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Topics: Crime
by Adrian Tennant



a. Read the newspaper stories below and match 4.

the headlines from the previous exercise to the
correct story. A 19-year-old woman officers stopped the
has been caught woman as she was
smuggling drugs walking through
worth £100,000. She Gatwick Airport. She
has been sentenced was on her way home
Detectives investigating A man who was walking to six months in from holiday.
the murder of a woman his dog discovered the prison. Customs
are trying to find out body and called the
exactly how and when police. The police are
she died. They also examining the crime
don’t know her name. scene but don’t have any
evidence yet.

Police in one UK town and uniformed officers
have arrested more caught people who were
shoplifters in a week stealing from shops. The
than they would usually police arrested nearly 250
2. arrest in a year. More people.
than 30 undercover
Police have appear in court
arrested a 55-year- tomorrow. Police
old man after he want any witnesses
tried to strangle to contact them.
a woman on New The attack happened
Year’s Eve. The just after midnight
22-year-old woman outside Reveller’s b. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
is in hospital. nightclub.
The man will Story 1: The police know how the woman
was killed.
Story 2: The woman in the story isn’t dead.
Story 3: Bob doesn’t break into houses now.
Story 4: The woman was going on holiday when she
was arrested.
3. Story 5: The police usually catch more than 250
shoplifters every week.
The police are employing an around 500 houses. He
ex-thief to help them fight now works with the police,
crime. ‘Bob’, who is in his helping them to give advice
forties, has spent more than to homeowners on how to
ten years in jail for various stop potential burglars.
crimes including burgling

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

INTEGRATED SKILLS / Topics / Crime / Pre-intermediate 2

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