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Social Media for Journalists

Takeaways, Fall 2022

1. Consume widely and critically
Have a view. Be able to talk about it
2. Keep up with industry
Case studies for interviews, job apps,
gaps and opportunities
3. Continue to experiment with
new tools and apps
TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, In-Shot,
Post, Mastadon et al
4. Keep an eye on job boards
Spot trends, opportunities, language
for resume, roles/places you might
like. Inspiration for networking
5. Ensure that your digital
footprint is up to date
LinkedIn, Portfolio, other sites
6. Regularly self-doxx
Stay ahead of the trolls - lock
potentially dashing $h!t down
7. Network. Network. Network.
Connect with guests speakers,
informational interviews, comment
on work you like on social media etc.
Anything else you would add?

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