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Loads and Movement Speed Affect Energy Expenditure during Circuit Resistance Exercise
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Kirk B. Roberson1; Kevin A. Jacobs1; Morgan J. White1; Joseph F. Signorile1, 2

Laboratory of Neuromuscular Research & Active Aging-University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

University of Miami-Miller School of Medicine, Center on Aging

Corresponding Author: Dr. Joseph Signorile

Address: 1507 Levante Ave., Coral Gables, FL, 33146
Telephone: (305)-284-3105
Fax: (305)-284-4183
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Circuit and Energy Expenditure 2

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Circuit resistance training (CT) constitutes a high-intensity interval program commonly used to

target weight loss; however, the loads and exercise patterns that maximize energy expenditure
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(EE) remain undetermined. We examined differences in EE among CT protocols using varying

loads and contraction speeds in recreationally-trained males and females. Seven males (21.1 ±

0.5y) and eight females (20.0 ± 0.9y) performed three randomized CT protocols incorporating

three circuits using heavy-load (80%1RM) explosive (HLEC), heavy-load, controlled (2s)

(HLCC), and moderate-load (50%1RM) explosive contractions (MLEC). Expired air was

collected continuously before, during, and after exercise. Blood lactate was collected at rest,

immediately post-exercise, and five min post-exercise. No significant differences were detected

for resting EE; however, there was a significant difference among conditions during exercise

(p=.034, ηp2=.229). Post-hoc analysis revealed that MLEC produced significantly higher EE than

HLCC, but not HLEC (p=.023). There was a significant difference among conditions for rate of

EE during exercise (p=.003, ηp2=.361). Post-hoc analysis revealed that HLEC produced a

significantly higher EE rate than HLCC (p=.012) or MLEC (p=.001). A condition x sex

interaction was seen for blood lactate changes (ηp2=.249; p=.024). Females produced

significantly greater change for MLEC than HLEC (p=.011), while males showed no significant

differences. Our results favor CT using MLEC for a higher EE during a full workout; however,

the EErate was highest when using HLEC.

Key Words: Blood Lactate; Weight Loss; High-Intensity; Recreationally Trained; Circuit

Training; Resistance Exercise; Contraction Speed; Energy Expenditure

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With the prevalence of obesity in the United States, physical activity (PA) is an integral

component of a healthy lifestyle. PA can prevent or even reverse the effects of some chronic
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diseases, while reducing individual mortality risks (Long et al., 2015; Rockhill et al., 2001;

Tanasescu et al., 2002; Williams, 2001). For obese individuals, PA and diet management can

decrease overall body weight and body fat percentage (Donnelly et al., 2009). Current

recommendations from ACSM recommend endurance exercise and dietary restriction, while

resistance training (RT) has not been assigned a major role in weight loss (Donnelly et al., 2009).

Generally, RT is employed to increase muscular size, strength, and power. Recently RT

has been used for weight reduction and control (Ballor et al., 1996; Donnelly et al., 2009;

Kraemer et al., 1999; Messier et al., 2004; Villareal et al., 2010); however, due to limited interest

in this application, determining the effect of RT on energy expenditure (EE) has received little

attention. Researchers have assessed EE resulting from RT using the Weir and other similar

equations (Buitrago et al., 2013; Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mukaimoto and Ohno, 2012; Weir, 1949);

however, the non-steady state nature of RT, makes the reliability of such calculations

questionable. By including anaerobic contributions from lactate, researchers may be able to more

accurately compute EE during RT.

RT involves a number of variables including frequency, load, number of sets and

repetitions, rest intervals, exercise order, movement velocity, and type of equipment. Although

the impacts of many of these variables on EE have been studied under varying training

conditions (Aniceto et al., 2013; Ballor et al., 1987; Beckham and Earnest, 2000; Buitrago et al.,

2012; Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mazzetti et al., 2011; Mukaimoto and Ohno, 2012; Scott et al., 2009;

Wilkin et al., 2012; Wilmore et al., 1978), the effects of movement velocity during the concentric
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and eccentric segments of a typical RT circuit have yet to be quantified. In two studies, Mazzetti

et al. (2007; 2011), measured the effects of three different loading patterns and movement speeds

on EE. Their results supported the use of explosive concentric movements over slower,
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controlled movement speeds. These studies, however, used a traditional RT format in which the

subject completed three sets of an exercise before moving to the next, and employed only male

participants. There have been a number of other studies that have measured metabolic responses

to RT, and attempted to identify potential mechanisms (Ballor et al., 1987; Buitrago et al., 2012;

Wilkin et al., 2012). Many of these studies, however, have examined only one exercise, such as

the bench press or seated leg press, rather than multiple exercises used during typical training


Although EE has been examined during aerobic and classic RT, there is a paucity of data

for EE during circuit resistance exercise (CT), even though it is regularly recommended for

weight loss (Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mazzetti et al., 2011; Wilkin et al., 2012). One study

compared the effects of CT and traditional RT on EE and reported no significant differences

between the two modalities, however, the authors did indicate that there was a higher anaerobic

contribution using RT (Aniceto et al., 2013).

Two studies have also evaluated techniques that can effectively quantify EE resulting

from CT (Beckham and Earnest, 2000; Wilmore et al., 1978). It is important to note that these

studies along with one recent study by Mookerjee et al. (2016) are the only three studies to our

knowledge to assess changes in EE in women. However, in each of these studies anaerobic

contributions to EE were not considered and movement velocities were not varied. Therefore,

the purpose of this study was to examine differences in EE among CT protocols using varying

loads and movement speeds in recreation

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ally-trained men and women. Given the results of previous studies, we hypothesized that

the use of maximum speed explosive contractions with heavy loads would increase EE to a

significantly greater degree than slow, controlled speed programs using heavy loads or maximal
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speed explosive programs using moderate loads.



Seven apparently healthy men (age: 21.1±0.5 yrs; height: 68.1±2.2 in; body weight: 74.5±13.0

kg; BMI: 24.9±4.1; VO2max 43.3±6.7 ml-kg-min-1) and eight apparently healthy women (age:

20.0±0.9 yrs; height: 64.1±2.9 in; body weight: 59.2±6.2 kg; BMI: 22.3±1.7; VO2max 39.9±6.3

ml·kg·min-1) voluntarily participated in the study. Subjects were determined to be recreationally

active if they participated in some form aerobic and/or resistance training for at least 30 min/d,

on at least 3 d/wk. Information regarding physical activity was provided by each subject on a

Health History Questionnaire. All subjects were non-smokers and denied using any medications

(with the exception of birth control in women), dietary or ergogenic supplements, and reported

no disease or disorders that may have affected their metabolism. All subjects had the

experimental risks and benefits of the study explained to them and subsequently signed an

informed consent form along with a physical activity readiness questionnaire and Health History

questionnaire, approved by the Institutional Review Board for the Use and Protection of Human

Subjects at the University of Miami.

Research Design

To compare the effects of three different CT protocols on EE, each of the 15 subjects visited the

laboratory on six separate occasions at the same time each day (±1 hour) with 24-72 hours
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separating sessions. The first day consisted of completing all necessary forms and questionnaires,

completing anthropometric and resting measurements including body height and weight, blood

pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), a resting electrocardiogram (ECG), and treadmill familiarization.
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On the second day, subjects completed a maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) test on a

motorized treadmill. Subjects were also familiarized with the pneumatic exercise equipment

(Keiser Corp, Fresno, CA. USA) on which they would subsequently be tested. On the third day,

subjects performed one-repetition maximum (1RM) testing on each of the seven pneumatic

machines to be used in the study. 1RM testing on each machine was completed in the following

order for each subject: Bilateral leg press, seated latissimus dorsi (lat) pull-down, seated hip

adduction, seated chest press, seated knee flexion, seated overhead press, and seated hip

abduction. 1RM testing was conducted using guidelines established by the National Strength and

Conditioning Association (Baechle and Earle, 2008). On days 4-6, subjects completed each of

the three assigned CT protocols. A brief description of each protocol is depicted in Figure 1A.

Subjects performed three circuits using heavy-load (80%1RM) explosive contraction (HLEC),

heavy-load, controlled contraction (2s) (HLCC), and moderate-load (50%1RM) explosive

contractions (MLEC). Results from our previously conducted pilot study revealed that 80% 1RM

generally correlated with each subjects 6RM, and that 50% 1RM correlated with each subjects

12RM. The order in which the protocols were completed was randomly assigned in a

counterbalanced manner.

Anthropometric and Resting Measurements

Body weight and height were measured to the nearest .1 kg and .5 cm, respectively. Body weight

was obtained using a calibrated electronic scale (Measuretek Scale, Model PS-102-200,

Vancouver, BC. Canada). Height was measured using a stadiometer that was a component of a
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medical dual beam scale (Detecto Corp, Webb City, MO, USA). Resting HR and BP were

obtained electronically (BP TRU. BPM-200, Coquitlam, BC, Canada) following a 15-min seated

rest period. A seated, resting 12-lead ECG was obtained (Model: iE 6, Shenzhen Biocare Bio-
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Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen. P.R. China) to ensure that subjects had no pre-existing

arrhythmias that would preclude them from vigorous exercise.

Maximal Oxygen Consumption Testing

VO2max testing was conducted on a Cybex 790T motorized treadmill (Cybex International, Inc.,

Medway, MA. USA) wearing a portable breath-by-breath gas analyzer (Oxycon Mobile,

Carefusion, Yorba Linda, CA. USA). The portable metabolic unit was calibrated prior to each

testing session. A two-way non-rebreathing nasal and mouth facemask was used, and each

subject was fitted with mask size that minimized any leakage of air. The testing protocol used

was a modified version of the Astrand Treadmill Test (Åstrand, 1952). Subjects completed a

four-min warm-up at a self-directed speed. Each subject was instructed to increase gradually the

speed throughout the warm-up and at minute three to select the fastest speed at which they could

maintain a conversation (Talk-test). Once this speed was selected, it was kept constant

throughout the remainder of the test. The warm-up was conducted at a 0% grade and at the start

of the test incline increased to 2.5%. Subsequently, the grade was increased by 2.5% every two

minutes until test completion. Perceived exertion was measured using the 15-point Borg Rating

of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale (Borg, 1982). HR was continuously monitored using a Polar

portable HR sensor (H7 Heart Rate Sensor, Lake Success, NY. USA). RPE and HR were

obtained from the subject during the last minute of the warm-up, and at one and a half minutes

into each stage. Subjects were asked to give a maximal effort. Established criteria from ACSM

were used to determine if a true maximal effort was achieved.

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After resting measurements were obtained on the first day, all subjects completed a treadmill

familiarization session in which they were introduced to the equipment and all functions relevant
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to the test, including emergency stop procedures and procedures for exiting the treadmill at the

completion of maximal testing. Following the completion of all 1RM testing, subjects practiced

performing the concentric and eccentric phases of each lift in synchronization with the tones of a

digital metronome (DeltaLab, DMT-1, Thousand Oaks, CA. USA) at both loads (50% and 80%

1RM) to be used during the three CT protocols. For consistency, seating and arm positions, as

well as hand and foot placement, for each of the seven pneumatic machines were recorded and

used throughout all testing sessions. For the leg press, a starting knee angle of ~1.57 rad was

established via a goniometer for all subjects.

Dietary Requirements

On the day of baseline and resting measurements, subjects were instructed not to eat or consume

caffeine two hours prior to their visit. Subjects were also instructed to keep a written record and

to consume the exact same meal at the exact same time point each day before and each day of

their testing sessions. Subjects were not limited to any particular diet and were not instructed to

change their diet, however, in order to obtain consistent baseline measures, meals prior to testing

needed to be identical in all aspects. The respiratory exchange ratio and resting HR were

examined during the resting portion of each testing session to ensure that subjects were starting

at similar baseline levels prior to the exercise phase of the session.

Experimental Protocol
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The study timeline across testing days is presented in Figure 1B, while the testing protocol for

each day is illustrated in Figure 1C. Prior to each of the three testing protocols, subjects rested in

a supine position in a dark, quiet room, on a padded treatment table for 15 min. Expired gas was
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continuously collected during this resting phase and throughout the entire exercise session.

During the resting phase, subjects were instructed to remain awake and not to move, speak, or

use/view any electronic devices. Ten minutes into the resting phase a blood sample was obtained

to determine blood lactate concentration. Blood samples (~2.8 µL) were obtained via the finger-

stick method at 10 min into the resting phase and immediately following the end of the exercise

phase of each testing session. Two samples were obtained at each time point and the average was

used to determine blood lactate (BL) concentration (mmol·L). The sites chosen for the finger

sticks were midway between the edge and midpoint of the fingertip on the second, third, and

fourth fingers. Each site was properly cleaned using a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution prior to the

blood draw. Samples were taken using two identical portable lactate analyzers (Lactate plus,

Nova Biomedical, Waltham, MA. USA). Each analyzer was calibrated according to company


Following the resting phase, the subjects performed one of the three experimental

protocols. For the MLEC protocol, subjects attempted to complete 12 repetitions on each of the

seven machines at 50% of their established 1RM. For the concentric portion of the lift, the

subject was asked to “move the load as forcefully and as quickly as possible”. The eccentric

phase of the lift consisted of a two second, controlled motion. Instructions for the HLEC protocol

were identical to that of the MLEC protocol with the exception that the load lifted was 80% of

the subject's 1RM. For the HLCC protocol, the load used was the same as that for the HLEC

protocol; however, movement speeds for both the concentric and eccentric phases were set at
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two seconds. If a subject was not able to complete all repetitions for any protocol the total

number completed was recorded, and if additional rotations in the circuit were remaining the

subject was provided a longer recovery prior to completing the next exercise set(s). The
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pneumatic resistance training exercises, in the order in which they were performed, are presented

in Figure 2.

For all testing protocols, subjects were given identical warm-up sets on the leg press (ten

reps, 40% 1RM, self-directed contraction speeds) prior to the start of exercise. Data from this

warm-up set were not included in the analyses. All exercises were conducted in a circuit-style,

meaning that the subject completed one set on each machine before moving to the next. Three

rounds of the circuit constituted one full testing session. For rest intervals, subjects were

instructed to take as much time as needed before progressing to the next machine in order to

complete successfully all of the assigned repetitions. Instructions for the rest periods were

identical for all three exercise protocols. Immediately following the exercise protocol, a blood

sample was collected and analyzed for BL concentration. Finally, the subject rested lying supine

on the padded treatment in the dark, quiet room for 30 min, which constituted the EPOC phase.


Data from the metabolic unit were exported in 10-s intervals and used to calculate the rate of EE

(kcal•min-1) using the equations of Weir (1949) The average EE for rest, exercise, and recovery

was multiplied by that phase’s exact time to calculate the total EE (TEE, kcal) for that phase.

Anaerobic contributions to EE using BL were determined using an equation provided in

previous studies (Scott 2006; 2012; Scott et al. 2009):

[∆ mmol lactate * 3 ml O2 * body weight (kg)/1000]

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where ∆ mmol lactate is the different in BL from rest to the end of exercise, and a conversion

factor of 3.0 ml O2 · kgBW-1. This value was then divided by 1000 to convert ml to L of O2 and

was subsequently multiplied by five to convert into kcal (1L O2=5.0 kcal). Volume load was
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calculated for males and females separately, and combined. Total volume load was summed for

all exercises collectively. Loads used for the heavy and moderate weight protocols are presented

in Table 1 and total volume loads for each condition are presented in Table 2. Total volume load

was calculated for each exercise by the equation:

[Volume load=sets x repetitions x load (kg)]

Statistical Analyses

Data are presented as means ± standard error (SE). A 3 x 3 analysis of variance with repeated

measures was used to test for significant condition x time x sex interactions, and Bonferroni’s

post hoc analysis was used where appropriate to determine specific pairwise differences (SPSS

ver. 22, Armonk, NY. USA). Significance for this study was defined as p ≤ 0.05.


Heart Rate and Rest Intervals and Volume Load

An average heart rate (HR) was calculated every two minutes during each exercise

session. There was a main effect revealing significant differences in HR at the different time

points for the HLCC (ηp2=.898; p<.001), HLEC (ηp2=.781; p<.001), and MLEC (ηp2=.750;

p<.001) protocols (Figure 3A). In all three protocols, HR significantly increased throughout the

progression of the exercise session. It is also worth noting that although each subject was

allowed to dictate their own rest intervals between sets, there were no significant differences in

rest intervals between the three protocols (HLEC: 24.24±1.00; HLCC: 24.25±1.25; MLEC:
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22.00±1.25). Data from Table 2 represent the total volume load for each condition by exercise

and when all exercises are combined. For all exercises individually and combined, mean total

volume load was higher for the MELC protocol than for HLEC/HLCC.
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Blood lactate concentration pairwise comparisons are presented in Table 3. For resting

blood lactate there was no significant difference (ηp2=.066; p=.412) or condition x sex interaction

(ηp2=.113; p=.209) and no significant differences were seen among groups for the duration of the

resting phases (ηp2=.191; p=.281). For the change in blood lactate levels across the exercise

phase, a significant condition effect was detected (ηp2=.265; p=.018) and a significant condition

x sex interaction was seen (ηp2=.249; p=.024). Separate post-hoc analyses for females and males

revealed that for females MLEC produced a significantly greater change in blood lactate across

the exercise period than HLEC (Mdiff = 1.61±0.35 mmol·L-1; p=.011), while males showed no

significant differences by condition.

Oxygen Consumption

Pairwise comparisons for VO2 across phases are presented in Table 3. No significant

differences were found by condition (ηp2=.130; p=.434) or condition x sex interaction (ηp2=.017;

p=.900) during the initial resting phase. There were also no significant differences seen during

the exercise phase for condition (ηp2=.168; p=.091) or condition x sex interaction (ηp2=.003;

p=.960). Finally, neither a significant condition effect (ηp2=.034; p=.639) nor condition x sex

interaction (ηp2=.001; p=.982) were detected during the recovery phase. There were no

significant findings for oxygen consumption with any condition or between sexes for each time

point during each testing session.

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Energy Expenditure Based on Oxygen Consumption

Figures 3B and 3C illustrate the changes in rate of energy expenditure (EErate) across the

exercise and recovery phases under each exercise condition. Comparisons for EErate across
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phases are presented in Table 4. Since EE was not assessed during the initial resting phase,

results are presented for EErate only. For this phase, no significant differences were detected in

EErate among conditions (ηp2=.032; p=.654) nor was there a significant condition x sex

interaction (ηp2=.016; p=.810).

While there was a significant difference due to condition for total EE during the exercise

phase of the assessment (ηp2=.246; p=.026), there was no significant condition x sex interaction

(ηp2=.038; p=.601). Although pairwise comparisons revealed no significant differences among

conditions, the difference between the HLCC and MLEC approached significance (Mdiff = -12.51

± 4.70 Kcal; p=.059). For EErate during the exercise phase there was a significant difference by

condition (ηp2=.216; p=.043), but no significant condition x sex interaction (ηp2=.033; p=.646).

Pairwise comparisons revealed a significantly higher EErate for HLEC compared to HLCC

(Mdiff=.51 ± .16 Kcal; p=.024).

There were no significant differences in EE for condition (ηp2=.033; p=.648) or condition

x sex interaction (ηp2=.001; p=.984), or in EErate for condition (ηp2=.035; p=.633) or condition x

sex interaction (ηp2=.016; p=.984) during recovery.

When EE for the exercise and recovery phases was combined, a significant difference

was detected for condition (ηp2=.228; p=.035), but not for condition x sex (ηp2=.041; p=.579).

Post hoc analysis produced only a single pairwise comparison that approached significance, with

MLCC producing a higher value than HLCC (Mdiff = -12.42 ± 5.07 Kcal; p=.088). When EErate
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for the exercise and recovery phases was combined, no significant differences were seen for

condition (ηp2=.149; p=.122) or condition x sex (ηp2=.029; p=.684). Post hoc analyses revealed

no significant differences between groups; however, the difference between HLEC and HLCC
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approached significance (Mdiff = .23 ± .09 Kcal; p=.066).

Energy Expenditure Based on Oxygen Consumption and Blood Lactate

Table 4 provides pairwise comparisons EE computed using anaerobic and aerobic

sources across the exercise and recovery phases.

For EE during exercise there was a significant difference due to condition (ηp2=.229;

p=.034), but no significant condition x sex interaction (ηp2=.014; p=.831). As was the case for

our analysis based on VO2, pairwise comparisons revealed no significant differences among

conditions; however, the difference between the HLCC and MLEC approached significance

(Mdiff = -12.14 ± 4.71 Kcal; p=.069). For EErate during the exercise phase there was also a

significant difference by condition (ηp2=.361; p=.003), but not significant condition x sex

interaction (ηp2=.032; p=.636). Pairwise comparisons revealed a significantly higher EErate for

HLEC compared to HLCC (Mdiff=.62 ±.21 Kcal; p=.036) and MLEC (Mdiff=.84 ±.21 Kcal;


For the total EE computed as the sum of exercise phase EE using VO2 and blood lactate

and recovery EE using VO2 alone in the computation, there was neither a significant difference

seen for condition (ηp2=.192; p=.063) nor a condition x sex interaction (ηp2=.013; p=.838).

When EErate for the exercise and recovery phases were combined, no significant differences were

seen for condition (ηp2=.076; p=.357) or condition x sex (ηp2=.027; p=.703).

Ratings of Perceived Exertion

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An analysis of the average RPE during the exercise stage revealed a significant difference by

condition (ηp2=.663; p=.0001), but no condition x sex interaction (ηp2=.104; p=.267). Post hoc

analyses revealed that RPE was significantly higher for HLEC (7.2±.5; Mdiff = 1.8±0.3; p=.001)
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and MLEC (7.2±.4; Mdiff = 1.8±0.3; p=.0001) than for HLCC (5.4±.4).


To compare the effects of different contraction speeds and loads on energy expenditure, we

tested three different protocols, HLCC, HLEC and MLEC, in both men and women using

identical exercises. Repetition numbers and sets were consistent among each respective protocol

for each subject, regardless of sex. For this study, we chose to allow subjects to dictate their own

recovery period between sets, based on previous findings in our pilot study, which revealed no

significant differences in rest intervals when this method was applied. Notably, on average, the

total time to complete the MLEC (20.17 min) was longer than that required to complete either

the HLEC (16.07 min) or HLCC (17.12 min). This was likely because more repetitions

wereassigned to each exercise in the MLEC circuit, because of the lower assigned load.

Therefore, the MLEC protocol resulted in double the number of repetitions as compared to each

of the heavy-load protocols. It is likely that the difference in assigned repetitions caused the

overall mean difference in total volume load between the moderate and heavy load protocols. We

recognize the inherent limitations when interpreting TEE due to overall differences in the time

and volume load of each protocol and rather, stress the findings about EErate as they are not

entirely dependent on total exercise time, but better reflect exercise intensity. It is also worth

noting that although total volume load and total time were greater for the MLEC protocol, RPE

was not significantly higher when compared to HLEC, suggesting that greater volume alone was

not enough to elicit a greater perception of exertion. This design was chosen since it reflects real-
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world application, rather than attempting to equilibrate volume or total work across exercise


Influence of Resistance Exercise on Oxygen Consumption

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Our VO2 results during all exercise (HLEC=14.5 ± 0.4 ml·kg-1·min-1; HLCC=14.9 ± 0.5 ml·kg-
·min-1; MLEC=15.6± 0.6 ml·kg-1·min-1) and recovery sessions (HLEC=5.5 ± 0.2 ml·kg-1·min-1;

HLCC=5.5 ± 0.2 ml·kg-1·min-1; MLEC=5.3 ± 0.2 ml·kg-1·min-1) exceeded those reported by

Braun et al. (2005) (exercise=11.5 ± 1.2 ml·kg-1·min-1; recovery=2.9 ± 0.2 ml·kg-1·min-1) in

eight, untrained women (31.3±9.1 years; BM=63.9±10.2 kg). Differences may be attributable to

the differences in population samples or between the CT protocols. In addition to the

incorporation of both sexes in our sample, our subjects were also approximately a decade

younger, were resistance-trained, and had a considerably higher VO2max values for our women

(39.9±6.3 ml·kg·min-1) and men (43.3±6.7 ml·kg-1·min-1) than for the women in their study

(31.9±4.1 ml·kg·min-1). For CT, both studies employed three sets; however, their study used 15

reps at 65% 1RM at controlled speed, while these patterns differed for our protocols depending

on load (80% 1RM or 50 1RM) and movement speed (2s concentric/2s eccentric; max speed

concentric / 2s eccentric). Additionally, allowing our subjects to self-select recoveries between

sets may have provided a more effective work/recovery interval than the 30-s transition time

provided in their study. Finally, the use of pneumatic machines in our study may have produced

more consistent loading throughout exercise ranges of motion that the plate-loaded machines in

their study.

Buitrago et al. (2013) examined VO2 during the chest press performed under four

different conditions, strength endurance (55% 1RM; 4s concentric/4s eccentric), fast force
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endurance (55% 1RM; max speed concentric/1s eccentric), hypertrophy (70% 1RM; 2s

concentric/2s eccentric), and maximum strength (85% 1RM; max speed concentric/1s eccentric).

They reported that mean VO2 during fast force endurance (11.4±16.9 ml·kg·min-1) was
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significantly higher than for all other RTMs (p<0.01). While this pattern reflects that seen in the

current study, once again the VO2 values are notably lower than those in our study. Given that

both studies used young, resistance-trained individuals, the most likely reason for the differences

between studies were: the use of three sets of circuit resistance exercise compared to one set

resulting in velocity-specific failure; pneumatic versus plate-loaded resistance; and, the use of a

single exercise that targets moderate muscle mass vs. multiple exercises targeting a variety of

large and smaller muscle groups.

Lactate Concentration and Resistance Exercise

In the study cited earlier by Buitrago et al. (2013) blood lactate levels were significantly higher

after fast force endurance than strength endurance, hypertrophy or maximum strength protocols.

These results are similar to those seen in the current study for females with MLEC producing

significantly greater changes in blood lactate across the exercise phase than HLEC. Additionally,

Mazzeti et al. (2011) observed pre-exercise and post-exercise lactate levels that are similar to

those reported in this study. However, they found blood lactate levels reached significantly

higher values with a heavy load-slow contraction protocol (2s concentric/2s eccentric) than either

a heavy explosive (maximal concentric/2s eccentric) or recreational lifting protocol (~1s

concentric/~1s eccentric). This differed from our findings that showed no significant differences

between the two heavy protocols. Differences could be attributed to the dissimilar protocol

designs, in which we utilized a circuit resistance exercise design, while Mazzetti and colleagues

(2011) used a protocol in which multiple sets of a single exercise were completed prior to
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moving to the next exercise. These differences may have been the result of different methods of

providing recovery, and perhaps, our use of a circuit training protocol consisting of contrasting

agonist/antagonist muscle exercises and alternating the targeting of the upper and lower body
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across sets. Potential mechanisms could be related to more efficient lactate clearance and

ATP/CP replenishment at the site of the active muscles; however, future research needs to be

conducted to confirm these possibilities. The differences in protocol design may have offset any

significant changes that would have otherwise been observed in a single-exercise/multi-set

protocol such as that employed by Mazzetti and colleagues (2011). In a study similar to ours

using a circuit resistance exercise protocol (60%1RM, 10 reps/set, 24 sets, 1s concentric/1s

eccentric), Aniceto et al (2013) reported a peak blood lactate level of 11.1±2.5 mmol·dL-1. This

is similar to that seen for the male participants in our study (HLCC: 11.7±.9; MLEC: 11.0±,7;

HLEC: 10.7±1.1); however, we could find no comparable results for women.

Influence of Contraction Speed and Load on Energy Expenditure

To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare EE between men and women

resulting from resistance exercise utilizing multiple loads and movement speeds. While others

have reported on EE during resistance exercise in women via indirect calorimetry (Beckham and

Earnest, 2000; Mookerjee et al., 2016; Wilmore et al., 1978), none to date have combined this

data with the anaerobic contributions which can be derived by assessing blood lactate before and

following exercise. Additionally, while others have examined the effects of contraction speed

and load differences on EE using traditional hypertrophy and strength protocols (Ballor et al.,

1987; Buitrago et al., 2012; Buitrago et al., 2013; Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mazzetti et al., 2011;

Scott et al., 2009), our approach was to quantify EE during circuit resistance exercise, which is

the resistance-exercise protocol most commonly employed when targeting weight loss.
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When basing EE on VO2 alone, MLEC resulted in the highest EEex values (kcals)

compared to HLEC and HLCC. Additionally, MLEC resulted in the highest EEtot values when

compared to HLEC and HLCC. It should be noted that none of the pairwise comparisons reached
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statistical significance, although there was a strong trend for MLEC over HLCC (p=.059). The

findings regarding total EE do not support our hypothesis that HLEC would produce the highest

total EE. However, when considering EErate, we found that HLEC produced significantly greater

values when compared to HLCC and greater values when compared to MLEC although this

difference did not reach statistical significance.

When accounting for anaerobic contributions to total EE, we found that for EE during

exercise MLEC resulted in significantly higher values compared to HLCC. MLEC was also

higher, though not significantly, when compared to HLEC (105.2±4.5 > 93.1±4.2; 105.2±4.5 >

95.6±4.2 kcals). MLEC resulted in the highest EEtot values (kcals) when compared to HLEC

and HLCC (159.2±5.9 > 148.5±6.0; 159.2±5.9 > 147.5±6.1 kcals), but none were statistically

significant. Again, this data does not support our hypothesis concerning overall EE. However,

when looking at rates of EE both during exercise, we found significant differences that did not

exist when anaerobic contributions were not considered. We found that the EErate during exercise

was significantly greater with HLEC than both HLCC and MLEC (6.1±.2 > 5.4±.3; 6.1±.2 >


Based on these results, we can say that when looking at a complete exercise session,

including recovery, it appears that using a moderate load (50% 1RM) and maximally explosive

contractions will result in the greatest EE. However, it should be noted that the rate of EE is

greater when using a heavier load (80% 1RM) and maximally explosive contractions. Moreover,

during the third circuit of both the HLCC and HLEC protocols, subjects were more often unable
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to complete all of the assigned repetitions than during the MLEC protocol. Thus, it can be

inferred that the MLEC protocol may be able to be continued for a longer duration, while

completing additional circuits of the HLCC or HLEC protocol would be more unlikely without
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adequate rest.

Gender Differences

As previously discussed, the only significant gender difference observed was the recorded

change in lactate concentration during the exercise session, which revealed greater changes

during the MLEC protocol than the HLEC. Beckham and Earnest (2000) reported significant

gender differences in VO2 and EE during a light resistance CT protocol where men had higher

values in each, however, those differences were not observed with our study. This could be

because the light resistance protocol utilized the same weight (~3 lbs) for men and women and

this weight was much lower than those used in the current study. Wilmore et al. (1978) reported

significant differences in EE (kcal/min) for men and women where men’s values were greater

than those for women; however, after accounting for differences in body weight these differences

were no longer statistically significant. Mookerjee et al. (2016) compared EE during resistance

training between men and women and reported significant gender differences in absolute and

relative EE where men’s values were higher, however, unlike the current study, a CT protocol

was not utilized, and anaerobic contributions to EE were not considered. It is not possible to

compare our results to those of previous studies involving women due to several differences

among the protocols including, changes in movement speed, differences in assigned load and rest

periods, and inclusion of anaerobic contributions to EE. Additionally, our findings indicating

significant differences for changes in lactate between sexes during CT are unique, in that no

similar data, to our knowledge, are currently available for women.

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Change in Blood Lactate Concentration as a Marker of Anaerobic Contributions to


When using the Weir equation or other similar equations designed to calculate EE using indirect
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calorimetry, an assumption must be met that the subject maintains a steady-state level of exertion

throughout the exercise period. We know, however, that during RT, particularly circuit resistance

exercise, the subject may never reach a steady state, as exercises performed, rest periods,

contraction speeds, and loads lifted are changing. In a recent article, Scott and Reis discuss

limitations and potential solutions to determining EE during RT. They suggest that the energy

costs of brief, intense, intermittent exercise should be quantified in the context of a capacity

estimate, where a bout of exercise and/or amount of work completed is associated with a specific

energy cost (Scott and Reis, 2014). Under these settings, EE is calculated as the product of an

estimation of the total oxygen consumption (VO2), generally in liters, for the entire bout of

exercise, and a constant, which represents aerobic EE, estimated at 1 L O2 = 21.1 kJ. A

thorough discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this paper. For this study, we chose to

use the method of applying a steady-state equation to estimate EE from oxidative sources, rather

than applying a capacity-to-cost estimate technique. Although neither method may be truly

accurate in terms of quantifying EE during intermittent resistance exercise, we believe that it is

important to account for changes in VCO2, and subsequently, the respiratory exchange ratio,

when estimating EE.

In their studies examining EE with resistance exercise, Mazzetti et al. (2007), accounted

for anaerobic contributions to total EE using a model presented by Gladden et al. (1978) in

which the energy equivalent for each millimole increase in blood lactate after exercise (0.02698

kcal·kg-1 body mass) was utilized. Additionally, in their research Mazzetti et al. continued to
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measure blood lactate and account for anaerobic contributions during the post-exercise period.

While there is an ongoing discussion concerning the validity of this method, based on

information presented in the recent research we chose not to utilize this procedure (Gladden and
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Welch, 1978; Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mazzetti et al., 2011). It is plausible that utilizing anaerobic

fuel sources during intense, intermittent exercise may contribute to EE generated through

oxidative sources; however, we believe that during the recovery period the stress and imbalance

between the systems is resolved rather quickly, with the energy coming predominantly from

aerobic systems with lactate and fat being the major substrates in mitochondrial respiration

(Scott, 2011). Thus, accounting for anaerobic processes, in addition to oxidative processes, may

be unnecessary. Other researchers, in order to account for these unique conditions, have

attempted to derive constants (kcal·min-1) for resistance exercises that may serve to better

estimate true EE (Katch et al., 1985). Unfortunately, research into this area is limited and data

are only available for specific exercise equipment and exercise modalities. Due to the ongoing

nature of this discussion, we chose to present the data from this study in both formats:

accounting for only oxidative processes and accounting for oxidative and anaerobic processes.

While the caloric contributions when accounting for changes in blood lactate concentration may

appear marginal in the context of overall TEE, this method resulted in a 6.2%, 8.2%, and 6.8%

increase in TEE. Perhaps more meaningful was the finding of an increase in the significant

difference between EErate after accounting for changes in blood lactate concentration, favoring

HLEC, when compared to both other protocols.

Due to the nature and collection methods of the current study, it is not feasible for us to

provide an explanation regarding potential cellular and enzymatic mechanisms that may have led

to our outcomes. Other researchers, have reported significant overall differences in blood lactate
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concentrations during (Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mazzetti et al., 2011) and post exercise (Buitrago et

al., 2012; Mazzetti et al., 2007; Mazzetti et al., 2011). These findings lead to suggestions that the

inherent characteristics of skeletal muscle such as fiber type properties and their usage at
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different loads and speeds, and lactate shuttle type and location, may explain why some protocols

would elicit a greater EE response than others (Ballor et al., 1996; Buitrago et al., 2013; Scott

and Reis, 2014).

In summary, we examined the effects of three different circuit resistance exercise

protocols on EE in recreationally trained males and females. This was the first study, to our

knowledge, to assess the effects of different loads and movement velocities on EE using

continuous expired gas sampling via a portable oxygen consumption unit during circuit

resistance exercise. We therefore chose, as did other researchers that examined energy

expenditure resulting from resistance training, to use a more active population in our preliminary

study, especially given the inclusion of a high-speed circuit, to reduce the risks. Although there

were no significant differences in total EE between the three protocols, HLEC resulted in the

highest EErate. This finding was even more pronounced when EErate was computed using

anaerobic energy system contributions. The finding of a greater EErate when utilizing a HLEC

type of exercise protocol is beneficial for individuals seeking to maximize caloric expenditure

and performance, particularly when time available to exercise is limited. If the goal were greater

volume and the ability to exercise for a greater amount of time, then the MLEC protocol would

be more appropriate. These results provide practical implications for recreational exercisers and

fitness training professionals when designing an exercise program aimed at maximizing EE to

assist with weight management and fitness goals.

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The authors have no conflict of interest.


We would like to thank all of the loyal participants of the Laboratory of Neuromuscular
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Research & Active Aging, Matthew Hagan, Sean Chowdhari and our undergraduate students for

their continued dedication and help. No external grant funding was used for this study. The

results of the study are presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or

inappropriate data manipulation.

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2 Table 1. Assigned Load for Each Exercise



50%1RM 331.0±43.5 101.0±18.3 122.0±18.3 83.3±18.6 81.1±17.6 70.4±17.1 62.1±15.6

80%1RM 534.3±52.3 163.5±29.3 197.3±31.6 134.4±29.2 131.0±28.1 113.4±26.7 100.4±25.6


50%1RM 194.9±48.4 50.3±7.2 64.3±11.9 35.6±7.5 51.1±8.2 37.4±8.7 45.3±7.7

80%1RM 312.0±77.3 80.6±11.1 103.0±30.5 56.7±11.9 82.1±12.8 59.9±14.2 72.9±12.2


50%1RM 267.5±83.0 77.3±29.6 95.1±34.8 61.0±28.3 67.1±20.6 55.0±21.6 54.3±14.9

80%1RM 430.5±135.2 124.8±48.1 153.3±57.2 98.1±45.8 108.2±33.2 88.4±34.8 87.5±24.4

3 Note: Table represent loads (kg) used for each condition by gender and combined. LP=Leg press; LAT=Lat pull-down; ADD=Hip
4 adduction; CP=Chest press; LC=Leg curl (knee flexion); OHP=Overhead press; ABD=Hip abduction; 1RM=One repetition
5 maximum. All values are means ±standard deviations.
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6 Table 2. Total Volume Load


Condition LAT CP OHP

50%1RM 1265.5±484.0 998.2±463.6 900.0±353.7

80%1RM 1021.1±393.7 802.9±374.4 723.3±284.3



50%1RM 4376.7±1358.5 1555.6±568.9 1098.5±336.7 888.0±243.9

80%1RM 3522.5±1106.5 1254.0±467.8 885.3±271.5 716.2±199.4


50%1RM 21759.3±1304.6

80%1RM 17519.5±1052.2

7 Note: Data represent total volume load (kg) used for each condition for males and females combined for upper body, lower body, and
8 all exercises combined. All values are means ± standard deviation.
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9 Table 3. Lactate and Oxygen Consumption.

Condition [La-] at rest [La-] post exercise ∆ [La-]

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HLEC 1.3 ± .2 10.7 ± 1.1 9.4 ± 1.2

HLCC 1.1 ± .2 11.7 ± .9 10.6 ± 1.0

MLEC 1.8 ± .4 11.0 ± .7 9.3 ± 1.0


HLEC 1.6 ± .2 4.9 ± .6 3.3 ± .5

HLCC 1.6 ± .3 5.7 ± .6 4.1 ± .6

MLEC 1.5 ± .3 6.4 ± .4 4.9 ± .5*

Males and Females Oxygen Consumption (ml/kg/min)

HLEC 4.3 ± .2 14.5 ± .4 5.5 ± .2

HLCC 4.1 ± .2 14.9 ± .5 5.5 ± .2

MLEC 4.3 ± .2 15.6 ± .6 5.3 ± .2

10 Note: [La-] = concentration of blood lactate in mmol/dL.

11 * Significantly greater than HLEC at p < .05. All values are mean ± standard error.

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14 Table 4. Rate of EE and TEE with and without ∆ [La-] method.

Condition Calculation Rest Exercise Recovery

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Rate of EE (kcal/min)

HLEC w/o ∆ [La-] 1.4 ± .1 5.1 ± .2* 1.8 ± .1

w/ ∆ [La-] - 6.1 ± .2 † -

HLCC w/o ∆ [La-] 1.4 ± .1 4.6 ± .2 1.8 ± .1

w/ ∆ [La-] - 5.4 ± .3 -

MLEC w/o ∆ [La-] 1.3 ± .1 4.9 ± .2 1.8 ± .1

w/ ∆ [La-] - 5.23 .2 -

TEE (kcal)

HLEC w/o ∆ [La-] 89.6 ± 3.9 52.9 ± 2.3 142.6 ± 5.7

w/ ∆ [La-] 95.6 ± 4.2 - 148.5 ± 6.0

HLCC w/o ∆ [La-] 85.5 ± 3.8 54.5 ± 2.4 139.9 ± 5.7

w/ ∆ [La-] 93.1 ± 4.2 - 147.6 ± 6.1

MLEC w/o ∆ [La-] 98.0± 4.1 54.0 ± 2.0 152.3 ± 5.2

w/ ∆ [La-] 105.2± 4.5 - 159.2 ± 5.9

15 Note: EE = energy expenditure; ∆ [La-] = change in the concentration of blood lactate; TEE =
16 total energy expenditure.* Significantly greater than HLCC at p < .05. † Significantly greater
17 than HLCC and MLEC at p < .05. All values are mean ± standard error.

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Circuit and Energy Expenditure 34

For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.


22 Figure 1. Exercise protocol (A), daily experimental protocol (B), and study timeline (C) used to

23 compare the effects of heavy load controlled contractions (HLCC), heavy load explosive
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24 contractions (HLEC), and moderate load explosive contractions (MLEC) on energy expenditure

25 during and following resistance circuit training in recreationally trained men and women. BP:

26 blood pressure; ECG: electrocardiogram; 1RM: heaviest load that can be displaced at one time;

27 BL: blood lactate; EE: energy expenditure.

28 Figure 2. Pneumatic resistance circuit training exercises displayed in the order in which they

29 were performed. Subjects completed each exercise once per circuit. The entire circuit was

30 performed three times, consecutively.

31 Figure 3. (A) Heart rate response during exercise. Depicts heart rate at separate time points for

32 each of the three protocols. HR = heart rate; bpm = beats per minute; min = minute. (B) Rates of

33 energy expenditure (kcal·min-1) during the recovery phase of the exercise session. (C) Rates of

34 energy expenditure (kcal·min-1) during exercise for males and females combined, for each of the

35 three randomly assigned protocols: heavy load controlled contraction (HLCC), heavy load

36 explosive contraction (HLEC), and moderate load explosive contraction (MLEC). Data are

37 means ± SE.
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For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.
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Figure 1. Exercise protocol (A), daily experimental protocol (B), and study timeline (C) used to compare the
effects of heavy load controlled contractions (HLCC), heavy load explosive contractions (HLEC), and
moderate load explosive contractions (MLEC) on energy expenditure during and following resistance circuit
training in recreationally trained men and women. BP: blood pressure; ECG: electrocardiogram; 1RM:
heaviest load that can be displaced at one time; BL: blood lactate; EE: energy expenditure.
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For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.

Figure 2. Pneumatic resistance circuit training exercises displayed in the order in which they were
performed. Subjects completed each exercise once per circuit. The entire circuit was performed three times,
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For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.
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Figure 3. (A) Heart rate response during exercise. Depicts heart rate at separate time points for each of the
three protocols. HR = heart rate; bpm = beats per minute; min = minute. (B) Rates of energy expenditure
(kcal·min-1) during the recovery phase of the exercise session. (C) Rates of energy expenditure (kcal·min-
1) during exercise for males and females combined, for each of the three randomly assigned protocols:
heavy load controlled contraction (HLCC), heavy load explosive contraction (HLEC), and moderate load
explosive contraction (MLEC). Data are means ± SE.

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