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Moravec's Paradox is a logical paradox, named for computer scientist Hans Moravec.

It states that logical

reasoning requires little computational resources, whereas sensuomotor skills require enormous
computational resources. This paradox has been known to occur in several fields, including artificial
intelligence and psychology. Hans Moravec, an Austrian who is now a research professor at Carnegie
Mellon University, is an AI legend. His work includes the development of fully autonomous robots.
Perhaps his most well-known book is Mind Children, which is a compelling and easy-to-read look at the
future of human and robotic intelligence. Moravec's paradox is a common theme in robotics and artificial
intelligence research. It refers to the fact that while reasoning requires relatively little computational
power, other skills such as perception and sensorimotor activities require enormous computation. As
computer processing power increases, robots will be able to compete with human capabilities.

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