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To develop a better insight of the topic at hand, it was necessary to implement a

qualitative research. This is so because it was the best way to obtain information from the

scholarly articles that give more information about the implications of the COVID-19 on the

mental health of children. The articles reviewed in this study were obtained from a particular

journal; PubMed. The research was done using specified search terms to find articles with

information that were subject specific. Below are the different search terms used in obtaining

information from the different articles:

The first article used in this research was ‘the COVID-19 pandemic: adverse effects on

the social determinants of health in children and families’. To obtain this article from the

PubMed journal site, the search terms used were adverse effects of covid 19 on children. Another

search term used in this research was the impact of covid 19 on children’s mental health meta-

analysis and these yielded two articles. The first one was ‘consequences of the COVID19

pandemic on children’s mental health: a meta-analysis’ and ‘psychological and behavioral

impact of lockdown and quarantine measures for COVID19 pandemic on children, adolescents

and caregivers: a systematic review and meta-analysis’. Additionally, the search terms, ‘effects

of restrictions on children during covid 19 pandemic’ brought up one article titled ‘investigation

of the effects of restrictions applied on children during covid19 pandemic’. The other search

term used in finding articles relevant to this research was the effects of covid 19 and children

internalizing symptoms. The above terms resulted to finding of one article titled ‘stuck outside

and inside: an exploratory study on the effects of the covid 19 outbreak on Italian parents and

children’s internalizing symptoms’. In addition to that, these search terms were also used; ‘covid

19 pandemic impact on children and adolescents mental health’ and one article was found:
‘covid19 pandemic impact on children and adolescents’ mental health: biological, environmental

and social factors’. Another search terms used in obtaining information for this research is

‘effects of covid 19 on children physical activity in US’ and one article was found, ‘early effects

of the covid 19 pandemic on physical activity and sedentary behavior in children living in the


Furthermore, using this search term, ‘challenges of covid 19 pandemic children and

adolescents mental health and domestic violence’ one article titled ‘challenges and burden of the

corona virus 2019(COVID 19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative

review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to

normality’ was found. Another search term that proved effective in this study was ‘impact of

covid 19 on children with disabilities’ and through this, one article is found and it is titled,

‘impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the wellbeing of children with neurodevelopmental

disabilities and their parents’. With the search terms ‘mental health effects of covid 19 on

children’, one article titled ‘mental health effects of the covid19 pandemic on children and

adolescents: a review of the current research’ was discovered. The last search term used in this

research was ‘impact of covid 19 on children obesity, over nutrition and undernutrition’ and with

this, one article was found; ‘a hidden side of the covid 19 pandemic in children: the double

burden of undernutrition and over nutrition’. It is indeed true to assert that the research was

made possible courtesy of the aforementioned articles and use of the search terms stated above

led to the discovery of these articles with important information regarding the subject at hand. To

determine the accuracy of the information obtained from the articles, each of the articles

analyzed to point out the dependent and independent variables. The analysis was also important
in developing findings and results of the research. The analysis mentioned above is tabulated in

Appendix A that depicts a comparison chart showing the above information.


Corona virus infection (COVID-19) has created unimaginable challenges for children,

teenagers, and their families all over the world. This virus, which was first discovered in Wuhan,

China, in December 2019, has prompted 23,440,774 cases of COVID-19 in the United States (as

of January 16, 2021) and has caused in excess of 390,938 aggregate US deaths. Pandemic-related

school and business closings and local area lockdowns have fundamentally affected families.

The earliest worldwide lockdowns that began in China around January 23, 2020, comprised of

limitations for schools and, social events; a factor that brought about children being subjected to

online schooling. In the US, many school districts advanced to online learning in March 2020 in

line with the local socialization restrictions. From that point forward, individual communities

and, states inside the United States have moved forward to force and lift limitations in response

to COVID-19 upsurge. The present circumstance has and still is a continually evolving

circumstance, with new challenges coming up happening gradually.

Studies depict the significance of quarantine and social segregation to contain the spread

of the infection and the over-load experienced in healthcare systems. Contrarily, the implication

of such long-lasting social isolation on children and adolescents is barely addressed. In addition,

attention is drawn not only to the multi-layered and heterogeneous element of this pandemic

which adds new issues and challenges to the populace but also to the way that this COVID-19

pandemic might elevate previous challenges and issues in individuals' lives, reaching out to the

broader range of the biopsychosocial system. In this, we brought components for a more
complete conversation around the neurobiology changes set off by the pressure brought about by

the various aspects of COVID19 flare-up.

Studies focusing on the indirect implications of the COVID-19 crisis on nourishment and

way of life in children are still rare and, were for the most part done in high or middle-income

countries. An Italian survey led during 3 weeks of home isolation included 41 obese children

aged 6-18 years. It showed that consumption of potato chips, red meat and sweet beverages

expanded exponentially during the lockdown (P-value range: 0.005 to < 0.001), while time spent

in sports exercises was reduced by 2.3 (±4.6 SD) hours/week (P = 0.003) and screen time moved

up by 4.8 (±2.4 SD) hours/day (P < 0.001). Additionally, a global review was conducted in Italy,

Spain, Chile, Colombia and Brazil among 820 youths depicted a significant increase in the

utilization of junk food during COVID-19 restrictions with more adherence to unhealthy food

among children born in illiterate families. Another Italian study led during the lockdown

included 3533 respondents of ages ranging between 12 and 86 years. The section of the

population aged 12-17 years showed an increase in junk food consumption and a lower

adherence to the Mediterranean eating routine compared to the individuals falling under the age

range of 18-30. In the United States, 1048 families signed up for a school-based nutrition

program responded to an electronic survey covering four geographic regions. Ideally, 93.5% of

respondents announced being food insecure in April 2020 contrasted with 71.5% in fall 2019,

and 41.4% revealed a decline in vegetable consumption since the occurrence of the Coronavirus


Despite the gradual lifting of the COVID 19 restrictions, and a few schools being allowed

to operate, children’s ordinary routines were severely disrupted with the inclusion of new

guidelines the system, such as wearing masks in class or transiting to learning on the web or
rather hybrid tutoring (rather than in-person learning). Arising research has recommended that

these different restrictions, and the feeling of fear toward the actual virus, may have made

children experience negative emotional wellness implications. Such an assertion comes from the

fact that in non-pandemic settings, pervasiveness studies indicate that 14 to 25% of children

experience psychological distress. The significant interruptions in children’s' ordinary routine

such as school closures and lockdown measures put in place for a long time, notwithstanding the

social isolation and depression related with lockdown measures, poses the risk of adverse

negative implications on the children's mental health which is in turn depicted on a population

level. A few children might be more in danger, for instance, those with a neurodevelopmental

problem or physical disability (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], autism

spectrum disorder [ASD], cerebral palsy), ongoing health condition (e.g., diabetes, obesity), or

other psychological disorders (e.g., anxiety disorders). Specifically, these children might be

particularly disadvantaged in confronting the impacts of the pandemic by virtue of its effects on

admittance to medical care resources and encouraging groups of people. It is hence vital to

explain the effect of pandemic-related general health measures on children's psychological and

mental wellbeing and to distinguish which children are at more risk of adverse results, and thusly

devise ways to help them.

In this review directed to determine the impacts of challenges imparted on children due to

the COVID-19 pandemic and the practices applied by parents to adapt to these impacts. It was

found that the kids appeared more nervous and stressed with almost 50% of them showing signs

of increased weight, and screen use during the lockdown period of the pandemic. Furthermore, it

was resolved that the kids who had experienced an individual found to have COVID-19 had a

relatively regular diet and were more likely to adhere to cleanliness guidelines than the people
who had not experienced an individual diagnosed with the infection. Children who had been in

isolation observed the cleanliness guidelines more than children who had not observed the

isolation policy. Like all nations all over the world, Turkey has been impacted adversely by the

unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, which has had the same level of effect on adults just as in

children. This was witnessed particularly in the spring and mid-year months when the urge by

kids to get active was high but they had been compelled to staying indoors due to the measures

put to curb the spread of the virus. The present circumstance significantly affected children's

emotional, behavioral, physical, and psychological wellness. These adverse consequences

incorporate diminished physical activity, increased screen time, reduced outdoor activities,

predominant pressure, stress, and reduced social interaction. Ideally, the findings of this study

are obtained from a multi-faceted assessment of the impacts of challenges affecting children

during the COVID-19 pandemic and, from the assurance of the measures took by parents to help

their children adapt to these impacts. Indeed, young people as compared to the elderly have felt

the implications of the challenges posed by the occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic more. Such

an assertion comes from the fact that reports show increased interference with children’s mental

health and this has affected different children in different ways.


Summarily, the onset of the COVID19 pandemic brought about a standstill to the

activities running the global business. Most sectors such as education, healthcare and transport

fell victim to the ravages associated with this pandemic. The above study brings a

comprehensive review of the challenges brought about by the virus and their implications to

young people. It is true to state that children’s routine was significantly impacted by the

pandemic. They were deemed unable to engage in physical learning and this went all the way to
interacting with their peers. The imposition of the lockdown restrictions saw most children

locked indoors during the pandemic. This move had severe implications on their psychological

wellbeing as the number of children developing psychological disorders during the pandemic

period increased significantly. In addition to the psychobiological issues affiliated with the

implications of the challenges posed by the covi-19 to children, the aforementioned populace

was also affected by health related disorders such as obesity and increased number of diabetic

patients. Studies reveal that continued sitting indoors and subscription to junk and other

unhealthy foods has seen most children suffer from diet related disorders. Existence of the

policies set to regulate individuals from accessing a variety of food types has seen most of them

stick to a regular diet of unhealthy and junk food. This has then resulted into increased food

related disorder cases with children being at a higher risk of contracting the said diseases as

compared to their adult counterparts.


In a bid to mitigate the implications of the challenges posed by covid-19 to children, it is

necessary that governments across the world come up with strategies that will ensure a seamless

adoption into the current situation with limited implications. First, the government need to

increase awareness through the health care facilities about the possibilities of psychological

effects of the policies they impose to children. With increased awareness, it is possible for

parents to come up with ways to handle their children such that they can process the changes

they are facing in their environment. Additionally, the government needs to consider education

programs that will equip teachers and parents with the necessary information they need to

psychologically prepare the children to adopting to the new circumstances created by the

pandemic. It is likely that all parents have not faced a similar situation before and thus lack
knowledge on how to handle such situations. As such, the government needs to sensitize its

public on how to handle children during such tough times. They should make the parents

understand that some of these changes are bound to bring about emotional, psychological and

behavioral change on their children and thus the need to have prior information on how to handle

such cases. Also, the government should make the transiton into the new policies an all inclusive

process. As such, children need to be prioritized when developing certain policies. There is need

to come up with a solid plan on how to gradually intiate children into the new policies such as

social isolation and getting used to hybrid learning. This is so because children have minimal

brain capacities and thus limited abilities to understand the situation they are facing. In light of

this fact, there is need to make their process gradual and in a way that they can understand

everything happening without having to have a hard time absorbing the same. Strategies need to

be put in place to ensure that the changes they are being subjected to are not going to affect their

psychological well being. In the event that this is not achieved, there ought to be

countermeasures put in place to mitigate the implications of the challenges introduced to the

lives of these young ones by the corona virus pandemic.

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