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Bogart B.

Boom Contemporary World

BSN 1C Prelims - Activity 2
Approaches to the study of globalization

1. Globalization has remained a contested and slippery concept because, despite

how beneficial and good it is for us to be interconnected throughout the world,
whether it be through communication or through exchanging goods, and products
and the like, we cannot forget about the large differences in cultures and beliefs. This
makes it harder to make connections with certain other countries or states. We would
need to be mindful and aware of each societies culture and belief in order to be able
to remain in good or neutral standing with them.
2. Globaloney is the silly nonsensical talk about global issues. (Dictionary).

It is a commentary of the left and right that global markets are rendering national
economies ungovernable. Unconstrained markets are said to increase wealth while
polarizing its distribution and destroying political authority. The nation-state
continues to be the main way to legitimize us and identify emotionally. Both alone
and in concert with others, the nation state can still guide economic forces.
Globalization is the ideology of the pessimistic era, which leaves us standing helpless
before the future. 

Deciding on what kind of economy we want and setting about achieving it in the
way which best suits us means adding more value and avoiding the whims of a
commodity exchange for raw materials. Losing the sovereignty in our companies,
and the ownership of our land will simply mean we become someone else's branch
office. It's baloney to think we are heading towards one big bloc of nations in a
borderless environment. (Brian Richards).

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