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The purpose of this research paper is to explore the phenomenon of “burnout” among
students. Burnout is a term used to describe a state in which an individual experiences
physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, caused by prolonged stress or frustration. It can
lead to a wide range of negative consequences, such as lower academic performance,
increased absenteeism from school, increased risk of depression, and poor mental and
physical health. The following research will explore the causes of student burnout, the
potential effects it can have on an individual, and the strategies that can be used to reduce
or prevent it.

Causes of Student Burnout

There are several potential causes of student burnout, including academic pressure, lack of
sleep, extracurricular activities, and family or personal issues. Academic pressure is often
cited as one of the most common causes of student burnout. This pressure can come from a
variety of sources, such as the need to maintain a certain grade point average, the
competition to get into a prestigious college, or the expectations of parents or teachers.
Furthermore, this pressure can lead to an individual feeling overwhelmed, which can lead to

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