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NAME:………………………………………………………………………………………… COURSE:……………………………………

I) Contesta con respuestas largas a las siguientes preguntas. Cuando la respuesta sea “no” escribe
la respuesta correcta.

1. Was Danny studying English last night?

R.- No, Danny wasn’t studying English last night. was watching TV.

2. Were Paul and Emma dancing last night?


3. Was Christine swimming yesterday?


4. Was Mrs. White playing tennis yesterday?


5. Was Mrs. Brown teaching History?


6. Were your parents dancing in a birthday party?

R. ______________________________________________________________________________

II) Completa las oraciones utilizando Will o Be going to.

1. Why is the turning on the radio? He _________________ listen to the Corrs concert.

2. I’m hungry. I _______________ make you a sandwich.

3. Would you like pasta or a pizza? I _______________ ___have a pizza, please.

4. Where are they going on holiday? They ______________ visit their uncle in Canada.

5. What are your plans for the weekend? We ______________ stay at home and watch videos.

6. We haven’t got any milk. Really? I ______________ go and get some.

III) How do you see yourself in the future 10 years from now? (use Will and be going to) minimum
2 paragraph.

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