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Science and Technology for Sustainable Future

Kyle Gerard M. Gastar

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Math and science are everywhere we look day after day, which may be why we are continually evolving
in terms of learning new things. I think that in order to be stewards of sustainability, we must first
identify what we need to do in order to envision a clearer, brighter future, because if we throw
everything away, even the greatest act of saving will not rescue us. With that in mind, consider the
actions we need to do, such as discovering ways to recycle materials, reducing public trash, and so on,
since if we start today with modest acts in mind, I believe we will become more sustainable over time.
Using science and math in the process is a great place to start. For example, what can science do to help
us minimize waste? Or even what math can do to assist us in recycling. One thing is certain: if not now,
when and why?

Being a patrician is a simple bland phrase, but to represent one, one should be responsible, kind,
sympathetic, and honest, and as the topic suggests, we should be stewards of sustainability because
why not? Being confused and uneducated about the world situation is difficult, but educators are here
to help, teachers who discover excellent solutions and go to great lengths to assist us in all of this. One
problem I need to address is how patricians will be stewards of sustainability through math and science.
That is a really difficult question. What if we are unable? What if we don't have it in us to be
sustainable? Yes, studying science and math is a given, but being stewards of sustainability through
science and math is more difficult. Because no one can be stewards of sustainability if one is not able to
change and make change with the people around them.

The solution to the never-ending issue is, "How are we going to be sustainable?" Let us begin with
science. In science, we should produce chemicals that are highly eco-friendly and have no adverse
effects on living species in order to break down plastics and help us minimize trash. In math, we should
devise a formula to calculate how many tons of rubbish our school generates and devise a method to
lessen the large amount. Recycling for money, on the other hand, integrates math and science. What
exactly is recycling for pay, you ask? So, how about we take some of the bottles, papers, and cartons
that our school throws away and recycle them? The science behind it is that those recycled materials
will become another type of material, so what is math there? We will get money and try if we can
calculate how much we can gain in this new experience in mind.

So, to answer. YES. Through math and science, Patricians can and will be stewards of sustainability. And I
am positive that by becoming a sustainable student at a sustainable school, everyone may be certain
that patricians will be the next leaders of our country or possibly the leaders of the new world. And
believe that “Look after the land and the land will look after you, and destroy the land and the land will
destroy you”.

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