most of the

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