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Activity to be developed on 1st class, 2nd week semester 20-B: from

September 14th-18th 2020:

The next sentences are wrong… correct them in your notebooks according
to SIMPLE PAST RULES. Prepare them for the next class in which you’ll
participate in the chat already created to remembering this conjugation form
rules. The chat activity will be developed on our second class, this week.

1. Luis not worked a lot yesterday.

2. Jaime and Lucy take their breakfast an hour ago?

3. My children cry a lot last month.

4. My parents didn’t helped me with my chores.

5. Did they offered me a good job in Japan?

6. Juan and Memo play soccer always each Monday last month.

7. Never Gabe deliver his homework on time last semester.

8. King Arthur to be a wise, brave, honest, mystical man.

9. Her boyfriend and I are good friends at the age of 5 years old.

10. Not they to be happy a year ago.

11. is my dogs furious and dangerous when they are 5 years old?

12. I am a shy, freckled, tiny, thin girl when I lived in Acapulco.

13. Bob forgets his duties a lot on our last year’s Spanish class.

14. Why loved Mary Oscar so much 5 years ago?

15. Where usually run those young men each morning last semester?

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