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Indian J Psychiatry. 2022 Mar; 64(Suppl 3): S618.

PMCID: PMC9129372
Published online 2022 Mar 24. doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.341798

Prevalence and correlates of delirium tremens in male alcoholics

Vedansh Nehra, Chaudhary Suprakash, Dr., and Daniel Saldanha, Dr.



Alcohol withdrawal syndrome occurs in patients who have decreased or discontinued taking
alcohol most patients who undergo withdrawal experience mild to moderate symptoms
including nausea vomiting agitation however delirium tremens occurs in very few individuals
and is associated with significant mortality and morbidity


To assess Prevalence end correlate of delirium tremens in male Alcoholics.

Materials and Methods:

All adult patients admitted above the age of 18 years Who did not have early manifestation of
DT at zero time they were at risk for alcohol withdrawal syndrome at zero time and they
were admitted primarily for detoxification from alcohol. the patients who were already in
delirium or had very low chances of going into delirium were excluded. They were assessed
with a self made Socio demographic proforma,Severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire,
clinical institute withdrawal assessment of alcohol scale revised.


30 % males with alcohol dependence went into delirium tremens. Net income ,education
,years since consuming, amount and type of alcohol had an impact on prevalence of delirium

Chances of delirium tremens increases with factors like age , net income, employment and
also time since consuming , type and amount of alcohol.

Keywords: delirium tremens, male alcoholics

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