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When a brand tries to market itself by using all of its different aspects
into one singular campaign and spread it across different mediums, it is
known as holistic marketing.

1) Relationship marketing:
a) Customer
b) Marketing partner
c) Financial partner
d) Employees

2) Integrated marketing:
 Integrated marketing is a strategy for delivering a unified, holistic
message across all of the marketing channels that your brand uses.
Integrated marketing provides consistency wherever customers choose to
interact with a brand.
 Same thing, same design, same offers etc

3) Internal marketing:
i) Internal marketing is the promotion of a company's objectives,
products and services to employees within the organization. The
purpose is to increase employee engagement with the company's goals
and foster brand advocacy

4) Performance marketing:
 Performance marketing is a subset of digital marketing that refers
to advertising programs in which affiliates and marketing
companies are only paid when a desired action is completed, such
as a completed lead, sale, booking or download.

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