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The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of a
four-day school week for students. The concept of a four-day school week is gaining
traction in many districts throughout the United States, and it is important to
consider the potential impact such a change could have on student learning and
performance. This paper will review the literature on the effects of a four-day school
week and provide an analysis of the pros and cons of implementing a four-day school
week in a school district.


The idea of a four-day school week has been gaining popularity in many states,
especially in rural areas with limited funding and resources. The idea of a four-day
school week is appealing to many school districts because it can reduce costs
associated with transportation, utilities, and substitute teachers. Additionally, it can
increase teacher retention, as teachers may be more likely to stay in a school district
that offers a four-day school week. In addition to the potential cost savings, there
are other potential benefits of a four-day school week. For example, it could give
students more time for extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs, and it
could provide students with more time to complete assignments and projects.

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