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T�tulos Originais T�tulos Traduzidos

1. �Lily�s Theme� Tema de Lil�an � 02:28

2. �The Tunnel� O T�nel � 01:09
3. �Underworld� Subsolo � 05:24
4. �Gringotts� Gringotes � 02:24
5. �Dragon Flight� V�o do Drag�o � 01:43
6. �Neville� Neville � 01:40
7. �A New Headmaster� Um Novo Diretor � 03:25
8. �Panic Inside Hogwarts� P�nico Dentro de Hogwarts / � 01:53
9. �Statues� Est�tuas � 02:22
10. �The Grey Lady� A Dama Cinzenta � 05:51
11. �In the Chamber of Secrets� Na C�mara Secreta � 01:37
12. �Battlefield� Campo de Batalha � 02:13
13. �The Diadem� O Diadema � 03:08
14. �Broomsticks and Fire� Vassouras e Fogo � 01:24
15. �Courtyard Apocalypse� Apocalipse no P�tio � 02:00
16. �Snape�s Demise� Falecimento de Snape � 02:51
17. �Severus and Lily� Severo e L�lian � 06:08
18. �Harry�s Sacrifice� Sacrif�cio de Harry � 01:57
19. �The Resurrection Stone� A Pedra da Ressurrei��o � 04:32
20. �Harry Surrenders� Harry se Rende � 01:30
21. �Procession� Cortejo � 02:07
22. �Neville the Hero� Neville, o Her�i � 02:17
23. �Showdown� Confronto � 03:37
24. �Voldemort�s End� O Fim de Voldemort � 02:44
25. �A New Beginning� Um Novo Come�o � 01:39

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