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Gulayan sa Paaralan is one of the best ways how

we can improve learning, especially in school.


Simply, utilizing school

gardening for
supplementary feeding
p r o g r a m s c a n bGulayan e a tsa o oPaaralan
l i n is one of the best
a i d i n g t ways
he m how we can improve learning, especially in
ajor reasons
school. Why? Simply, utilizing school gardening for
w h y a csupplementary
h i l d d r o p sfeeding
o u t programs
of can be a tool in
s c h o o l –aiding
p o vthee rmajor
t y , reasons
h u n g ewhy
r , a child drops out of
a n d m a lschool
n u t r –i tpoverty,
i o n . hunger, and malnutrition.

Aside from implementing a school

gardening for the feeding program, it is inculcating
our learners the values of good health, eating, and
planting vegetables. Planting is one of the livelihood
skills that learners can acquire in school and can be
applied in their respective households.

Aside from implementing a school gardening for

the feeding program, it is inculcating our learners
the values of good health, eating, and planting
vegetables. Planting is one of the livelihood skills
that learners can acquire in school and can be
applied in their respective households.
Our school recognizes the importance of having healthy
learners. To provide support to such a goal, the school
conducts a school feeding program with the help of the
Gulayan sa Paaralan for nutritionally stunted learners in
hopes that they will achieve a healthier mind and body.

By providing healthy balanced meals, the school feeding

program can help in improving the overall micronutrient
status of our adolescent learners. With a healthier mind
and body, learners' optimum performance and active
class participation can be achieved.

The Food Distribution

The teachers eagerly served
the nutritious veggie soup to
the identified learners of the
School Feeding Program.

God Bless Thy Bounty

What better way to start a
healthy meal than to show
gratitude to the Almighty
Father for the healthy food
Yummy Veggie
Fill My Tummy

The kids were so full and


Who would have thought

that veggies could taste this

What a heavenly feeling!.

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