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Diyah Candra Anita

Topic Definition and type

2 Prevalence

3 Complication

4 Prevention

5 Care management
A metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to
produce any or enough insulin causes elevated
levels of glucose in the blood
Insulin is a hormone produced in the
pancreas by special cells, called beta cells.
The pancreas is below and behind the
Insulin is needed to move blood sugar
(glucose) into cells
The blood glucose level is the
amount of glucose in the blood.
Glucose is a sugar that comes
from the foods we eat, and it's
also formed and stored inside
the body.
It's the main source of energy
for the cells of our body, and
it's carried to each cell through
the bloodstream.
Type of
of Diabetes
Sun, et al. (2022).
Oxidative stress
and diabetic
Complication of Diabetes
Chronic complications
of DM are caused
largely by HG-induced
cellular and molecular
impairment of neural
and vascular structure
and function. HG-
induced oxidative stress
is a major contributor to
the development of
long-term complications
of DM
We can prevent or delay type 2
Prevention diabetes with proven, achievable
of DM lifestyle changes
Management of
diabetes mellitus

Self care is important

Seven essential self-care behaviors in
people with diabetes predict good
These are healthy eating, being physically
active, monitoring of blood sugar,
compliant with medications, good
problem-solving skills, healthy coping
skills, and risk-reduction behaviors
Self-care for
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