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Proposal to Revamp & Upgrade



Jennifer Smith
Escuela Verde-Acton Academy Vieques
HC01 box 6504

Vieques, PR 00765

JUNTOS- ¡Podemos Cambiar el Mundo!
TOGETHER- We can change the world!
Juntos has the potential to be upgraded and modernized to become an umbrella nonprofit
for a variety of smaller, world changing, educational programs in Vieques. Currently Juntos
is at a standstill in growth and the impact it is making in the community. This proposal is to
elect Jennifer Smith to the position of Executive Director of Juntos in order to completely
rebrand, revamp and grow the organization while holding true to the initial humane
education initiatives.
The abandoned building on a one acre lot, across from the radio station that previously
housed the program Cenim in Esperaza on 997, has recently been acquired by Socrático,
LLC. Socrático, LLC was formed on May 11, 2022, under the Laws of Puerto Rico as an
Educational Center owned by Jennifer Smith & Tomás Fuentes. This proposal is to run the
upgraded JUNTOS Educational Center out of this building in Esperanza once repaired.

1. Revamp JUNTOS branding (Logo, Website, Marketing strategy, initiative etc.) as an
Educational Umbrella Organization working as a Center housing a variety of
progressive and world changing programs. To include: Humane Education,
Environmental Stewardship, Community Garden (Sustainable Agriculture), A private
primary school from the 21st Century (ESCUELA VERDE- Acton Academy Vieques),
Job Training for Teens, Entrepreneurship Workshops, Apprenticeships and more.
2. Appeal to a larger portion of the population with a comprehensive educational
mission to fundraise for the repair/remodel of the abandoned building in Esperanza
and to help fund the operations of the Center’s variety of educational projects going
3. Think globally but act locally by reviving this genuinely established but currently
inert non-profit organization to change the world through the education of children
on this tiny island.

As the Executive Director, Jennifer Smith will begin the branding revamp and makeover
immediately with a prompt focus on ensuring that a digital platform for accepting
donations is live ASAP. The initial phase will be on rebranding the organization's website,
logo, and mission; while simultaneously launching a strategic marketing campaign for
fundraising for the repairs on the building in Esperanza.
The second phase will be on new marketing strategies, fundraising, and beginning the
repairs on the building in Esperanza. The lot has already been cleaned out with heavy
machinery; the building has been emptied and secured and is ready for the initial phases of
The third phase will be on organizational structure for the center, specific program
initiatives, identifying all stakeholders, marketing, grants, and finally ongoing funding &
collaboration opportunities.


I. Rebranding - Over the next 3-4 months complete the organizational makeover
simultaneously strategically marketing for funding repairs of the upcoming
Educational Center.

II. Repairs- Over the next 6-10 months complete repairs to the abandoned
building and surrounding lot to become a dynamic Education Center of the
21st century.

III. Organization and Launch of the Center - Launch the Education Center in a
year’s time to host our Primary School - ESCUELA VERDE as well as various
other after school programs, workshops, and collaborative educational
programs out of the center.

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