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For Immediate Release

Haiti Featured Prominently in New Environmental Stewardship Resource

Valley Forge, PAIn Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for Gods People, author Scott Sabin establishes theological foundations for creation care and provides a global perspective on issues including sustainable agriculture and forestry, creating enterprise, and ultimately empowering the poor. The books practical strategies and case studies are born out of Sabins experience as executive director of Plant With Purpose (formerly Floresta), a nonprofit organization working internationally to reverse poverty and deforestation among the rural poor. Plant With Purpose currently works in 67 villages in Haiti and the forty staff members there focus on long term development work to ensure that villages are more resilient to natural disasters. Many of the stories which personalize and illustrate Tending to Eden focus on this devastated country, torn apart by recent earthquakes: Port-au-Prince loomed all around us, as if the tide had come in over the cinderblock-and-iron
architecture and stranded garbage and rubble on every horizontal surface. Human beings spilled out onto the broken streets, in every sort of dress imaginable. A naked man walked past a gentleman in a pinstriped suit, who was picking his way through the debris. People filled each alley and turned every sidewalk into an impromptu market. Rotting fruit and raw sewage odors combined with the smell of frying meat and exhaust. UN convoys of white SUVs and armored personnel carriers pass frequently Today I know those mountains, and I know the people who live in them. Ive developed a deep love and a great deal of respect for these people. I know their dreams, their courage, and the incredible persistence with which they work to take care of their families. I know the lack of opportunity that has made the destruction of this land inevitable. from the Preface

Scott Sabin is available for comments and interviews regarding Tending to Eden and Plant With Purposes work in Haiti. About the Author: A national speaker in the creation care movement, Scott Sabin has been published in various periodicals including The New York Times and San Diego Union-Tribune. Most recently, articles have appeared in Christianity Today (Trees of Life, November 2009), and Relevant (Planting with Purpose, May/June 2009). Since the Haiti earthquake, Sabin has been interviewed on Fox 5 News, KBPS, and KUSI, all in San Diego.

Format: Trade Paper ISBN: 978-0-8170-1572-5 Category: Social Issues

Size: 5.5" x 8.5" Pages: 192 Price: $18.00

Pub Date: February 2010 Distribution: Spring Arbor/Ingram Book Co. Anchor Distributors, STL Distribution, Baker & Taylor

For interviews with Scott Sabin, contact Kate McElhinney of Plant With Purpose at or office line (858) 274-3718 or cell phone (925) 872-1642. For more information about Tending to Eden, or to receive a review copy of the book, contact Kim Shimer, Judson Press marketing director, at or 610-768-2458.

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