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[00:00:03] Hello Imam. This is Janis chan is love. Yes, man. ¿How are you? Terrible. It
so come here in London. Your brother didn't tell me so a mi coche. A don't worry mom
you can by the other. Of course. Very life. My god. It was a present from your father,
John worry would be the next weekend. And I can bring it for you. ¿Really? You will you
and robert be there for Christmas day. Wow, Mom will be there and landon, but we want
to be with you and my brothers family because we are standing Christmas with a
Roberts parents, please, Don Sandman, Welcome over to give your hand Christmas
presence from Mexico Perfect a what a make it delicious for the time remember it's a
tradition in London crate and probably get to days before because Robert will meet with
as boss on in Spain. Then we want to London together. I can wish you mom wonderful
news and that you tell be happy folks Mom and John forget all be the next page. Mom
love you sun city.

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