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- Thank you very much Sist Oke,

- Assalamulaikum Wr Wb, Good morning landies and gentlent. Welcome back to the second
session of the program Friday I’m in love with English
- My name is Adithyar Rachman and I’m going to be the moderator today
- As we known before, this program sponsored by Gemilang English Club and Facilitated by
our beloved BKPSDM and DISKOMINFO of Tangerang regency
- And I believe through this program can become a means to give positives vibes in the term
of improving your ability in English, whether Writing or Speaking.
- Althougt may some of you struggling to cope with it, but don’t worry Gemilang English Club
were here to help you and the rest is you just enjoy the session

Main Session

- Alright then, this session will be talking about studied abroad experience and for that we
have speaker who already with us....
- We bro Rangga, and I would like to greet Bro Angga First,..
- Hello.,bro Angga, are you with us?
- Great!, alright, how is you day bro?
- Thank you,
- And I’m going to explain the time,..your presentation till the next 30 minutes and after you
presented, we will have discussion for about 30 minutes
- And for your information, our audience are the Civil Servants in Tangerang Regency, starting
from the district level until the agencies...
- So yupz, it’s quite various backkgroud bro
- All the audience can ask a question, please don’t be hesistate, now is the time to practice
your English
- If you have a question, you can ask your question during the session by rising your hand or
- You can type your question in the chat (box) and I’m going to read it them for you
- that clear??? Ok then, let’s moving to our distinguished speaker Bro Rangga,
- I’ll read your profile first, our speaker name is Asta Rangga Jiwo or we can called him Angga,
he works at Bapenda of Tangerang Regency as a Head of Subdivision of Tax data collection
PBB-P2 and BPHTB, so for the audience don’t forget to pay your PBB tax
- he got his master degree at Vrije Universiteit Amstedam, The Netherlands,wow Fabolous
isn’t it guys?It’s an honor to know you bro..
- Technology has changed everything around us, nowdays you can do almost everything
digitaly ,including study, making friends, meeting people like we are doing now and etc. but I
believe one thing that never can be replaced digitaly and that’s the wosdom of studying
- So..Bro Angga you have 30 minutes to present, to share your experience ., Please times is
- Anggra present...

Q & A session I

- Thank you bro angga, what a interesting presentation and sharing also, I hope the
experience can inspire all of us and we can have the opportunity to study abroad too,
- Sooo.,,alright now we are entering Q & A session,.,there any question from the audience?
- Come on, speak up, practice your English
- For reminder, if there are a question you can klik the rise hand emoticon on your zoom
screen or you can type it on the chat box, then I will read it them for you.
- Ok, if there are no question from the audience, well then I have a question for you bro
angga, some of my friends told me that studied abroad become a life changing experience,
so my question is what is your life changing experience during In the nedherlands?
- Bro angga Answered
- Thank you bro for the Answer
- So any additional question guys?

Q & A session II

- So let’s move to the......

- Let me see in the screen,oh great I find you
- Hello sis Indira, are you with us?
- Sis Indira Answered
- How is the weather in Sepatan?hehe, still hot here?
- Sis Indira Answered
- Sis Indira is friends of mine from sepatan District, she told me that she had tried to applying
for Australian award scholarship, maybe you can share with us about your experience
sis,time is yours
- Sis Indira Answered,
- Alright thank you for the answered, I got the point
- Sis Indira asked me about the requirement is it position at work be part of the
administrative assessment?
- I don’t think it’s gonna be an issue, because when I was registered for Australia Award
Scholarship, I can passed the administration stage eventhought even though I'm just a staff
but I didn’t pass the interview stage due to my lack of preparation, although the question
was easy to answer
- Ok, Thank you sis

Q & A Session III

- Besides me I have sis fina from cooperation division of regional secretariat of Tangerang
- How are you?
- Sis Fina Answered
- So have you had your coffee for today?
- Sis FIna Answered, how many glasess?
- Glad to have you here Sis, Ok then since you are in cooperation division I have a question for
- Are there any country that have collaborated with Tangerang Regency or is there a chance
to study there sis Fina?
- Sis Fina Answered
- For the information, on the Oct 25 th until 29th there will be a PNLG Forum event in Tangerang
Regency, which is a meeting of countries in East Asia Seas like Cambodia, Philippines,
Republic of Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Timor Leste and I think this is a good opportunity
to open cooperation with them, particulary in the term of scholarship like our theme of
session today, what do you think sis?
- Sis fina : i think Pemsea that will be held in Ketapang is such a great even, i'll try to take part
of it by making engangement with one of the city that has the same culture like tangerang
- Me: I’m suggesting busan from RO Korea, because the delegation will attend face to face
- Sis Fina: Really?
- Me: Yupz the latest information that the mayor of busan is coming his name is Lee Min Ho,
no just kidding, his name is Park Heong-joon
- Sis Fina: i already sent an email to busan to make sister city with them, but they refuses us
- Me: you may talk straight to the mayor at the event
- Sis Fina: wow,i think thats not my part, btw, how did u know about it?
- Me: because i'm in the arrival dan registration division of PNLG Forum hehehe
- Sis FIna: Fabolus
- Me: No I don’t think so, the more Appropriate word is Lieur.,haha
- End Of Conversation

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