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1st Semester Student,

First of all, congratulations. You deserve to celebrate all of the hard work it
took to get here - the long nights studying, the debilitating anxiety before a big
test, and worst of all… microbiology. Take time to be proud of yourself.

When I would tell people, “I’m in nursing school,” one of their first
responses was always, “Oh, isn’t that really difficult?” Yes, it is difficult. I would
be lying if I said it was easy, but you deserve to be here, and you are ready for
this. You were chosen based on your experience, your prerequisites, but more
than anything, you were chosen because of who you are. The career of nursing
needs you. It needs your mindset, uniqueness, and charisma. Each person brings
something different to this profession and each person is necessary. You are
necessary. Please never forget that.

My biggest piece of advice: get to know the people around you, be curious,
and remember why you started. The only people who will know what you are
experiencing are the people in your cohort, so talk to them. Find your group,
carpool whenever possible, and laugh often. The easiest way to learn is to be
curious - ask your teachers questions, look things up online, listen to the nurses
you meet, and push yourself. Do not be afraid to look something up or to say, “I
don’t know.” Take each experience as an opportunity to grow. You are going to
see some difficult things out in the clinical setting, so just remember the light you
can bring to people. It is an honor to be a part of someone’s healing journey.
Remember why you started, and let it guide you through your education. In two
years, you will be amazed by how much you have grown in all aspects of your life.

The fun is just beginning.


A 4th Semester Student

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