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Chapter 16 Shrimad Bhagavat Gita part 1

With Baba’s grace I started reading chapter 16 Bhagavad Gita. In that Bhagavan mentions
about divine virtues.
In that FEARLESSNESS is mentioned.When I was reading about this, I remembered Baba’s
words. DO NOT FEAR.

In Sri Sai Satcharitra Hemad ji describes Baba’s lifestyle. Hemadpanth ji inspired millions of
devotees by writing Sri Sai Satcharitra with Baba’s blessings and Grace. In fact, Baba wrote
about himself through Hemad ji as told in the third chapter. I am just condensing the points
mentioned by Hemad ji in his Sri Sai Satcharitra.

Baba’s life is life of Fearlessness. Baba stayed alone as a young lad near Shirdi outskirts
immersed in Meditation. He was not scared of anything. Throughout his life, Baba always
said do not fear or do not worry and inspired and encouraged the villagers and devotees by
his mode of living.

Baba being a Brahma jnani always lived in the understanding that Brahman alone is. He
never saw anything other than Brahman.  Dviteeyaad vai bhayam bhavati—Fear indeed arises
from a second entity. This is the statement from Upanishads. There is only brahman. It is
Ignorance that projects multiplicity and creates the appearance of different entities. It is only
when a person sees others as different from himself that fear, etc., arise. The term 'fear' is
representative of all emotions such as desire, attachment, aversion, anger, jealousy, greed,
etc. None of these can arise when a person sees no other being different from himself. 

When a person realizes that the whole world is nothing but brahman, he does not see any
entity different from himself. Then no cause for fear or any of the other emotions mentioned
above exists. This is the meaning of this mantra- Dviteeyaad vai bhayam bhavati. A jnaani
does not see anything, living or non-living, different from himself. So, he has no feelings
such as fear, aversion, attachment, etc., towards any other creature, whether human being or
wild animal or reptiles such as cobras, etc. This is what is described in the upanishads as
'abhayam', fearlessness. Brahman is indeed abhayam, free from fear. He who knows it as his
own Self becomes the fearless brahman. Baba lived such a simple life even though he has
such a depth of Self Knowledge, lived a life of simplicity and humility. We are all so blessed
to have the heart that loves Baba and to sing his glory. Because of his causeless compassion,
Baba only kindled the love for him in our hearts. Humble prayer to Baba to bless all of us
with devotion and love for his lotus feet. Jai Sairam🙏🏼

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