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Contact: Kate Nare Marketing Coordinator (858) 274-3718 Office (925) 872-1642 Cell kate@plantwithpurpose.



Plant With Purpose Launches Trees Please! Campaign Environmental non-profit combats global poverty by planting trees
SAN DIEGO April 1, 2011 Plant With Purpose, an environmental non-profit organization working internationally to reverse poverty and deforestation among the rural poor, has launched a Trees Please! Campaign to raise $10,000 to plant 10,000 trees by Earth Day (April 22nd). Additionally, the non-profit has received a generous dollar for dollar matching pledge, meaning theres an opportunity to double the impact and turn $10,000 into $20,000. The Trees Please! Campaign gives people a chance to do something here in the U.S. that will make a huge impact around the world, said Plant With Purpose Executive Director, Scott Sabin. Trees are powerful tools that can transform the lives of the poor by improving soil and water quality and providing income sources for poor rural families. For only $1 you can plant a tree and literally save a life. People can visit to donate trees. Additionally, Plant With Purpose will host a webinar on Thursday, April 21st, the day before Earth Day, with Dr. Matthew Sleeth, author of Serve God, Save the Planet and founder of Blessed Earth ministry, and Scott Sabin, Executive Director of Plant With Purpose about the Biblical basis for caring for all of Creation. Last month, Plant With Purpose hit the milestone of 6 million trees planted, a number that includes 540,000 trees that were planted in Haiti last year following the devastating earthquake. The United Nations has officially named 2011 the International Year of Forests, and Plant With Purpose hopes to make an impact by planting 1 million trees this year. The Trees Please! Campaign is an effort to meet this goal. For interview inquiries, or for additional information on Plant With Purpose, including videos or photos, please contact Kate Nare at About Plant With Purpose Plant With Purpose ( is a Christian environmental non-profit that transforms lives in rural areas worldwide where poverty is caused by deforestation. Focusing on holistic solutions to poverty, Plant With Purpose has been restoring the lives of the rural poor for 27 years by planting trees, creating economic opportunity through micro-finance and micro-enterprise, and encouraging spiritual renewal. Please watch our short Trees Please! video.

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