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Ezra Putra Eldavi





This Friday 2 July lecture was delivered by Mr. Daniel Fritz Silvanalla of Davao del Norte State
College, Panabo City, Philippines. The topic raised is about the Role of Public Relations and
Dialogic Relationship Building through social media. Public relations theory is based on four of
Grunig and Hunt's models – press agency, public information, two-way asymmetric
communication and two-way symmetrical communication. He added that the two-way
symmetric theory is the most desirable . Public Relations is the use of communication to
negotiate relationships between groups. And the internet, or the world wide web offers a multi-
channel environment in which negotiations between organizations and the public can take
place. Some of the functions of Public Relations include the dissemination of organizational
information and a crisis communication platform.

The entire organization in the world relies on social media. Mr Daniel explained that Pinoys
spend an average of almost 11 hours a day using the internet, while Indonesians spend an
average of almost 9 hours a day. And of those hours, nearly a quarter is spent on social media.

The dialogue perspective focuses on the attitudes towards each other that the participants in
the communication transaction have. The concept of dialogue means many things to many
people. It occurs when the parties agree to coordinate in good faith with their plan of action. It
also involves cooperative and communicative relationships. Dialogic communication can be
defined as a negotiated exchange of ideas and opinions. The word dialogic relates to or is
characterized by dialogue and its use. A dialogic is communication presented in the form of
dialogue. Dialogic processes refer to implied meaning in words uttered by a speaker and
interpreted by a listener. Dialogic works carry on a continual dialogue that includes interaction
with previous information presented.

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