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Favorite Monastery
I have my father's mother. It means like my grandma. When she was at the age
of 40, she donated a lot of money for monastery where in Sagaing Region so the
monks who lived in that monastery were known to her family. Last summer, we decided
to go for a trip so she really wanted to go that monastery. The name of the
monastery was Munthoo Chao Sagaing Monastery. In that monastery, there were mango
trees, a big lake to drink water and many buildings. The monastery was very big so
my little sister and me played around the monastery. We stayed at the one of the
buildings. It only had a map for sleep so we had to carry many things that we
needed for sleep also it had a bathroom. There was no air-con but there was a fan
that kept us cold. In the monastery, there were 5 Buddha images too. We offered
flowers, candles and cookies that brought from our house. There were many dogs in
that, so my sister and me were very frightened to them. When they saw us, they
barked to us but not the monks. I wanted to familiar with them but I couldn't. We
ate the breakfast, lunch and dinner at there because some of the restaurants were
not good enough to eat. After monks had finished the breakfast, we ate. In Sagaing
there were a lot of close friends who befriended with my father's parents. My
father said that when he was young his family was very poor so that friends were
helped them. Visiting the monastery was really peaceful, pleasant, joyful and got
knowledge for me to visit. I like my visit because that monastery was attached with
my family. That's all about my reasons why I would like to go there and my
favourite too.

True story that

heard from my myanmar teacher
At the hospital, there were two paients in a small room. There were only one
window and the entrance door. The frist paient lied down near the window but the
second one was beside the door. That happen is from the other country so the nurses
were not near by the paitents but they could call by pressing the bell. One day in
the evening the first paitent got up from the bed and looked at the window. The
first paitent told the second paitent that the sky was very clear and the children
were playing happily also the people were swimmng in the pool. The ladies who
walking across the road were very pretty and the birds were flying beautifully. The
second patient was very pleased and happy to hear that so the second patient wanted
to stay near by the window. After a few days, the first patient was seriously ill
and he couldn't click the bell to call the nurses and doctors. The second patient
looked at him but he didn't click the bell to call the doctors because he wanted to
stay near the window without the frist patient. If he called to the doctors, the
frist patient would alive but he didnt do that so the first patient was died. After
the moment the doctors came to that room and checked up to him. Then, they realized
that he was died so they carry the body. Immediately, the second patient went to
the window and looked at there but there was no people, birds and children. There
was only has a huge white building that cover to the window. He was very surprised.
This was the end of that happen.Yes there was nothing outside from the window but
the frist patient told like that because he wanted the second patient to happy. So
that I realzied the frist patient wanted the second one to happy but the second
patient wanted him to die. So, that's all about my talk show. I hope you will
interest and get something.

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