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Process Management

1. Android mobile os vs iOS

Windows permits desktop apps to stay running whether or not they’re visible or not,
whereas Apple’s iOS solely permits apps to perform some restricted tasks within the
background. golem sits somewhere in between — apps running within the foreground ar
prioritized, however apps have far more freedom to run within the background than they
are doing on iOS. Process on Android can be specify in different states. Such as,

a) Foreground process
b) Service process
c) Background process
d) Empty process
Let’s see these states in detail.

a) Foreground process

The application you use is considered the foreground process. Other processes can also be
considered foreground processes, for example, if they interact with the process that is
currently in the foreground. There are only a few foreground processes.

b) Visible process

The visible process is not in the foreground, but it still affects what you see on the screen.
For example, the foreground process can be a dialog that will allow you to see an
application behind it the visible application in the background will be a visible process

c) Service process

The service process is not associated with any application that is visible on the screen. But
you can do something in the background, such as playing music or downloading data in the

d) Background process

Background processes don't seem to be presently visible to the user. they need no impact
on the expertise of using the phone.

e) Empty process
The empty process does not have any data for the apps anymore. Must be kept around for
buffering purposes to speed up the launch of the application later or may kill the system as

2. iOS
IOS may not run word processors or accounting applications like others on the list however
itis still, in fact, Associate in Nursing operational system—albeit, one specialized for switch
information packets. As you will see, abundant of the IOS design is targeted on switch
packets as quickly and efficiently as doable. Although IOS is built of the many of an
equivalent elementary part found in general-purpose operational systems, the parts usually
contain key variations because of the design goals for IOS. This chapter covers these
elementary package components the package infrastructure of IOS and explores the
principle behind their design. This chapter begins by introducing many basic package ideas
and terms that are helpful in understanding the IOS design. If you have already got a radical
understanding of operational systems, you would possibly need to skip this 1st section and
continue with the section, “IOS design summary.” the rest of this chapter deals with the
major components of the IOS design. Although some operational systems solely enable one
program to run at a time (most versions of disk operating system operate this manner, for
example), it’s a lot of common to search out operational systems managing multiple
programs at the same time. Running multiple programs promptly is termed multitasking and
operational systems that support it are usually referred to as multitasking operating
systems. Computer programs written for multitasking operational systems themselves
typically contain multiple freelance tasks that run at the same time.

2. Handling Threads
Android vs iOS
Every android developer, at some purpose, ought to handle with threads in their
When a program is launched in humanoid, it creates the primary thread of execution
referred to as the "main" thread. the most router is liable for causation events to the
suitable computer programmed widgets, furthermore as act with parts of the humanoid UI
To respond to your application, it's essential stop to forestall victimization the most wire to
perform any operation which will eventually prevent it from being blocked.
Network operations and info chambers, furthermore because the submission of sure parts,
square measure common samples of operations that has to be avoided within the main
cluster. once chewed within the main wire, they're referred to as so the UI can stay fully
carefree before the operation is completed. For this reason, they're sometimes dead in
separate threads, that avoids block the computer programmed whereas running (it is
performed asynchronously from the user interface).
Android offers some ways to form and manage threads, and there square measure several
third-party libraries that build the thread management terribly gratifying. Men with such a
big amount of totally different approaches at hand, you'll select the proper confusing.


a thread of execution is that the smallest sequence of programmed directions that can be
managed severally by a computer hardware, which is often a locality of the software system.
The implementation of threads and processes differs between in the operating systems,
however in the majority of cases a thread may be a part of a method. Multiple threads will
exist at intervals one method, capital punishment at the same time and sharing resources
like memory, while totally different processes do not share these resources. specially, the
threads of a method share its viable code and therefore the values of its variables at any
given time.

Each methodology (application) in OS X or iOS is formed by one or several rows, each one of
them represents a runtime through the application code. Each application starts with a
thread, which executes the main function of the application. Applications can generate new
threads, each one executes the code for a specific performance. When the associated
application generates a fresh thread, this thread becomes an associated independent entity
within the house of the application methodology. each chain has its own running battery
and is commonly used by the engine at run time one by one. A chain can communicate with
several threads and various processes, perform I / O operations and do the rest that you
want it to be done and do. As a result of a house of identical method at intervals, however,
all the threads of a very unique {very} application share an identical memory house and
have identical access rights as a result of their own tactics. This chapter provides an
associated scheme of the technologies of threads accessible to OS X and iOS in the face of
samples of thanks for using these technologies in your applications.
3. CPU scheduling

Android vs iOS

[1] Android mobile OS that is predicated on Linux Kernel a pair of.6, has open supply license
and adaptableness to user driven applications. As all alternative operational systems, it's all
the fundamental options like method planning, memory management, method
management etc. related to it. Any mobile platform works swimmingly once the method
planning is performed during a correct approach. Ideal platform is that within which no
resource conflict happens. Thus, planning in each manner is crucial for the OS to adapt itself
with the need of a selected application. during this paper, priority based mostly pre-emptive
task planning is projected for the SMS application. the thought is to outline High priority to
needed contacts, for ex. Contact numbers of oldsters or academics are going to be given
High priority.
Android relies on Linux and uses the Linux kernel’s programing mechanisms for crucial
programing policies. this is often additionally true for Java code and threads.
The Linux’s time sliced programing policy combines static and dynamic priorities. Processes
are often given AN initial priority from nineteen to -20 (very low to terribly high priority).
This priority can assure that higher priority processes can get additional electronic
equipment time once once required. These level square measure but dynamic, low level
priority tasks that don't consume their electronic equipment time can fine their dynamic
priority augmented. This dynamic behavior results is AN overall higher responsiveness.

Although some operational systems will run only 1 program at a time (although several
versions of DOS version run it), it additionally makes common use of operational systems to
manage varied programs at the same time. Implementation of many programs at the same
time Multipurpose and supported operational systems area unit usually proverbial
Multiuser operational systems computer programs written for multitasking operating
systems themselves usually contain multiple freelance tasks that run simultaneously. These
very small subprograms are known as threads as a result of the kind of one thread of
execution with intervals the program. Threads each have their own set of CPU registry
values, called a Context however, will share an equivalent memory address house with
different threads within the same program. a series of threads that share a standard
memory house, share a standard target, and together a group of software from a software
package becomes one method. On operational systems and CPUs that support storage, each
method can be executed in an extraordinarily separate address house that is shielded from
different processes So, a processor can execute instructions for only one program at a time,
the software should manage that set of program directions (which thread) is allowed to run.
Deciding that method ought to run is termed scheduling and is sometimes performed by a
core piece of the software known as the kernel. a software can use one amongst many ways
to schedule threads, depending on the kind of applications the affected by has been
optimized to support
4. Memory management

Android vs ios
To stress the memory management of the golem mobile OS and to live however it reacts,
associate app creates multiple foreground activities to portion memory resources. golem
features a default security mechanism that sets a tough limit on the heap size so as to
forestall apps from exploitation all obtainable memory. golem can even kill a process; any
application element, as well as any background threads will all be consequently destroyed at
any moment to unleash resources as required. during this take a look at, a computer
program is employed to synchronize multiple activity programs so as to bypass the default
safety features and to fret memory management. The computer program measures
however long it takes for every activity to execute basic memory operations as different
activity programs portion additional memory resources. every individual activity program
executes the precise same range of directions. The distinction within the execution time of
the activity programs square measure because of the memory management issue as a result
of the golem system tries to take care of associate application method for as long as
attainable (this saves battery life), however eventually has to take away recent processes to
reclaim memory for brand spanking new apps or additional vital apps. These results square
measure analyzed by the computer program for the way the golem handles running new
activities as different activities square measure determined to stay or be aloof from

There are major shifts regarding the manner iOS handles memory management within the
past five years. Things in iOS became easier and easier and fewer error prone over the
years. as a result of developers ought to be ready to work with heritage code and interface
with alternative languages. Today, i would like to speak a few very high-level summary of
memory managements and therefore the history of iOS memory management. When It is a
very extreme case, your code can be written so you create a severe memory leak. That is the
memory you are allocating but not diverted when you need it and it can quickly corrupt your
application. In a smoother case, you may make smaller or less sparing leaks with your
memory, in which case your performance may be reduced during user sessions, or problems
may only appear intermittently. Long story short, just because your app does not crash,
does not mean you do not have a serious memory management problem. In addition, our
job is to proactively ensure good performance.
5. File System Management

Android vs ios

Each operating system has its own file manager. Released in 2015, the release of Android
6.0 marshmallow, and as a trial-driven effort began to evolve basic information
unavailability to a utility tool. With the system level file manager from 6.0 to 7.1 in the
automatic system manager, you can be shown in the system settings in your system
settings, searching for full and low mode and "browse".
When the new Android Eight Oreo launches, the file manager moves to the Android
Download app. Open the app that you need to try and select the "internal storage" option in
its menu and skip all the internal memory of your phone. Then, press, touch, delete, save,
delete and share files whenever you need them.

file system processes the permanent storage of data files, apps and the files that are linked
to the operating system itself. That is why the file system is one of the fundamental sources
used by all processes.
APFS is the default file system in macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. APFS replaces HFS + as the
default file system for iOS 10.3 and later, and macOS High Sierra and higher. macOS also
supports a number of other formats, as described in Supported file systems.
Regardless of the underlying format, all disks connected to the device, regardless of
whether they are physically connected or indirectly connected via the network, carry space
to create a single set of files. Because the number of files can easily be many millions, the
file system uses folders to create a hierarchical organization. Although the basic directory
structures are similar for iOS and macOS, there are differences in how each system
organizes apps and user data.
Before you start writing code that interacts with the file system, you first need to know a bit
about the organization of the file system and the rules that apply to your code. Apart from
the basic principle that you can not write files to folders for which you do not have the
correct security rights, apps are also considered to be good citizens and to place files in the
right places. Exactly where you put files depends on the platform, but the overarching goal
is to ensure that the user's files are easy to find and that the files that your code uses
internally are kept outside the user
Process Management

iOS vs windows


Running multiple programs promptly is termed multitasking and operational systems that
support it are usually referred to as multitasking operating systems. Computer programs
written for multitasking operational systems themselves typically contain multiple freelance
tasks that run at the same time. These very little subprograms are referred to as threads as a
result of the type one thread of execution inside the program.

Threads every have their own set of C.P.U. register values, referred to as a context, however
will share the same memory address area with alternative threads within the same
program. a gaggle of threads that share a standard memory area, share a standard purpose,
and conjointly management a set of software system resources is termed a method. On
operational systems and CPUs that support computer storage, every method would possibly
run during a separate address area that's protected from alternative processes.
Because a processor will execute directions for under one program at a time, the
system should manage that set of program directions (which thread) is allowed to run.
Deciding that method ought to run is termed planning and is sometimes performed by a
piece of the software system referred to as the kernel. Associate in Nursing software system
will use one amongst many methods to schedule threads, counting on the kind applications
the software system has been optimized to support. differing types of applications (batch,
interactive, transactional, real-time, and others) have totally different C.P.U. utilization
characteristics, and their overall performance is littered with the planning methodology

1. Windows operating system

The process contains its own virtual address area with code and data protected against
alternative operations. Each method, in turn, contains one or a lot of independent
conversations. A dead-mode application will execute the application code, produce new
threads, and produce new independent processes and manage communications and
synchronization between threads.
When creating and managing operations, applications will have multiple tasks to process
matching files, perform calculations, or communicate with alternative network systems. But
can also enhance the performance of the device through the exploitation of many large
This chapter explains the basics of method management and also provides the basic
processes of synchronization and predicts the functions that will be necessary in the rest of
the book.
1. Handling Threads

iOS vs windows

a thread of execution is that the smallest sequence of programmed directions that can be
managed severally by a computer hardware, which is often a locality of the software system.
The implementation of threads and processes differs between in the operating systems,
however in the majority of cases a thread may be a part of a method. Multiple threads will
exist at intervals one method, capital punishment at the same time and sharing resources
like memory, while totally different processes do not share these resources. specially, the
threads of a method share its viable code and therefore the values of its variables at any
given time.

Each methodology (application) in OS X or iOS is formed by one or several rows, each one of
them represents a runtime through the application code. Each application starts with a
thread, which executes the main function of the application. Applications can generate new
threads, each one executes the code for a specific performance. When the associated
application generates a fresh thread, this thread becomes an associated independent entity
within the house of the application methodology. each chain has its own running battery
and is commonly used by the engine at run time one by one. A chain can communicate with
several threads and various processes, perform I / O operations and do the rest that you
want it to be done and do. As a result of a house of identical method at intervals, however,
all the threads of a very unique {very} application share an identical memory house and
have identical access rights as a result of their own tactics. This chapter provides an
associated scheme of the technologies of threads accessible to OS X and iOS in the face of
samples of thanks for using these technologies in your applications.

A job object permits teams of processes to be managed as a unit. Job objects ar namable,
securable, sharable objects that management attributes of the processes related to them.
Operations performed on the work object have an effect on all processes related to the
work object.
A thread pool could be a assortment of employee threads that expeditiously execute
asynchronous callbacks on behalf of the applying. The thread pool is primarily wont to cut
back the amount of application threads and supply management of the employee threads.
A fiber could be a unit of execution that has got to be manually regular by the applying.
Fibers run within the context of the threads that schedule them.
User-mode programming (UMS) could be a light-weight mechanism that applications will
use to schedule their own threads. UMS threads disagree from fibers in this every UMS
thread has its own thread context rather than sharing the thread context of one thread.
2. CPU scheduling

iOS windows

This process allows one process to use a process as part of a centralized process, while
another process stops in the process of shortage of resources, such as I / O, which creates
computer hardware utilization. Computer hardware aims to be economical, fast, and
realistic. When the computer hardware is empty, the software package should select one of
the processes included in the software package. The electoral system will be replaced by a
short hardware (or computer hardware schedule). The hardware optimizer selects
processes in the processes that can be used to measure and restricts computer hardware to
at least one unit.

CPU scheduling in iOS (Description)

Although some operational systems will run only 1 program at a time (although several
versions of DOS version run it), it additionally makes common use of operational systems to
manage varied programs at the same time. Implementation of many programs at the same
time Multipurpose and supported operational systems area unit usually proverbial
Multiuser operational systems computer programs written for multitasking operating
systems themselves usually contain multiple freelance tasks that run simultaneously. These
very small subprograms are known as threads as a result of the kind of one thread of
execution with intervals the program. Threads each have their own set of CPU registry
values, called a Context however, will share an equivalent memory address house with
different threads within the same program

Windows 3.1 xs used a non-preemptive scheduler, that means that it failed to interrupt
programs. It relied on the program to finish or tell the OS that it did not want method or so
it may travel to a different process. this can be typically known as cooperative multitasking.
Windows ninety-five introduced a rudimentary preventive scheduler; but, for inheritance
support opted to let sixteen bit applications run while not preemption NT-based versions of
Windows use a central processor hardware supported a construction feedback queue, with
thirty two priority levels outlined. it's supposed to fulfill the subsequent style needs for
multimode systems
provide preference to short jobs.
provide preference to I/O sure processes.
Quickly establish the character of a method and schedule the method consequently
All processes receive a priority boost when a wait event, however processes that have fully
fledged a keyboard I/O wait get a bigger boost than those who have fully fledged a disk I/O
wait. “Foreground” processes given higher priority.Windows XP uses a quantum-based,
preventive priority planning formula. The hardware was changed in Windows visual percept
to use the cycle counter register of recent processors to stay track of precisely what
percentage central processor cycles a thread has dead, instead of simply victimization
associate degree interval-timer interrupt routine.
3. Memory management

iOS vs windows


There are major shifts regarding the manner iOS handles memory management within the
past five years. Things in iOS became easier and easier and fewer error prone over the
years. as a result of developers ought to be ready to work with heritage code and interface
with alternative languages. Today, i would like to speak a few very high-level summary of
memory managements and therefore the history of iOS memory management. When It is a
very extreme case, your code can be written so you create a severe memory leak. That is the
memory you are allocating but not diverted when you need it and it can quickly corrupt your
application. In a smoother case, you may make smaller or less sparing leaks with your
memory, in which case your performance may be reduced during user sessions, or problems
may only appear intermittently. Long story short, just because your app does not crash,
does not mean you do not have a serious memory management problem. In addition, our
job is to proactively ensure good performance.

software memory control is that the technique of allocating memory at some stage in your
program’s runtime, the usage of it, and liberating it once you vicinity unit finished it. a
literate software makes use of as little or no reminiscence as ability. in objective-c, it also
can be visible because the manner of dispensing possession of restrained reminiscence
assets among several items of information and code. once you have got completed
operating through this manual, you can have the facts you would love to control your
software’s memory by way of expressly handling the life cycle of objects and freeing them
once they're now not any more required.


A similar program on Windows starts multiple programs of various sizes and measures the
execution time of the programs. Windows supports computer storage and may run
additional programs than there's RAM to carry. The results of the 2 systems were graphed
and compared. the various operative systems respond otherwise to a fulminant demand for
main memory.

Both operative systems demonstrate a speed of the applications because the memory load
will increase. Windows shows a smaller impact up to a degree. Once the most memory is
saturated, the computer storage system starts to thrash and performance is greatly
degraded. The programs can run, however terribly slowly. The golem system doesn't enable
the machine to be overcommitted and can terminate idle apps to free memory.

The systems react otherwise, however have totally different goals. no one is running high
performance computing on their phone. google was developed for brief lived, interactive
apps. Windows supports this in conjunction with a high performance, significant load
setting. totally different memory systems respond in numerous ways in which for various
4. File System Management

iOS vs windows

file system processes the permanent storage of data files, apps and the files that are linked
to the operating system itself. That is why the file system is one of the fundamental sources
used by all processes.
APFS is the default file system in macOS, iOS, watches and tvOS. APFS replaces HFS + as the
default file system for iOS 10.3 and later, and macOS High Sierra and higher. macOS also
supports a number of other formats, as described in Supported file systems.
Regardless of the underlying format, all disks connected to the device, regardless of
whether they are physically connected or indirectly connected via the network, carry space
to create a single set of files. Because the number of files can easily be many millions, the
file system uses folders to create a hierarchical organization. Although the basic directory
structures are similar for iOS and macOS, there are differences in how each system
organizes apps and user data.
Before you start writing code that interacts with the file system, you first need to know a bit
about the organization of the file system and the rules that apply to your code. Apart from
the basic principle that you can not write files to folders for which you do not have the
correct security rights, apps are also considered to be good citizens and to place files in the
right places. Exactly where you put files depends on the platform, but the overarching goal
is to ensure that the user's files are easy to find and that the files that your code uses
internally are kept outside the user

Managing files in a window can be done via Windows or My computer. Windows shows
someone to archive files, folders, and drives (and fastened and removed) on your pc.
Consort ally lists any network drives that are mapped as drives on your pc . Windows may
not want to copy, move, rename, and hunt files and folders. For example, to replay the file,
you will be able to open a folder containing the necessary file that will be executed or hit, so
simply drag and drop the file to focus on the folder or drive.
When files or folders are deleted from a fixed disk, Windows places them in the Recycle Bin,
from where they will be found until the Recycle Bin is created blank. Files or folders are
deleted from a
portable storage media as a unit for the network drive area for good erased and does not
appear to be sent to the recycle bin.Using Windows someone
Windows comes with another Windows Explorer program that helps you work with files and
folders on your pc.
Reference: Android operating system-IT/17/15 W.A. Chamathaka
Windows operating system-IT/17/036 Anuradha

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