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Personally, I believe the importance of learning a foreign language is the oppotunity of getting high-

paid jobs. Studying a foreign language will improve your chances of getting a job especially in the
globalization. Currently, I am learning Japanese as my third language at college. My dream career is
interpreter so foreign languages play an important role in my life. Knowing more than one language
is a benefit. You can apply in an international company to get high-paid jobs and be able to
communicate with foreigners to learn about their countries, cultures. International company not
only pay you the higher salary than the national one but also help you gain more knowledge about
the world. You can improve your interpersonal skills through years. Futhermore in the globalization,
languages have been a key part of our lives, it helps bring people together in order to develop. For
example, when you have a meeting with your customer, you need to know the language they speak
to communicate and interact with them. In conclusion, studying foreign languages is beneficial to
anyone. Learning a new foreign language can bring you some benefic like I mention before. Staring
leaning a new language as soon as possible.

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