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LIZASO v AMANTE 4. It was only on Aug.

7 that
AM No. 2019 | June 3, 1991 she was able to see Amante
GAYARES and gave him the P5k check
for which respondent signed
COMPLAINANT: the receipt.
Shirley Lizaso o Three days after, Lizaso tried
to see Amante in order to
RESPONDENT: collect the interest but
Atty. Sergio Amante respondent failed to give her
any. For the many weeks that
DOCTRINE: followed, Lizaso begged
An attorney may be removed or disciplined not Amante to return her money if
only for malpractice and dishonesty but also for he could not give the interests
gross misconduct not connected with his but respondent merely made
professional duties. promises.
o Afraid that her investment will
FACTS: not be returned, Lizaso sought
 Lizaso filed a sworn complaint for the help of the UE Legal
disbarment against Atty. Amante due to Department Head, Atty. Siojo
deceitful and grossly immoral conduct who scheduled a confrontation
conducted by the latter. Court required but Amante failed to appear
respondent to file an answer and so he both in the first and second
did. meeting. Siojo informs Lizaso
 The case was handed over to the OSG that he cannot do anything if
for investigation, report and he refuses to appear.
recommendation. The OSG summarized o Lizaso approached UE Faculty
the case in his report and President, Antonio Ravelo, but
recommendation. the latter did not help her since
 The report states the following: respondent denied the
o Lizaso handed to Amante allegations.
Prudential Bank Check No. o Lizaso sought the help of the
655615 in the amount of P5k, University President, Conrado
which is payable to the latter Aquino, but the latter said that
and which per agreement this is a personal agreement
between the two of them, was that should be settled by the
to be invested in respondent’s parties.
business venture in the casino. 
o Lizaso was enticed into
investing in the business by ISSUE:
respondent’s proposition that W/N Atty. Amante, in failing to account for and
the business will guarantee her return the P5k, is guilty of sidhonest and
an interest rate of 10% profit immoral conduct?
per day.
o Lizaso was further convinced HELD:
because she knows of her YES – The court is convinced that Amante
sister’s friend who deals in the converted the amount given to him for
same business in the casino investment for his personal use. This dishonest
and who even accepts conduct was established by his efforts to deny
jewelries from gamblers who and dissimulate the transaction that he had
lost heavily. The check was entered into with Lizaso. As the records of the
encashed by Amante as case show, Amante has not returned Lizaso’s
evidenced by his signature at money.
the back of the check.
o Lizaso originally prepared the RATIO:
check and the receipt on Aug.
After careful examination of the records, the
Court agrees with the OSG that Lizaso has
discharged the burden of showing, by clear and
convincing evidence, that she had delivered P5k
to Amante for investment purposes but that the
latter failed to deliver the promised return despite
repeated demands.
Additionally, the OSG found respondent’s
version of the facts to be unreal and implausible,
especially since the exhibits submitted by
Amante appeared to be fabricated and

Thus, it appears to the Court that respondent

failed to return and account for Lizaso’s money.
It also appears that when the issue was finally
brought to the OSG, Amante tried to controvert
Lizaso’s charges by using falsified documents
and tried to make it appear that he had delivered
it in response to a payment for a prior loan.

There is no attorney-client relationship between

the two since the transaction did not require the
performance of professional legal services. Thus,
the Court earlier ruled in Re Vicent Pelaez that it
can exercise its power to discipline lawyers for
causes which do not involve the relationship of
an attorney any client. It is also established that
the misconduct, which is indicative of moral
unfitness, whether relating to professional or
non-professional matters, justifies suspension or
disbarment, which was expressed by CJ Prentice
in Re Disbarment of Peck. Justice Malcolm in
Piatt v Abordo also explained that an attorney
may be removed or disciplined not only for
malpractice and dishonesty but also for gross
misconduct not connected with his professional

Finally, in Rule 191 set out in Chapter I entitled

“The Lawyer and Society” of the CPR, a lawyer
shall not engage in unlawful dishonest, immoral
or deceitful conduct. Conduct in this case is not
limited to conduct exhibited in the performance
of professional duties.

Hence, due to his actions, Atty. Amante is

suspended indefinitely from the practice of law.

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