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Alaura, Monica Feilane B.

ACCTG237 11/28/2022

“How Important Is Development?”

I have many things that I can relate to Ravi. I ask myself at times, what do I really want? Then, I realized
that I have various developmental goals in my life right now.

This may change a few years from now, but currently, I want a better lifestyle—physically, mentally,
spiritually, financially, emotionally, academically, and socially. I just want to be better in general. I want
to improve in every aspect of my life. Nothing is constant in this world, and we will continuously
develop. Most of us want to live a life of luxury, but how can we achieve that if the root of the problem
comes from the nation itself? There are many basis to determine if a country can be considered
developed. In the first place, development is crucial for a nation because it helps its citizens escape
poverty. Living in poverty is difficult. People who live in poverty frequently don't have access to quality
education, healthcare, or housing, and they frequently face discrimination. Millions of people all around
the world are caught in the "poverty trap" and unable to get out of it. For a nation to end the cycle of
poverty for its citizens and bring a large portion of the populace out of poverty, development is

Global development is essential to eradicating poverty worldwide. Many nations must progress if they
want to avoid having huge portions of their people continue to live in appalling conditions. The second
reason why development is important for a country is that it makes the health of the people better. As a
country gets better, so does its healthcare system. Getting more people to access good healthcare is
important not only for the quality of life of the people but also for the country's economy. Health and
poverty are linked in a lot of ways. People who are sick are often taken out of the workforce. People
who have to take care of sick family members often can't work either. Investing in a country so that its
health care can get better has a clear effect on reducing poverty. The fact that development increases
people's economic options serves as a third factor in the importance of development for nations.

Jobs are produced as a country develops more. This makes it possible for more people to find high-
quality, reliable employment and support themselves and their families. It has been demonstrated that
greater economic opportunities lessen the likelihood of conflict as well as crime and violence. Better
jobs are also associated with higher life quality for individuals. Development is vital for a nation since it
enhances business and trade in addition to producing greater jobs. Trade with other nations expands as
countries develop and attract more foreign businesses. As a result, the economy of the nation continues
to grow and there is more good employment available. The fact that development enhances the
educational system is another factor in the importance of development for nations.

Education systems are superior in more developed nations. This is because development boosts
government revenue while education costs money. This implies that they have more money to devote
to education. The relationship between better development and education is a fundamental factor in
why it is crucial for practically all nations. The right to a high-quality education belongs to every child.
Youth education demands in less developed nations are frequently unmet. Many less developed
countries' educational systems would be improved by increased development. A nation's economic
standing is also enhanced by a more educated public since more highly trained professions may be filled
and more inventive businesses can be started.
Education systems in many nations will advance as they grow. The result will be more prosperity. This is
why development is so crucial. One of the most important measures of a country's prosperity is child
mortality. Development is essential since it lowers the death rate among children. As a nation grows,
child mortality, which is measured as the proportion of kids who pass away before turning five, always
decreases. This is because development enables better access to specialized maternity care, better
nutrition, better hygiene, and better hygienic conditions. The likelihood of a child's survival increases
with the improvement of each of these early-year factors.

Lowering child mortality boosts a nation's economy. Although some people may argue with me on this—
families with fewer children have more money to spend and rely less on healthcare services, which
lowers the overall population's dependent on the healthcare system. Countries must continue to
develop if they are to lower the rate of child mortality. Development is vital for a country because it
lessens armed conflict and violence. Crime, strife, and violence all decline as a nation improves. People
are less prone to turn to violence and criminal activities if they have a higher quality of living and greater
economic prospects. Numerous studies have shown a strong correlation between rising income and a
decline in violent crime, which is why development is so crucial.

More affluent citizens are more invested in maintaining the status quo and are less likely to rebel
against the prevailing order. Armed organizations, insurrections, and violent protests are more common
in less developed nations. These kinds of elements can hinder a nation's progress and increase economic
unrest. Countries must develop since doing so makes them more stable. In turn, this boosts trade,
investment, company confidence, and a nation's general prosperity. Developed countries have lower
inequality. All of the most unequal countries in the world belong in the developing world. On the other
hand, all of the countries that are the least unequal belong among the most developed. Inequality
declines when nations experience increased prosperity. This is a significant advantage of development
and demonstrates how important it is for all nations.

For a country, inequality is a serious problem. It fosters hostility and instability, is a major factor in crime
and armed conflict and slows a nation's economic expansion. High inequality is a moral shortcoming of a
nation and a sign that it cannot provide for the needs of all of its people. Many less developed nations
must prioritize development to eliminate inequality and make their societies more equitable for all
citizens. The fact that growth improves people's quality of life is the last factor in the importance of
development for a nation.

People are more likely to live longer and happier lives in developed nations. They also generally have
better occupations, are more economically productive, live in nicer homes, and have access to better
healthcare and education. All of these elements help people in developed countries have a higher
standard of living. This is among the most compelling arguments for why a nation should pursue
progress. The ability of nations to meet the demands of their population improves as they develop. They
are less prone to experience crime, military conflict, or political unrest. They can produce more dynamic
economies and withstand economic downturns better. All nations aim for growth; many do so to
provide a higher standard of living for their citizens. Development is essential for every nation in the
world because of this.

In conclusion, every country may differ in what we want to improve, but we all want development. We
all wish for the better. No matter what aspect that may be—it is a general rule that we all crave change
and prosperity.

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