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Study for two minutes. Check Instagram. Study for two minutes. Browse Netflix.

Study for two

minutes. Check email. Study for two minutes. Get lost in TikTok indefinitely.

If this sounds like your typical study session, you’re certainly not alone, but you also need a little
help to kick your motivation into high gear, especially if you have a test coming up. Maybe
coming here is your next form of procrastination. If so, at least you’re on the right track.

Not every study motivation strategy is going to work for everyone, but there’s something out
there that will work for you. We’ve compiled a list of study motivation ideas to try out when you
just need to buckle down and get it done.

Browse our ideas below and try a few of them out. Some work well in isolation, some work well
combined together, some may work for you today but not tomorrow. If nothing else, at least it’s
a good distraction from studying, and you might find something that really helps up your
studying game.

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