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Cloud Application Development

Unit 3 Question Bank

1 List out ASP.Net features with life cycle. 2

2 Analyse the significance of API and recall API. 2

3 Outline Heroku. 2

4 Recall SaaS and IaaS. 2

5 Compare PAAS and vmForce. 5

6 Inspect about windows Azure Servies in detail. 5

7 Illustrate the basic controls of ASP.NET, AJAX 5

8 Compare the features of Google App Engine and Windows Azure. 5

9 Explain the AJAX in detail and mention the various methods with syntax. 8

10 Assess about JavaScript, JSON, XML and REST in detail. 8

11 Explain the Ruby on Rails in detail. 8

12 Summarize the API and the significance of Java API. 8

Unit 4 Question Bank

1 Outline LAMP stack. 2

2 Recall PHP, with an example. 2

Summarize t3he way to increase the security of services offered through a LAMP stack? If 2
yes, then what are they?
4 Recall Apache Server. 2
Organize the steps involved in configuring the LAMP Stack environment and identify 5
which operating systems can be used with LAMP stacks?
6 Summarize the LAMP Stack Horizontal and Vertical Scaling in detail. 5
7 Illustrate the Web Application Architecture in detail. 5

8 Analyze, how to scale a LAMP stack horizontally and vertically? 5

9 Explain the LAMP Stack and its components in detail. 8

Determine the different ways to improve the performance of a website running on a LAMP 8
11 Infer the significance of PHP and my SQL in the LAMP Stack. 8

Propose your opinion on LAMP stacks being used to develop mobile apps? Do you think 8
this is a good idea? Why/Why not?

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